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Effective Natural Cures For Pericarditis


The pericardium is the membrane which forms the outer layer of the heart and percarditis is an inflamed condition of this membrane. This ailment is caused usually by a viral infection. Sometimes, bacteria, fungi, or parasites may also cause this ailment. Pericarditis can also be of a non infectious nature which can be caused by disease of the heart muscles, cancer, injury and other ailments like rheumatoid arthritis, lupus and kidney failure.

Some medicines like penicillin and minoxidil are also known to cause this condition. The treatment of this ailment is often complicated and causes a lot of anguish, but fortunately there are some natural cures for pericarditis which can get rid of the problem easily.

Natural Cures For Pericarditis

Arjuna And Haritaki

These two herbs have been used for centuries for the treatment of various diseases in the Ayurvedic system of medicine. They are also useful in the treatment of pericarditis because they reduce the inflammation of the pericardium and eliminate the excess fluid accumulated in this membrane.However, for the proper method of consumption of these herbs and the right dosage, you need to consult a certified Ayurvedic practitioner.


Linden is extremely useful in treating high blood pressure with nervous tension. It is also useful in cases where there is a presence of anxiety in the patient. Take 1 teaspoon of dried blossom in one cup hot water three times a day or 60 drops tincture thrice a day. It is an effective cure for pericarditis.


This herb is quite popular in the western herbal system of medicine and is often used on its own or in combination with other herbs to treat many different ailments. It is available in the form of tincture, dried extracts like capsules, powders and teas, or glycerites. Hawthorn prevents high blood pressure and prevents the arteries from hardening.

The recommended dosage is 60 drops tincture 3 times a day. 100-250 mg as a supplement three times a day or a tea made with one teaspoon berries steeped in hot water for 10 minutes. This is one of the effective natural cures for pericarditis.

Blue Monkshood

It is one of the effective natural cures for pericarditis. However, this herb can be very toxic and even fatal in some cases. Hence you should take it only under supervision and guidance of a professional herbalist.


This is a great natural treatment for many ailments and the medicines are usually mild with little or no side effects. At the same time it is a holistic system and heals the whole patients rather than isolated parts of the body.

It not only boosts the immune system to fight the disease, but is also administered according to the individual symptoms being experienced by a patient rather than as a generic cure. The popular medicines which act as natural cures for pericarditis in the homeopathic system of medicine include. Aconite, Spongia tosta, Cactus grandflorus.

Foods rich in vitamin C

Vitamin C is a natural immune booster and hence citrus fruits like oranges should be added in large quantities to the diet. Apart from this there is a lot vitamin C in berries, papaya, strawberries etc. So, you must consume a bowl of these fruits everyday to get rid of this problem.

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