samana fatema

Best 5 Herbal Remedies For Pneumonia

Pneumonia is a lung infection and is the sixth leading cause of death in United States. For most people pneumonia…

12 years ago

5 Powerful Herbal Remedies For Sciatica

Sciatica is a bad pain that runs your leg and after that associates with your back pain. The sciatica nerve…

12 years ago

Top 5 Herbal Remedies For Night Sweats

Night sweats refers to excessive sweating during sleep, also known as sleep hyperhidrosis. This occurs at any age but is…

12 years ago

6 Best Herbal Remedies For Osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis also known as degenerative joint disease is a form of arthritis caused by breakdown or inflammation and eventually the…

12 years ago

Top 5 Herbal Remedies For Panic Attacks

Panic attacks are a sudden surge of overwhelming fear or anxiety. They are frightening but fortunately, physically they are harmless.…

12 years ago

5 Powerful Herbal Remedies For Chlamydia

Chlamydia is a Chlamydial infection that is a sexually transmitted infection (STI) caused by a bacteria that infects humans. Chlamydia…

12 years ago

Top 5 Herbal Remedies For Neuropathy

Neuropathy is a collection of chronic disorders that occurs when nerves of peripheral nervous system gets damaged, injured or dysfunctions.…

12 years ago

Top 5 Herbal Remedies For Incontinence

Incontinence is the inability to control the evacuative functions of urination. It involves loss of control of bladder and is…

12 years ago

5 Powerful Herbal Remedies For Spider Vein

Spider veins also known as “telangiectasia” are the manifestation of venous insufficiency, which is very much similar to varicose veins…

12 years ago

Top 5 Herbal Remedies For Uterine Fibroid

Uterine fibroids are the lumps that originate in the uterus. Fibroids can occur inside or outside the wall of uterus.…

12 years ago

Top 5 Herbal Remedies For Post Nasal Drip

Post nasal drip also known as (UACS) upper airway cough syndrome occurs when mucus is produced by the nasal mucosa.…

12 years ago

6 Best Herbal Remedies For Perimenopause

Perimenopause also called menopausal transition is the stage of women’s reproductive life that begins years before menopause. It can start…

12 years ago

5 Powerful Herbal Remedies For Sleep Apnea

  Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder, defined as cessation during sleeping. It can last for up to 20 seconds…

12 years ago

5 Powerful Herbal Remedies For Anxiety Attacks

Anxiety also called worry is a psychological state characterized by emotional, cognitive and behavioral components. It is very natural to…

12 years ago

Top 5 Herbal Remedies For Prostatitis

Prostatitis is the inflammation of the prostate gland and is often very painful and difficult to urinate. Prostatitis can come…

12 years ago

Top 6 Home Remedies For Shingles

Shingles is an infection caused by zoster virus characterized by an eruption of vesicles on one side of the body…

12 years ago

5 Best Herbal Remedies For Fibroid

Fibroid are tumors that grow from the muscle layers of the womb. They are also known as uterine fibroid, fibromyomas…

12 years ago

Top 5 Herbal Remedies For GERD

GERD is gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a digestive disorder in which esophagus becomes inflamed because of the acid backing…

12 years ago

5 Powerful Herbal Remedies For Warts

Wart is a small rough growth on a person’s hand or feet. It resembles a solid blister. Warts are caused…

12 years ago

Top 5 Herbal Remedies For Dementia

Dementia comes from the Latin word de meaning “apart” and mentis-meaning “mind”. Dementia is not a disease it is an…

12 years ago

5 Best Herbal Remedies For Flatulence

Flatulence also known as ‘passing wind’ or ‘farting’ is passing out gas from the digestive system out of the back…

12 years ago

Top 5 Herbal Remedies For Excessive Sweating

Excessive sweating is an amount or proportion with your activity level. It affects your entire body or sometimes just few areas…

12 years ago

5 Powerful Herbal Remedies For Bursitis

Bursitis is an inflammation of bursa, which is a tiny fluid filled sac that acts as a gliding surface between…

12 years ago

Top 5 Home Remedies For Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis is a form of inflammatory arthritis. It is a chronic disease affecting the joints of hands and feet…

12 years ago

5 Powerful Herbal Remedies For Carpal Tunnel

Carpel tunnel syndrome (CTS) is a pain and tingling in your hand because of the median nerve in your wrist,…

12 years ago

Top 5 Herbal Remedies For Lyme Disease

Lyme disease is a bacterial infection caused by bacteria also called as “spirochete”which was first recognized in 1975 that affects…

12 years ago

Top 5 Herbal Remedies For Staph Infection

Staphylococcus is a short-term name used for staph that is a bacteria which lives harmlessly on the surfaces of skin,…

12 years ago

5 Herbal Remedies For Pancreatitis

Pancreatitis is the inflammation of the pancreas that is the large gland releasing the hormone insulin and glucagon into the…

12 years ago

5 Powerful Herbal Remedies For Water Retention

Water retention also known as ‘edema’ or ‘fluid retention’ refers as excessive build up of fluids in the body tissues.…

12 years ago

Top 5 Herbal Remedies For Scabies

Scabies is a contagious skin condition caused by mites called sarcoptes scabiei. This word scabies itself is derived from the…

12 years ago

6 Best Herbal Remedies For Hormonal Imbalance

Hormones play a vital role in every woman’s health. Hormonal imbalance occurs due to levels of estrogen and progesterone within…

12 years ago

Top 5 Powerful Home Remedies For Psoriasis

Psoriasis is a scaly and dry chronic skin disorder that occurs when skin cells grow quickly. Skin cells take 25-30…

12 years ago

5 Powerful Home Remedies For Rosacea

Rosacea is a chronic skin disorder that turns skin red and causes swelling. Rosacea is increasingly spreading as boom generation…

12 years ago

6 Powerful Herbal Remedies for Hay Fever

Spring, trees, weeds and grasses release pollen grains into the nose that ends up in your nose and throat, this…

12 years ago

5 Natural Herbal Remedies For Sweating

Sweating is a natural response from the portion of your body that comes on your skin via sweat glands, it…

12 years ago

5 Powerful Home Remedies For Liver

Liver is the largest gland and vital organ present in the body that holds approximately 0.57 liters. It is dark…

12 years ago

6 Powerful Home Remedies For Allergies

Allergies are very common these days and are increasing all over especially in the island nations New Zealand and Australia…

12 years ago

Top 7 Home Remedies For Colon Cancer

Colon cancer that is also well known as bowel cancer or colorectal cancer. This colon cancer is the third leading cause…

12 years ago

6 Natural Home Remedies For Sinus Infection

Sinusitis is a sinus infection that seems to be extremely common in adults with an estimated figure of 29.8 million…

12 years ago

5 Powerful Home Remedies For Liver Cancer

Liver is the largest organ inside the body. Liver cancer is also known as hepatic cancer or primary liver cancer…

12 years ago

7 Powerful Home Remedies For Tension Headache

A tension headache is a primary type of headache which is experienced mostly by women once in a lifetime. Tension…

12 years ago