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Causes And Prevention Of Hearing Loss


How a loud becomes too loud. Of course, it is high time that every body should know about the type of noises that can damage your ears. Never forget to put ear plugs whenever your ears are exposed to intense sounds, is the cautious message for protecting your ears irrespective of your age, profession and gender.

How Do Ears Sense Sounds:

It is also important to know how does normal hearing take place. The two vital path ways through which sound waves can produce hearing sensation are air conduction and bone conduction. When sound waves hit the ear drum after passing through the air from external auditory canal, we call it as air conduction. On the other hand, when bones in the skull are vibrated due to certain sound waves, such conduction is known to be bone conduction.

Dangerous Decibels Of Sound:

A continuous exposure to 110 decibels of sound may result in permanent loss of hearing. A continuous exposure to noises above 85 decibels may cause hearing loss gradually and being exposed to sounds of 100 decibels for more than 15 minutes is not good for your ears.

Outer Ear,Middle Ear And Inner Ear :

The outer ear looks like a cup and gives directions to the tympanic membrane to receive sounds, which in turn acts as a transmitter of vibrations to the inner ear via a group of tiny bones located in the middle ear. The inner ear or cochlea looks like a spiral chamber and is covered inside with fibers. These fibers send reactions to the vibrating noises and also do the job of transmitting impulses to the brain.The  inner ear and outer ear are combined together to receive the direction and length of the sound waves.


Why Do Ears Get Damaged :

The most common factor contributing to permanent hearing loss is that of exposing your self to loud sounds repeatedly while on work. It is estimated that in the United States of America, more than 30 million people are being exposed to hazardous sounds each day. The tiny and delicate hair cells in the inner ear get damaged by loud sounds. However, these hair cells can never be repaired by themselves in human beings.

As on today we do not have effective medical or surgical treatments that can repair the damage caused to the inner ear.As long as an individual gets exposed to noise, the changes in the clarity of hearing will happen temporarily, slowly and further permanently.The more the exposure to too loud or too long noises, the higher are the chances for ear destruction. Even sounds spanning for short time with a lot of intensity like those of explosives, theatre recordings etc can result in permanent and immediate hearing damage.

Is Damage To The Ears Painful:

It need not be necessary that sounds causing hearing loss should be painful. Most commonly, loss of hearing occurs after being exposed repetitively to loud noises. Infact, you may even not follow that you are about to lose your hearing.

Wax Gathered In The Inner Ear:

Truly speaking wax is a protective content of the inner ear in attracting the particles without making them to land in the ear. The small hairs present inside your ear move the wax continuously to make skin sloughed out of the canal. When the canal becomes muddy, the ear drum will be blocked thus reducing your hearing and finally it may end up with permanent damage to you ear.

Why Does Wax Form In The Ear:

The common nature of wax is to protect the ear from infections or damages. Generally wax in small quantity accumulated falls down from the ear canal after it becomes dry. Another purpose of ear wax is that of covering the ear’s canal skin and also as a water repellant. Without ear wax, an individual is prone get irritation in the ear and also infections some times.

Ear Pain Or Otalgia:

Mostly children are prone to get ear pain which may be caused in the ear it self or some times because of diseases. Even adults are no exception to get ear pain. Whatever may be the reason, identifying the causes of ear pain is quite important to receive proper medication. Infection may occur to any part like outer ear or middle ear or inner ear.Otalgia may always not generate from ear disease. Many other symptoms like sinus, inflamed tonsils, throat or nose infection and aching teeth can also cause otalgia.

Two types of otalgia are primary otalgia and referred otalgia.

Primary Otalgia:

In this kind, ear ache occurs inside the ear due to wax or ear piercing with hands or cotton buds very often.

Referred Otalgia:

This type of ear pain is caused from out side the ear like receiving high sounds, cool waves, moist in the ears and so on.

How Safe Are The Ear Buds To Remove Wax:

Usage of cotton buds can cause much quantity of wax to be accumulated because with their usage wax will be pushed in to the ear and some times much deeper causing its blockage. Hence, it is never advisable to use hair pins, cotton buds or any other objects to clean your ears as they can damage your ear drum or ear canal.

How Not To Damage Your Ears:

It is always safe to use ear plugs or ear muffs to escape from the dangers of hearing loss when exposed to high intensity sounds. Else, protecting your ears would be rather out of question.Health experts warn that loud noises which can be controlled by you like high sound music on your mobile phone or I pods or any other music player, can damage the tiny cells in your ear. If your ears are done with damage, fixing them back is a slipped opportunity from your hands.There fore, you must start to take care of your ears from the early age because the sound effects show much impact on your ears in your life time.

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