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5 Effective Treatments For Keratosis Pilaris


Keratosis pilaris is a condition of the skin in which acne like bumps appear on the cheeks, thighs, buttocks and arms. This condition is quite common and harmless.It can occur at any age and usually disappears after the age of thirty. This condition is caused by a protein in the skin which hardens within the hair follicles giving rise to bumps and rough patches.The skin becomes rough like sand paper and the bumps are usually skin colored and as small as a grain of sand. Sometimes these bumps become red and there is intense itching. They can also cause scarring if they become inflamed. People who have a dry skin or have eczema are more prone to this condition. During winter when the weather is dry, it becomes worse as the skin receives no moisture from the air.

Best Treatment For Keratosis Pilaris

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is full of essential nutrients that keep the skin soft and well moisturized. Warm some coconut oil and rub generous amounts of it all over the affected areas.Massage thoroughly for fifteen minutes so that the oil can seep into the skin. The dry skin will soon absorb the oil. Apply two or three times daily. The small bumps will disappear after a few applications and the roughness from your skin will vanish.


Curd is an excellent and natural home remedy for keratosis pilarisIts cleansing and soothing properties provide great relief in the symptoms and prevent the bumps from recurring.Take some plain curd and rub it well all over the affected parts. Keep for half an hour then wash off with warm water. Your skin will become soft and smooth within no time.


Besan is an excellent cleansing and exfoliating agent. Take some besan and mix it with a little milk to form a thick paste. Smear the paste all over the face, arms and other affected areas and leave it to dry. When the paste is quite dry rub it off from the skin with a little gentle pressure. The paste will come off with all the dead skin cells. Rinse with warm water. Your skin will become smooth and soft and stay well moisturized throughout the day. Use this remedy twice daily.

Fish Oil

Fish oil is another simple remedy for keratosis pilaris. It is an excellent source of omega 3 fatty acids which are powerful antioxidants and which remove all the harmful toxins from the body and detoxify it.These fatty acids also help the skin to exfoliate itself and as the old layers of dead skin come off, the bumps too are rubbed clean. Take a teaspoon of fish oil twice daily.


It is most essential to keep yourself well hydrated all the time. Drink plenty of water throughout the day.Water will not only help to flush out the toxins from the body but it will also keep your skin moist and well hydrated. You can also include fresh fruit juices in your daily diet. The nutrients and flavonoids present in the juices will keep the skin well nourished and free from bumps.

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