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6 Natural Cures For Stuttering


Stuttering and stammering is common in small children and often the problem cures itself as the child grows up. However, in some cases the problem can persist for a long time and even exist in an adult. It can become an embarrassment and cause mental and emotional anguish to a child who stutters beyond the acceptable age or an adult who has this problem.

Many times people resort to speech therapists and other professionals whose treatment can be effective, but quite expensive. However, there are some natural cures for stuttering which can get rid of the problem in a simple and affordable manner.

Best Natural Cures For Stuttering


Take a thin clean muslin cloth and ask the child to put it on his or her tongue. Hold the tip of the tongue with the cloth and slightly jerk the tongue moving it forward.This exercise should be done just once a day and repeated use of this exercise for a few months will alleviate the problem of stuttering especially in children.

Green Coriander

Green coriander leaves and the pulp of the fruit of golden shower flowers are taken together and mixed with water. This mixture should be churned in a blender to make the medicine.

Ask the child or adult suffering from the problem of stuttering to gargle with this mixture for 21 days. This will cause the surface of the tongue to become thinner and clear the speech pattern alleviating the problem of stuttering in both children and adults. This is one of the most effective natural cures for stuttering.

Black Pepper And Homemade Butter

This remedy is considered extremely helpful for curing shuttering. Take some black pepper powder and mix it with homemade butter.Avoid pasteurized butter and opt for its organic form. This mixture should be given to the child or adult till the problem of stuttering completely gets solved.

Bay Leaf

Take a bay leaf and place it under the tongue of the child or adult who has the problem of stuttering. While the leaf is under the tongue the child or adult should speak for at least one hour. This is one of the effective natural cures for stuttering.

Indian Gooseberry

The Indian Gooseberry also known as amla is a great herb and very effective in the treatment of various ailments. The child or adult with the problem of stuttering should chew and eat one Indian Gooseberry everyday in the morning on an empty stomach.This will make the tongue thinner and the speech of the child or adult will clear with time. The remedy should be continued till the time the problem is alleviated.


Take 7 seeds of almond and rub them on a grater. Powder 7 seeds of black pepper with a few drops of water to make a paste. Add some sugar candy to this mixture. The child or the adult with the problem of stuttering should lick this mixture for 15 days early in the morning on an empty stomach.This will reduce the problems of stammering and stuttering in both adults as well as children. It is one of the effective natural cures for stuttering.

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