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11 Home Remedies For Rashes


A skin inflammation is mainly described as rashes. Rashes or ‘dermatitis’ may cause the skin to itch, scale, flake, crust, thicken, redden or ooze depending on the dermatitis type.

Rashes may occur at any part of the body. Rashes are of different types and can affect at all ages from seniors to infants. Nearly all individuals get affected with rashes of some type in life.

Types Of Rashes

Eczema or Atopic dermatitis is chronic and the most common type that affects majority of individuals. Contact dermatitis is also common type which is caused due to allergy to a certain substance that comes in contact with the skin and irritation. Other types of rashes include ‘irritant contact dermatitis’, ‘photoallergic contact dermatitis’ and ‘allergic contact dermatitis’. A common form of allergic contact dermatitis is rashes that appear when skin comes in contact with oak, poison ivy and Sumac.

Causes Of Rashes

Rashes are common conditions in human being and involve several causes. Most of the rashes are not severe or dangerous, rather simple nuisance illnesses. Life-threatening rashes are very rare but if they occur one needs to seek medical guidance immediately. Rashes may also cause by infections which include chickenpox, infections from bacteria, fungal infection, herpes, impetigo, meningitis, measles, ringworm, strep infection and viral infection.

Other than these causes, digestive disorders may also lead to rashes in all parts of the body. These disorders include anemia due to iron deficiency, kidney diseases, liver diseases and celiac diseases. Reaction to certain drugs may also cause rashes in full body.

Symptoms Of Rashes

A rash usually appear with skin symptoms that includes blistering, a burning sensation on skin, skin inflammation, irritation, skin itching, redness, swelling of the skin and scaling. A rash may also appear with body symptoms that include joint pain, nerve pain, red eyes and symptoms related to flu like fever, fatigue, sore throat, runny nose, cough and headaches or even vomiting. These are the symptoms that appear along with rashes:

Rashes may occur in different sizes, colors, patterns and shapes. Most rashes are red due to inflammation in the skin.

Home Remedies For Rashes

There are several medications available in the market which you may surely try. But these products may also cause side effects and leave a harsh impact on your skin. Just relax and give a try to the simple and natural home remedies most of which you will find in your kitchen cabinet.

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera works wonder in treating itchy rashes. Cut an aloe leaf and extract the juice. Apply the juice on the affected region. You can also peel leaf and then pulverize it.  Apply the soft tissue onto the affected area. If you do not get fresh Aloe Vera leaf, apply Aloe Vera gel for the same benefits. Aloe Vera helps to stop burning and itching that occurs with rashes in skin. This is one of the natural remedies for skin rashes.

Baking Powder

Application of baking powder on the rash affected areas soothes itching.

Witch Hazel

Boil a small amount of witch hazel bark in one half quart water. Let the mixture steep for 10 minutes. Once it gets cool, strain the mixture and with the help of a clean cloth apply it on rash affected areas. Witch hazel contains astringent that helps to relieve the itchiness. It also works wonder in treating severe skin problems like psoriasis and eczema.

Olive Oil

Olive oil is very soothing and you can apply olive oil directly to rash affected areas. Olive oil is a very natural treatment of rashes. Other oils that aid in eliminating skin rashes are cod liver oil and Vitamin E oil.

Comfrey Tea Or Calcium Water

Saturate a cloth in comfrey tea or calcium water and place it over the rash affected region. It will soothe the skin.


Pour one or two cups of oatmeal (uncooked) in your bathtub. Immerse your body in that water for fifteen minutes. After taking many baths in oatmeal, you will find your rashes disappearing. Look out for visible results after a continuous use. A bath in oatmeal will also provide quick relief from burning and itching that often accompanies rashes. Oatmeal is a very trusted and well known home remedy for rashes.

Margosa Leaves And Turmeric

Boil few leaves of margosa and add a dash of turmeric to it. Strain the concoction and use the water for cleansing the affected region. You may also prepare the mixture in large quantity and use the water for bathing. This home remedy if very effective in curing rashes.


Yoghurt works tremendous in healing rashes. Apply yoghurt directly to the affected areas. It will cool the skin and also reduce itching. Yoghurt is especially beneficial in treating rashes caused by allergies and heat. You may also eat yoghurt to aid in the treatment of rashes naturally.

Yoghurt And Turmeric

You may also prepare a paste by combining yoghurt with one teaspoonful turmeric powder. Apply the paste on affected areas to prevent rashes.


Chamomile posses’ anti-inflammatory properties that help in reducing skin inflammation. You can use chamomile in tea to wash the rash affected area.

Diet To Follow

Drink lots of buttermilk to keep the body cool and aid the treatment from within. You may also add onion juice to your buttermilk for better results. Buttermilk is very beneficial in treating rashes that may occur due to allergies from food. Seafood often leads to allergies by increasing the body heat. Vitamin C contains antioxidant properties and is very helpful in combating body rash. Take foods that contain higher amount of vitamin C. You also need to find out the foods that are causing allergies and strictly avoid them.

Tips To Prevent Rashes

Never scrub the skin when it is affected with rash. Avoid using harsh chemical laden soaps and switch to mild body cleansers. Use tepid water for sanitization. Avoid hot water. Dry your skin naturally instead of rubbing. Avoid direct exposure to sun light.

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