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Sparkling white teeth is a sign of healthy teeth and makes one look beautiful. You can smile confidently in public places when you have sparkling white teeth. Teeth becomes yellow when the enamel of the teeth gets damaged due to improper dental hygiene, lack of oral care, smoking cigarettes, tobacco, excessive consumption of alcohol, tea and coffee, age and hereditary factors.
When the enamel of the teeth gets damaged, teeth become sensitive to stain and your teeth appear yellow. Some other causes that make your teeth appear yellow are prolonged and high dose of antibiotics, climatic conditions, poor metabolism and infection.
There are professional treatments available for treating teeth discoloration. But such treatments are quite expensive and need a lot of time to spare. If you are suffering from yellow teeth, there are various natural ingredients which are easily available in our homes and you can use them for getting sparkling white teeth; that too without any side effects.
Baking soda is a popular remedy for getting rid of yellow teeth. For whitening your teeth, prepare a mouthwash mixing 2 tbsp baking soda in a cup of water. Mix thoroughly and rinse your mouth twice or thrice a day using this homemade mouthwash. Within few days, you will get rid of minor stains. For getting sparkling white teeth, scrub diluted baking soda on your teeth gently two times a week in the first week and then try this remedy once every fortnight. Gradually, your teeth will turn white. But remember not to use this remedy on a daily basis. Excess use of baking soda can strip the enamel off your teeth.
Lemon has great bleaching properties due to which it can be used to get rid of yellow teeth. Both lemon juice and lemon peel can be used for whitening your teeth. Use lemon juice to gargle your teeth. In a glass of water, add a few drops of lemon juice and gargle with this water several times. Another way to use lemon is to add a few drops of lemon juice to 1 tsp. of salt and apply this mixture on the stained teeth and gums using your finger. Leave this solution on the teeth and gum for five minutes and rinse your mouth afterwards with plain water. Use of this natural remedy regularly for two weeks will help you to get rid of yellow tinge. Use of lemon rind to scrub your teeth is another remedy for whitening the teeth. Similarly, orange rind can be used for whitening the teeth.
Strawberries are a rich source of vitamin C. But very few people know that they can work as great teeth whitening agents. All you have to do is make a paste of few strawberries by grinding them and then apply and rub this paste on the teeth twice daily for 2-3 weeks. It will clear the stains and yellow tinge from your teeth and provide you with sparkling white teeth.
You can also add half a teaspoon of baking soda in the strawberry pulp and apply the paste on the teeth and wait few minutes to let it work. Then brush your teeth with your regular tooth paste and rinse the mouth thoroughly with normal water to clear the residue.
Apple cider vinegar is another very effective cure for turning yellow teeth into white. Brushing your teeth with apple cider vinegar will not only clear yellow stain from the teeth but will also help to kill the bacteria that causes teeth enamel decay.
Charcoal is one of the best remedies for getting rid of yellow teeth. It contains crystal based compounds that aid in getting rid of stains. Mix charcoal powder with your regular toothpaste to remove yellow stains from your teeth and get dazzling white teeth.
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