5 Herbal Remedies For Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome


Medically known as emesis, Vomiting is the pushing up of stomach contents upwards and ultimately throwing out through the mouth. The urge to vomit can arise due to many reasons including food poisoning; the latter being the most common reason. Some other consequences of excessive vomit include excruciating pain in the stomach, electrolyte imbalance in the body, dehydration and never ending headache.

While some perceive it as an effective way of cleansing the insides, others have cited serious concerns for it being becoming one of the most common ailments in the world. Herbal remedies have always been helpful in controlling and subsequently curing it completely.

Herbal Remedies For Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome


Peppermint is the best herb to seek relief from vomiting. It can be consumed in a number of ways that can be prepared easily. While the Peppermint tea preparation requires minimum expertise, the herbal remedy in the form of oil isn’t complicated to prepare either. Put some Peppermint oil drops in a glass of drinking water. You can get Peppermint oil from any herbal store. Prepare a mixture and consume it. Consume the Peppermint herbal tea twice a day. The cooling properties of this herb make your digestive system calm. The best part is, Peppermint is available in the form of candies.


Amongst the most familiar herbs is the Ginger. Widely used in Indian subcontinent as an additive, Ginger is rich in anti-inflammatory properties that make it an effective remedy for vomiting. Besides controlling and subsequently eliminating the problem of vomiting, it helps you gain relief from pain arising out of the excessive stretching of muscles. The best form of consumption would be a Ginger herbal tea. 2 cups a day and your digestive tract get back to normal.

Slippery Elm

Slippery elm produces a thick gel like substance known as ‘mucilage’. Mucilage effectively coats the digestive system and prevents the acid from burning the stomach lining. This burning of stomach lining actually leads to vomiting. Besides, the herb has certain cooling properties which help to control the increased temperature in the stomach. A mixture of this herbal powder with water would be sufficient for consumption. 1 teaspoon of powder with 1 glass of water provides good results. You should take it 2 times a day.

Red Raspberry

Red raspberry is another trust able herb to garner relief from vomiting. The vitamins and minerals present in it help to heal the digestive system. This herb directly affects the immune system and strengthens its immunity against external germs and infections. Take some Red raspberry leaves and boil them in water. Filter the water and leave the utensil containing leaves for cooling. Drink this water after an interval of 2-3 hours and soon you will feel the relief.


Agrimony is an easily available herb and hugely effective in controlling various intestinal ailments such as vomiting. Take some Agrimony leaves and wash them properly. Now soak them in a glass of water and then drink the mixture after 15 minutes. You may also beat the leaves and mix. Drink the mixture twice a day for effective results.

View Comments

  • Please re-title this article to something like Herbs that may help with nausea. Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome is a rare disease that behaves like a migraine and may even be related to migraines--same triggers, same patterns. Sufferers are debilitated for days, often unable to ingest much needed fluids or medicines or herbs that might help. Vomiting like you describe in this article is common vomiting (or nausea) that everyone may suffer from time to time. Vomiting can last 2-4 days and occur every few hours or even more frequently over that period of days. Please Google Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome and do some reading. The Mayo clinic offers a very easy to understand definition of this disease. The headline on this article is misleading and irresponsible. I appreciate the remedies for common nausea, but they will not help with Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome.

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