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5 Natural Cures For Uterine Cancer


Cancer is one of the most dreaded disease and when a patient is diagnosed with cancer his or her first response is stress and anxiety. Uterine cancer can make things even more complicated because often a hysterectomy to remove the uterus has to be performed. This results in many related hormonal imbalances in a woman’s body. Apart from surgery the usual treatments for cancer are radiation and chemo therapy. Both these treatment methods are quite painful and often cause more distress than the ailment itself.

Moreover, there are those cases which are considered beyond the stage of cure and are just given palliative treatment to make death less painful. However, there are many true stories of women with uterine cancer having resorted to natural cures for uterine cancer and succeeded in becoming cancer free.

Natural Cures For Uterine Cancer


This herb has been used in the Ayurvedic system of medicine for centuries for the treatment of various diseases and is still used extensively in this system.

Ashwagandha especially has a beneficial effect on the adrenal glands and this helps in curing the cancer. Mix ashwagandha with yogurt and maple syrup or yogurt and honey and consume it at bedtime.

Herbal Concoction

This herbal combination uses sheep sorrel, slippery elm bark, burdock root and turkey rhubarb root. All these herbs should be boiled together for 10-12 minutes and left overnight to steep. Bring them to a boil again in the morning.

You can also add red clover in the morning and then put the mixture in sealed jars. Red clover acts to purify the blood and slippery elm is soothing for the digestive system. These herbs together, act as an effective cure for uterine cancer.


Acupuncture is an ages old Chinese healing technique which is known to have cured many so called incurable diseases. It is also one of the best natural cures for uterine cancer because it helps the natural energy or Chi in the body to flow freely and without obstructions.

It is the improper and obstructed flow of Chi that causes ailments like cancer in the first place. The best idea if you are opting for natural cures for uterine cancer is to take the above mentioned herbal remedies and combine them with acupuncture.

Chaste Tree Berry

These berries increase bleeding which helps to thin down the wall of the uterus to its normal thickness. In cases of uterine cancer the wall of the uterus becomes thicker than it should be and bleeding is a natural way to thin it down. These berries are not just one of the natural cures for uterine cancer, but also effective in treating fibroids.


This is another mild system of medicine that treats a problem holistically and treats the whole patient rather than parts of his or her body. Homeopathic medicines are very mild and usually do not have any side effects.

Just like acupuncture, homeopathy has also proved its efficacy by successfully curing many so called incurable diseases. Hence it is one of the effective natural cures for uterine cancer and other types of cancers.

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