5 Best Ways For Fordyce Spots


Fordyce spots or granules are skin colored or pale yellow white raised bumps that appear on the scrotum, labia, shaft and foreskin of the penis and on the border of the lips. These spots are common in both men and women and are a kind of ectopic sebaceous gland which means that the sebaceous gland happens to be in the wrong place that is, instead of being in the hair follicle it is on the skin.

When the sebaceous gland does not contain any hair follicle, the oil secreted by it which normally goes into the hair follicle, gets blocked into the gland and forms into small bumps or lesions. These spots are harmless and not at all contagious but sometimes bacteria may infect them and cause irritation and inflammation. Sometimes they may bleed during sexual intercourse. These spots are more common in adults and in aged people.

Tips To Treat Fordyce Spots


Garlic abounds in multitudinous medicinal properties which cure a wide range of diseases and disorders. Its two virtues are of specific help in curing Fordyce spots. Its antioxidant properties remove the harmful free radicals from the body and prevent infections and its anti-inflammatory properties shrink the spots and over a period of time help them to disappear altogether. Chop some cloves of garlic till you get a teaspoon of it. Swallow it immediately with some water every morning.


Jojoba Oil

This oil is full of healing properties. Its antimicrobial properties prevent the invasion of bacteria and other infection causing germs. It is mainly composed of wax esters which are natural moisturizers and which keep the skin soft and pliant.

It inhibits the production of too much sebum and prevents it from clogging the pores. Dab the oil on the bumps and let it remain there. Use three times daily until the bumps shrink and disappear.

Jojoba Oil

Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil has potent antiseptic, antibacterial and antiviral properties which eradicate the infection and help to shrink the bumps or spots quickly and effectively. Take a few drops of tea tree oil and rub it on the lesions. Apply twice daily. Regular use will show a marked improvement.

Tea Tree Oil


Asparagus is perhaps the richest source of folic acid. It is also packed with other essential nutrients like vitamins A, C, and K. Folic acid is very crucial for the normal metabolic functions of the body.

If the metabolic functions are normal then there are few chances for the formation of Fordyce spots. Eat one cup of steamed asparagus daily. One cup will give you approximately 260 mcg of folic acid.



This leafy green vegetable addresses a wide number of diseases and disorders because of it huge and valuable nutrient content. It is especially very good for Fordyce spots because of its richness in vitamin E or tocopherols. It prevents over-oxidization in the body and enhances the overall body responses.

Eat tender leaves of spinach with salads everyday. You can eat cooked spinach but it may not give you optimum benefit of the nutrients as cooking tends to destroy some of them.
