Categories: Health Care

Know About Type 1 And Type 2 Diabetes


Many of the foods that we eat are converted in to glucose which is a type of sugar, in the process of digestion. The stream of blood then takes this glucose to the cells in the body. The hormones that are produced by beta cells in pancreas which are located behind your stomach, takes the form of insulin.The insulin hormone transforms glucose in to instant energy or is stored for using it further.

When lots of glucose builds in the blood stream, the human body will not be able to produce adequate insulin or it cannot make proper use of insulin. In such a situation, an individual is sure to have diabetes.  The two major types of diabetes are type1 and type2 diabetes.

What Is Type 1 Diabetes:

Type 1 diabetes is also known as juvenile onset diabetes or insulin dependent diabetes. When the body generates little or no insulin, we call it as type1 diabetes. Mostly type 1 diabetes can occur in childhood or in the teenage of a person or it can also happen due to hereditary causes. However, people with this diabetes need to take insulin or injection every day. Therefore, they should maintain a balanced diet and activities for insulin shots to stay in the body.
Let we scan the causes for a person to get type 1 diabetes and its symptoms.

When Adequate Insulin Is Not Generated In The Human Body:

Type 1 diabetes occurs when enough insulin is not produced by pancreas to control the sugar levels of the blood in the body. The major role of insulin is that of moving blood sugar in to the cells for storage and later is used for gaining energy. As beta cells produce no insulin in type 1 diabetes and there by glucose builds up in the blood without passing in to cells of the human body. Hence, the body cannot use this glucose for energy to be generated. Within a maximum of 10 years all beta cells in the pancreas will be fully destroyed.

What Are The Symptoms Positive Of Type 1 Diabetes:

Some people may not have the symptoms of type 1 diabetes until they are diagnosed and others may identify the symptoms in the early stage itself when their blood sugar rises. However, the common symptoms are those of feeling tired, being hungry frequently, being extremely thirsty, weightloss abruptly, blurry eye vision, deep breath, skin and mouth becoming dry, nausea and stomach pain.

Who Will Get Type 2 Diabetes:

Type 2 diabetes or adult onset diabetes occurs to a person in the middle age of 35-40 years. 80%  of  the diabetics account for type 2 diabetes. In type 2 diabetes, even if  pancreas  produce enough insulin, the cells in the human body do not show much sensitivity to it. Most commonly, type 2 diabetes occurs to people who are obese. Anyways, battling to come down your over weight by following diet control and doing exercise can reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

Chances Of Low Blood Sugar Level:

Type 1 diabetics are prone to develop low blood sugar levels on a fast pace as they take insulin daily. These symptoms appear when the blood sugar level drops below 70 mg/Dl. You can monitor low blood sugar levels through having headache, nervousness, rapid heartbeat or palpitation, sweating and becoming physically less energetic.Guarding yourself from the severe health complications of diabetes is a major challenge of your life. In order to achieve this, follow few dietary restrictions , keep yourself busy and active. When your body is not idle, much of the calories will be burnt making your diabetes in controlled limits.

Keep Your Body Physically Active:

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Every day exercise like walking, doing yoga can help in controlling the blood sugar levels in the body by burning excess fat and calories to achieve a good weight for your physical structure. It is also recommended to take your doctor’s words before starting any new exercise. One more important thing that diabetics should take care of is about the foot wear that they use. Never forget to consult your doctor to take his advice for the kind of protective foot wear.

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Follow Scheduled Exercise:

Do exercise daily at the same time preferably in the fresh climate of early morning. Check your blood glucose readings before and after you do exercise. Drink additional fluids free from sugar before and after your exercise. Modify your diet in accordance with the time of your exercise in direct correlation to keep your blood sugar level at a safer level.

Important Diet For Diabetics:

Diet plays a vital role in maintaining sugar levels within the limits.. The main aim of diabetic diet is to control body weight by taking nutritious food. Mostly, the diet for a diabetic is related to the height, weight, age, gender, physical activities and the type of diabetes.  Whenever you plan diabetes diet, you must abide by certain important factors.You should never forget to include fiber rich food, Fresh fruits and vegetables in your every day diet so that nutritious supplements are in satisfying proportion in your body.

The best way toprotect  your health is by eating in small quantities for 4-5 intervals in a day. Make your temptation away from baked food products, fast foods and preservative food. Another note worthy point is that diabetics should not take carbohydrates at least 2 hours before they go to bed.

Give Prime Importance To The Diet That Helps In Minimizing Cholesterol And Blood Sugar:

To reduce cholesterol, diabetics are suggested to take oat meal preferably in their breakfast and dry fruits like walnuts, almonds, pecans, show good results in blood purification when taken on empty stomach and these nuts are also rich in mono unsaturated fats.To lower blood sugar levels,   include beans, peas, fat free milk, yogurt, egg white, raw onions, wheat bran mixed with wheat flour, raw fruits, raw vegetables ,whole cereals. cinnamon, garlic and bitter guard in your meals very often.

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