7 Effective Herbal Remedies For Vitiligo


Vitiligo is a condition wherein melanin production by cells called melanocytes is defective. This type of defect results from an autoimmune attack on cells that form melanin. As a result of this cell destruction or functional impairment, spots or irregular patches (also macule) with discolouration forms on the body.Some of the common locations where Vitiligo is first noticed includes skin over the hands and face, followed by mucous membrane lining of the genital areas, eyes and inner portion of the ear too. Roughly 0.5 to 1 percent of the entire population across the world has Vitiligo and the probable causes or risk factors associated with the development of Vitiligo range from genetic factors, self destruction of melanocytes to certain neurogenic factors.

Needless to say, this painless skin disorder (be it segmental or generalized) has a strong impact on the emotional and psychological aspects of the affected individual. Till date, Vitiligo is considered incurable or extremely difficult to control and treat. Besides milky white depigmented skin areas, hair on the scalp, eyebrows and even eyelashes begin to whiten, as well.Other than self care tips and certain drugs which slow the progression of Vitiligo, one can and must give herbal remedies a try. If used in the correct form and on a regular basis, the action of useful herbs may help in improving the skin shade and restore the lost confidence of the affected people.

Best Herbal Remedies For Vitiligo

Gingko Biloba

According to ‘Clinical and Experimental Dermatology’, the condition of Vitiligo is triggered by oxidative type of stress. This means that disturbance in the balanced proportion of free radical formation and anti-oxidant available in the reserves may lead to initiation of this skin disorder.Ginkgo biloba is a noted herbal cure for treating Vitiligo. It’s intake has been associated with retardation of the depigmentation process by providing the body with more anti-oxidants, and by effectively modification of the immune system.If Gingko biloba is supplemented in doses equivalent to 40 mg thrice in a day, the results obtained are appreciable. The plus side is that, within this dose range, the chances of adverse reaction is less.

Tea Tree Oil For Vitiligo

If you are looking for a herbal choice that aids in slowing or reversing the irregular white spots or patches, try Tea tree oil. Its beneficial action in Vitiligo is attributed to not just the anti-fungal properties, but also strong inflammation fighting potential. Make sure you invest in pure tea tree which is free from additives. Gently clean your skin using a mild action facial cleanser. Using a few drops of the herbal oil, massage it over the affected skin, either by using a sterile cotton pellet or clean hands. Leave it on till the oil is fully absorbed.After using the herbal oil, you must take the required precautions and stay away from exposure to the sun rays. In case of sensitive skin, combine tea tree oil with other oil, preferably almond oil.

Amni Visnaga

Amni visnaga, commonly known as Khella is a herbal plant which is indigenous to North Africa and Europe. Traditionally, Khella has been used for successfully curing several medical conditions, such as bronchial asthma, dissolution of urinary stones and dilation of arteries. This herbal extract has also proves to be successful in restoring the lost pigmentation of people living with Vitiligo.The chief constituent of this herb is Khellin which promotes re-pigmentation of the affected skin. It does so by enhancing the level of receptiveness of the remaining melanocytes towards sunlight.Recently, it has come to notice that one of the potential side effects linked with the use of Khella is phototoxicity or photosensitivity. This may result in skin darkening. However, while treating Vitiligo, this particular reaction works in the patient’s favour, especially when used in combination with ultraviolet A and ultraviolet B light therapy.

Psoralea Cordyfolia

Psoralea Cordyfolia is the name of another natural herb that yields impressive results in several skin related disorders, such as Vitiligo and eczema; also psoriasis. This Chinese herb manufactures a chemical substance called psoralen. This chemical works well in conjunction with ultraviolet A and amplifies the chances of resolving Vitiligo.Oral supplementation of this herb is generally recommended by doctors for individuals with Vitiligo (especially those cases where skin involvement exceeds 20 percent). Its oral use has not been linked with any significant adverse reaction.

St. John’s Wort

Another herbal cure many people turn to involve the use of a herb called St. John’s Wort. As with Khella, St.John’s Wort also accentuates the responsiveness of vitiligo affected skin towards the action of sunlight, which may help in bringing colour back to the skin region.You must, however, speak to a trusted doctor prior to incorporating this herb to your treatment plan, especially in regard to potential reactions. The herb is easy to use in topical form or as a herbal drink which contains other constituents. This remedy is not advised for use in pregnant or lactating mothers.

To prepare a topical solution, add a teaspoon of St.John’s wort to a cup full of boiling water. Allow the solution to steep for a minimum of thirty minutes, followed by straining. Gently rub this solution into the depigmented skin two times a day. For consumption, combine one part of the herb with the following ingredients- One part, each of dried oregano, calendula or chamomile flowers. Take a teaspoon of the resultant mixture, add to boiling water and steep for 10-15 minutes. Consume this drink (half cup) twice daily for at least thirty days.


Wild Duckweed, otherwise known as Lemna minor or Lenteja de Agua may assist in restoring the lost pigment in vitiligo-affected skin. Collect fresh duckweed (found abundantly during summer months), wash it thoroughly, followed by grinding till it reaches a paste like consistency. To this, add a teaspoon of honey. Drink a small dose (a teaspoon is usually sufficient) of wild duckweed, especially post meals. Avoid this herb during pregnancy or breast feeding.


Among other herbal solutions for Vitiligo, the ability of turmeric in reducing the depigmentation cannot be overlooked. The anti-inflammatory power of turmeric can be combined with mustard oil, as both work by enhancing the working of the immune system.To prepare this mix, add approximately 5 teaspoons of powdered turmeric to 250 ml of mustard oil. Place this paste over the affected spots of the skin. Do so two times in a day. Regular application for several months may result in improved results.

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