2 Best Herbal Remedies for Hypertension


Most people that have been diagnosed with hypertension are probably on some prescription that their medical provider places them on to help reduce blood pressure. What most people do not know is that there are a number of herbal remedies that actually help to lower blood pressure levels. When trying these herbal remedies, if you are already on a prescription drug, please do not stop taking that medication.


Rather monitor your blood pressure and when it starts to go down lower, notify your doctor so that your medication can be adjusted or discontinued.

The herb called valerian helps to reduce hypertension. It is available as a nutritional supplement. You can obtain this from some local pharmacies, health food stores or whole food stores. While there are no adverse side effects, it is best to take this in the evening because valerian also works as a sedative to help with insomnia. In additional to lowering blood pressure, valerian also helps to reduce stress levels, reduce muscle tension and aids in digestion. You can add fresh or dried valerian to herbal teas and sip on the warm beverage before bed time. Some whole food stores may even sell valerian tea. In addition to drinking the tea, draw a hot bath and add about two to three cups of tea to the water. Soak in this to reduce muscle pains and stress, both of which can cause high blood pressure.

Hawthorn is another herb that can be taken to reduce hypertension. The entire plant provides medicinal benefits. Hawthorne berries, stems, leaves and roots are all used to create nutritional supplements. These supplements are available at most health food stores or whole food stores. Taken long term hawthorn not only helps to reduce high blood pressure, but can also be used to treat insomnia, digestive problems, stress tension, and sore throat. Just like valerian, you should take hawthorn in the evening since it can make you sleepy. Hawthorn is also a natural diuretic that helps the body get rid of excessive water and salt. This is especially helpful as part of any weight loss plan.

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