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7 Health Benefits Of Clove As A Home Remedy


Cloves are antiseptic in nature and are also known as caryophyllus, clovos, etc. Cloves contain minerals like iron, potassium, calcium, sodium, vitamins (A, B, C), manganese, etc. which are essential for our body. Clove is also useful for hair and skin care.Clove is used in various cosmetic products such as creams, lotions, perfumes, etc. Clove can also be used as an ingredient in the preparation of various food items. Clove offers various health benefits as well.

Health Benefits Of Clove

Treatment For Bad Breath And Acidity



Consumption of clove and cardamom (mixed in powdered form) after each meal can help in dealing with the problem of bad breath and acidity. Clove can also be used as a mouth freshener. Nowadays, it is used as a common ingredient in various mouthwash products available in the market.It is important to note that clove can even be used in the treatment of stomach disorders like diarrhea, stomach ulcers, constipation, indigestion, etc.

Treatment For Nausea

Consumption of clove water can help in the treatment of nausea. Clove water can be prepared by mixing two to three spoons of fried cloves in a glass of boiling water. In order to obtain best results, it is advisable to consume this water (after filtering) at least two times in a day.

Cures Sore Throat

Chewing two to three cloves in a day can help in curing sore throat. Individual suffering from sore throat can also drink clove water in order to get quick relief.

Also Read

How To Benefit From Clove Tea For Home Remedies
Cloves Benefits
Clove Oil

Respiratory Problems

Respiratory problems like asthma and bronchitis can be treated with the help of clove oil. In order to treat asthma, an individual can consume one spoon of clove oil mixed with half spoon of honey and garlic.An individual suffering from bronchitis can consume few drops of clove oil with lukewarm water on a regular basis. Direct application of clove oil on an individual’s chest (two to three times in a day) can also be considered as an effective remedy for treatment of bronchitis.

Used In Dental Treatment

Clove can be used to treat problems associated with teeth and gums. Application of clove oil on gums can help in the treatment of bleeding gums. Clove oil can also be used to cure toothache.

Treatment For Headache

An individual suffering from headache can directly apply or massage clove oil (mixed in salt) on the forehead in order to reduce the pain. Clove oil can also be considered as an alternative to pain killers or antibiotics available in the market.

Reduce Pimples

Clove oil can also be used like an antiseptic cream to deal with the problem of pimples. In order to reduce the irritation associated with application of clove oil on pimples, it is advisable to use a mixture of clove and olive oil.Cloves may be used in prevention and treatment of various diseases like cholera, cancer, diabetes, malaria, tuberculosis, etc. Clove can also be used to deal with problems like joint pain, cold, skin disorders, stress, etc.

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