Categories: FeaturedVitamins

4 Vitamins For Healthy Gums


It is perfect set of teeth and healthy gums that define a beautiful smile. Apart from capturing the right attention, a smile also speaks volumes about your oral hygiene. However, have you ever faced a peculiar problem where no matter how much hygiene you maintain or number of times you are brushing, issues like bad breath, bleeding and swelling in the gums just refuse to go away.

This is not only an embarrassing but also irritating situation. Repeated visits to dentist also seem to be in vain and not helping at all. If this is what you have been experiencing then may be this feature on vitamins will give you an idea of the actual problem.

Best Vitamins For Healthy Gums

Vitamins have a very important role in keeping your gums and teeth healthy. In this feature we will show you the way how to maintain healthy gums by leveling up your vitamin intake. We will also discuss the vitamins that are necessary and are responsible for keeping your gums healthy.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A is important for healing inflammations and swelling. If you find that your gums have been swelling then intake of Vitamin A might prove helpful. It will also expedite the healing process of the gums and therefore, contain the damage caused by regular brushing and flossing. Cayenne pepper, red chillies, liver, carrots, green leafy vegetables, lettuce and sweet potatoes are very rich source of Vitamin A. Include them in your food preparations or just juice them up to meet your daily Vitamin A requirement.

Vitamin C

Deficiency of vitamin C is known to cause scurvy. This disease brings with itself a host of oral problems like spongy and loose gums leading to bleeding and bad mouth odour. Along with up keeping your oral hygiene routine, you also need to keep an eye on your daily intake of Vitamin C.

It is a water soluble vitamin and therefore does not get stored in our body. It gets flushed out of our system rather fast through urination and excretions. Lemon, oranges, citrus fruits in general, broccoli, dark leafy vegetables, bell peppers and strawberries are rich in vitamin C.

Vitamin D

We all know that calcium is extremely important for growth and maintenance of the skeletal structure of our body. Our teeth are made up of calcium. But calcium can not be absorbed by our body directly. It needs vitamin D to achieve this feat. Without Vitamin D, all the calcium that is consumed in form of milk, food and vegetables is drained out of our body without absorption. Direct sunlight is the best way of producing vitamin D in our body. Apart from sunlight, eggs, mushrooms, oysters, fish and cod liver oil can build up the Vitamin D reserves in your body.

Vitamin E

This vitamin is extremely important in maintaining healthy skin and body tissue. It acts as an anti-oxidant and protects the body from free radicals. Almonds, peanuts, pine nuts are rich source of vitamin E. Apart from consumption of vitamin E through diet, one can also apply vitamin E rich ointment to get relief from swelling and inflammation of gums. Vitamin E capsules are also another alternative which can be consumed or applied on the gums for relief.

Word Of Caution

Remember there is a condition called “Vitamin Toxicity”. This happens where there is excess intake and accumulation of certain vitamins. Steer away from vitamin supplements , if possible. Natural food are most unlikely to cause excessive build up of vitamins in the body. Dizziness, confusion, brittle bones, bleeding gums, fatigue can be some signs of vitamin toxicity.

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