3 Herbs That Fight Flu Symptoms


When flu strikes, it is nice to know that there are so many herbs that fight flu symptoms.  The coughs and congestion, headaches and body aches, fevers and chills that come with the flu have many natural remedies.  As more and more medical researchers begin to study herbs and their medicinal properties, we get solid proof that there are therapeutic ingredients in these plants.

Infusions, Teas, Tinctures and Essential Oils

Infusions are made by boiling and steeping herbs in water and then drinking the liquid or using it in a compress.  Teas are made in a similar way with the leaves, flowers or roots of the herb.  Bulk herbs can be purchased to make infusions and many herbal teas are sold both loose and in tea bags.  Tinctures are made by soaking the herb in alcohol and are used by the drop.  Essential oils can be purchased online and in health food stores and are also used by the drop.

Flu Fighting Herbs

When medical researchers studied medicinal herbs they found that the following herbs were the strongest flu fighters.  Eucalyptus, sage and licorice were the top three contenders followed by lavender, tea tree, rose geranium, bergamot, lemon balm and hyssop.  These herbs are able to inhibit the flu virus and also were antibacterial.

Some common spices from your kitchen are cinnamon, black pepper, lemon, thyme, rosemary, basil, garlic and peppermint.  All of these herbs can be used in various ways as teas or the essential oils can be used in a humidifier to produce healing steam vapors to deal with flu symptoms.

Immune system boosters like Echinacea, ginseng, astragalus root and ginger increase the immune response in various ways and are part of the herbal arsenal against the flu virus.

All of the herbs have multiple uses and actions in the case of flu.  Many herbal recipes for teas, syrups and salves can be found online or in books.  Most of the herbs listed above are classified as safe and effective.  Keep in mind that there can be instances where certain herbs interact or interfere with prescription medications.  Some herbs are not advised for use when certain medical conditions exist.  Most should not be given to children or the elderly.

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  • Hi, i am 26 (Female) and was diagnosed with CVI (Chronic Venous Insufficiency) about 3years ago - only in legs. After many hours spent visting many specialists for a diagnosis of this condition, the only thing they could recommend for me was to wear circulation socks everyday and to have DVT injections when flying. (I had also suffered from blood clots in my body at 18). I was so sick and tired of sore heavy feeling i got from a day on my feet or warm weather. I had such dark areas of blood appearing under the top layer of skin (above ankles) that were so sensitive to the touch. So i took matters in my own hands and i steralised a needle and pricked the top layer of skin.....yes...it bled alot...but i have never felt so much relief in my legs before. It simply relieved all the pressure that had been building up. I told my GP i had done this and how well i felt afterwards...she didnt recommend i continue as CVI patients are likely to develop ulcers if the wound did not heal properly. Well, i harldy dig a hole in my leg.... anyways. i have done this about twice since and the results for me have worked....yes occassionally i get dark areas, but not half as bad as they were.

    I would DEFINATELY recommend to EVERYONE about VENA-VINE capsules/cream. This product is Herbal and is made from Red Vine Leaf extract. it reduces swelling, tired and heaviness in your legs. Plus boosting circulation. Vena-Vine is currently only available in South Africa, however other countries have ANTI-STAX on shelves - which is much the same. Neither product have ANY side effects and is way better than medicinal prescriptions.

    My legs used to be purple and i couldnt stand on my legs for more than half an hour at a time.... true to word.....taking Vena-Vine 1 tablet each morning for a month....i can last ALL DAY on my feet WITHOUT circulation socks to help. I honestly feel i have new legs.

    PLEASE EVERYONE...DONT SUFFER when this herbal remedy works like gold dust.

    It has changed my way of life - best of luck to everyone.

    • PS: i also researched the Eat Right for your Blood Type. That has also had a massive impact on my circulation. It tells you which foods are beneficial for your blood type and are absorbed quicker. As a bonus...You DONT weigh food or count calories....but you do lose weight :)

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