Categories: Home Remedies

7 Home Remedies For Digestive Disorder In Infants And Adults



These days, Digestive Disorder known as Acid reflux is one of the most common health problems diagnosed both in children and in adults. This leads to heart burns which cause pain in the chest pain and is often misinterpreted as a heart attack. Heartburn is generally the stomach acid eating away your food pipe and your chest bones.

Medications are very harsh to our health, and there are a lot of side effects of these medications like pneumonia, bone loss, hip fractures, etc. Therefore, medications can be harmful to the internal organs in the long run. But there are a lot of natural remedies which can be used in place of medications and get better results without being harsh on the body.

Here Are 7 Home Remedies For Digestive Disorder Or Acid Reflux In Infants And Children:

1. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar not only improves and builds up the acid content in your body; it also boosts up your immune system and protects your body from viral infections.


• Prepare a drink for your child or yourself which contains 6-7 ounces of water and mix around ½ to ¼ tablespoon of apple cider vinegar with it. Add 1-2 teaspoons of honey for flavour.

• You can also have one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar with half a glass of water.

2. Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is believed to have anti-inflammatory properties, and it lubricates the digestive system and improves the digestion.


• Add one teaspoon of coconut oil and mix it with warm water and give it your child to drink.

• You can also drink the warm water solution, or if you can feed yourself with 3-4 teaspoons of coconut oil, it is more than good.

3. Yoghurt

Who doesn’t love yoghurt? Well, every one of us does! Yoghurt is believed to be an alkaline food and it also helps in soothing the oesophagus.


• Take and eat one cup of low-fat yoghurt.

• You can also add a sliced ginger or pistachios or honey to the yogurt for a better result.

4. Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is believed to calm the upset stomach and cure problems like diarrhoea, ulcers and bowel diseases.


• Drink one glass of organic Aloe Vera juice, and you will feel better very quickly.

• You can also eat a teaspoon of Aloe Vera pulp along with your meals every day.

5. Chamomile Tea

chamomile tea helps in relieving mucous membranes in the digestive tract and helps in accelerating normal digestion and reduces acid reflux disorder.


• Have chamomile tea 3-4 times a day in between the meals to move towards normal digestion.

6. Ginger Tea

Ginger has been proven to have effective healing enzymes for gastric disorders since ancient times. It destroys the acidic bacteria’s and calms the stomach.


• Add 2-3 slices of ginger roots and boil it in water. Leave it for 20 minutes after boiling and then strain it into a cup and drink slowly one sip at a time.

7. Peppermint Oil

Peppermint has particular soothing properties that calm the digestive system and helps to cure the acid reflux disorder.


• You can give your child a cup of Luke warm water with a few drops of peppermint oil.

• You can also find peppermint capsules in the grocery stores and both you and your child can chew it when the acid reflux disorder hits you.

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