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7 Home Remedies For Clogged Arteries


The medical term used for clogged arteries is atherosclerosis. Arteries get clogged when the lining of the blood vessels get damaged due to build up of cholesterol and other fatty substances on the artery walls, which results in narrowing of the blood vessels. This condition prevents the blood from flowing to the heart, lungs, brain and other body parts.

This can lead to stroke, heart attack and gangrene. Poor diet and unhealthy lifestyle like smoking, drinking alcohol and lack of physical activity can lead to atherosclerosis. Lifestyle changes like a healthy diet, exercise and consumption of some natural foods can help to reverse the condition by clearing out the arteries.

Home Remedies For Clogged Arteries

Arteries get clogged due to our poor eating habits like eating processed and junk foods full of chemicals, toxins and saturated fats. But many researches and studies have shown that unlike foods that clogged your arteries, there are certain food items and other remedies that can help clean clogged arteries. When these foods are eaten regularly, they check the build up cholesterol and fat and prevent clogging of the arteries.


Several studies have found that that active compound allicin present in garlic has the potential of not only preventing the accumulation of plaque buildup, but also has the ability to dissolve the plaque that has already been accumulated along the artery walls.

Consuming 1-2 raw garlic cloves daily is believed to clear the clogged arties effectively. If it is not possible to consume raw garlic, you can take it in extract form. For exact dose, consult your physician. Suggested dose per day is 1,200mg per day.

Kiwi And Cantaloupe

Kiwi and cantaloupe are both high antioxidant foods that can lower the level of LDL cholesterol, which is blamed for rusting the arteries. They can stop blockage of the arteries and also prevent them from spreading further. Eating them regularly will help to unclog the arteries very fast.


Grapes, especially red skinned grapes, contain flavonoids that can strain the fat from your arteries.They restrict fat build up in the blood vessels by preventing oxidation of bad cholesterol that are responsible for formation of plaque and improves cell’s ability to absorb the fat and use it for producing energy. Eating a cup of grapes everyday will unclog the arteries effectively.



Berries are another great source of antioxidant flavonoids that prevent the arteries from hardening and also clean plaque from artery walls. Eat strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, raspberries to prevent plaque build up and ensure a healthy heart.


Apple contains soluble fiber pectin that lowers cholesterol levels by reducing the effect of intestinal bile acids that compels the liver to use cholesterol to produce more bile.Apple juice or raw apple also lowers the accumulation of fat in the aorta, the main vessel that supplies oxygenated blood to our body.

Fatty Fishes

Various studies have found that some oily fishes like tuna, salmon, mackerel and sardine that contain omega-3 fatty acids have anti-atherosclerotic effect.  They prevent build up of fatty deposits on the artery walls.


Spinach can keep the artery walls clear from plaque buildup by lowering the cholesterol formation because it contains lutein. Spinach also contains potassium and folic acid that helps to lower blood pressure.

Apart from adding these foods in your diet, you need to exercise on a regular basis, reduce intake of saturated fats, hydrogenated fats and trans-fats that raise LDL cholesterol. Your diet should contain whole grains, lot of fiber rich fruits and vegetables, nuts and legumes besides the above mentioned foods.

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