Categories: Health Care

Going Gluten-Free for a Gluten Allergy


Gluten allergies have increasingly become a more common problem. More people are developing the sensitivity to gluten products. This is why the gluten free diet has become more popular and you will notice many restaurants offering gluten free items.

Gluten allergies have fairly distinctive symptoms that differ from other food allergies. Although some are the same, such as tingling feeling in your mouth and throat and even a numbness of the tongue, there are some strange symptoms that you may overlook. With gluten allergies you will also experience fatigue and irritability.  These are not your normal allergy symptoms.  You may also become depressed, experience behavioral and attention problems and even notice some weight loss.  Bloating, diarrhea, abdominal pain and constipation also arise when a gluten allergy is present. Gluten allergy symptoms are similar to symptoms for other ailments, such as celiac disease and irritable bowel syndrome. Therefore, if you notice any of these symptoms it is important to get a test to find out if it is a gluten allergy that is causing it.  Having a gluten allergy will sometimes even lead to other major health problems. Crohn’s disease, anemia, osteoporosis and diverticulitis can develop from having a gluten allergy.

If you suffer from gluten allergies, the most common treatment is to avoid gluten altogether however, it is not always necessary.  Wheat products, barley and rye all fall into the gluten category and you may be more sensitive to one than to the others. You can try by cutting back on one or more of these products. This might give you the relief from the gluten allergy. However in serious cases, you will need to cut all gluten products out of diet completely. Try looking for products that are listen as gluten-free.  This will ensure that you are not consuming the harmful material.

Speak with your doctor if you feel like you may have a gluten allergy. If you delay, more problems could arise and you could make the symptoms worse. Knowing the symptoms and what treatment options you have will give you the freedom to live life without pain and discomfort.

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