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8 Natural Cures For Peeling Skin


Our skin is a tissue that contains 3 layers called the epidermis, dermis and hypodermis. The top layer is called the epidermis, the middle one the dermis and the innermost layer hypodermis. It is a normal phenomenon that the epidermis is replaced every 28 days. We may not realize it but it is a fact.

However the condition may get affected adversely by some external and environmental factors like sun burn or friction of skin.  However, even chronic form of peeling skin can be cured with some effective natural methods. Here are some natural cures that can treat peeling skin:

8 Natural Ways To Cure Peeling Skin


Using cucumber on the affected area can heal and reduce the condition of peeling skin. You can either grate a cucumber and rub on the affected areas or make a thick paste by grinding it and apply as a mask. You can keep it for 10-15 minutes and then wash off with water.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E is known as the best ingredient to treat dryness. You can break a Vitamin E capsule that are easily available at the druggists, and take the liquid to apply on the affected area. You can repeat this every night and the condition is surely going to improve.

Mint Leaves

Using mint leaves is another excellent remedy for peeling skin. Take a handful of them and crush after washing with water. Then press the leaves on a sieve. Once the juice is extracted, apply it on the affected areas. This will improve the condition considerably.


Often excessive exposure to sun can be the cause of peeling skin. This situation can be combated by applying a small piece of watermelon cube on the affected area. You need to gently rub the area and the juice containing malic acid will heal it on its own giving a cooling effect.


The juice from aloe vera leaves can be an effective remedy for peeling skin. You can cut an aloe vera leaf and take out the transparent gel from inside and then apply on the affected area. Keep this on your face for sometimes and then rinse off with water.

Turmeric, Sandalwood, Honey & Olive Oil

These ingredients can be used to make a mask and applied on the peeling skin. Take 1 teaspoon of turmeric powder, 1 teaspoon of sandalwood powder and 1 teaspoon of honey. Mix them with some olive oil so that they form a thick paste. Apply the mixture on the skin. Keep for 20 minutes and wash off with water. This can be done on a regular basis and not only you will notice visible results but your skin will be glowing.

Vinegar And Apricot

Dilute a small amount of apple cedar vinegar in water. Remember to keep the portion of vinegar to be limited or else the effect will be adverse. Crush 4 apricots and mix with it. Then apply the paste on the area where the skin is peeling from sun burn. Keep it for 15 minutes and wash with water. There will be instant relief.

Healthy Diet

Apart from these natural cures and easy home remedies, be careful to include certain nutrients in your diet on a regular basis. It should be rich in complex carbohydrates and proteins. Foods containing Vitamins A, B and C should be taken on a daily basis. Fruits, vegetables, milk, eggs and butter should be included.

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