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However, there are many ways in which men try to increase their penis size and have been successful to some extent. From pills, to surgeries and natural methods, you can try various things to increase the penis size. It is best to consult your doctor before you try any of these methods as it may not be safe at times. Given here are some ways to increase penis size.
Male enhancement pills are easily available at health stores and can be used to increase penis size. These work by increasing blood flow to your penis and help provide a good erection. The herbal pills contain herbs such as saffron, gingko biloba, horny goat weed, etc, and can be obtained from any nearby health store.
Ensure that you are using the pills manufactured by reliable companies, with the ingredients mentioned on the pack. These pills have to be taken for six months to one year.
A very effective way to increase penis size is to do penis exercises regularly. These exercises should be strictly performed according to the tutorial and instructions provided by an established exercise system.
They help increase blood flow to the penis and increase the penis size, if done correctly. Avoid doing these exercises on your own as you could harm yourself in the process.
These are special lightweight devices which fit on the penis and apply a gentle force that helps stretches the penis. This device can be worn for four to seven hours daily, even when you are moving round or working, and helps increase the penis size if used regularly.
Men can also undergo surgery in order to increase their penis size. Phalloplasty is a surgical procedure that can help increase the girth and size of the penis. It usually helps increase penis size by less than an inch.
There are certain risks involved and phalloplasty should only be performed by an experienced surgeon. This technique may improve in future with advancement in technology.
A very natural and effective way to increase penis size is to consume the right kinds of foods that will assist in providing male enhancement and increase sexual drive as well.
Some of the beneficial foods include bananas, oysters, figs, eggs, garlic, etc. Eating these foods regularly is the best way to increase penis size naturally without having to worry about side effects. So, include these foods in your daily diet to increase penis size naturally.
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