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5 Natural Cures For Psoriatic Arthritis


Psoriosis is basically an auto-immune skin disorder that is characterized by the presence of thick, red or silvery-white colored patches, often found on the skin of elbows and knees. Since, these patches are most often found on the outer side of the joints, it affects the functioning of joints by causing swelling, inflammation and joint pains that are similar to the symptoms of arthritis.Approximately 10-30 % of people suffering from psoriosis experience joint deformities, stiffness and pains leading to a condition called psoriatic arthritis. This debilitating condition occurs primarily due to excessive and prolonged inflammation of the joints caused by an over-active immune system, which fails to differential between foreign antigens and the body’s own skin cells, thereby eliciting a faulty response.

Conventional drugs like non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs have only shown a delay in joint damage but they do not slow down the progression of the disease. Moreover, the side effects associated with these drugs have made the use of natural treatments, a lucrative approach for treating psoriatic arthritis. Read on to explore the different natural ways that can be adapted to alleviate the symptoms of psoriatic arthritis.

Natural Ways of Curing Psoriatic Arthritis

Fish Oil

Enriched with long-chain poly-unsaturated fatty acids called omega-3-fatty acids, fish oil serves as one of the best remedies for combating  arthritic joint aches. Omega-3-fatty acids block the synthesis of prostaglandins, which are the primary mediators of inflammation in the body. In fact, a study conducted on Eskimos showed that they experienced a relatively lower incidence of both rheumatoid and psoriatic arthritis.This has been contributed to genetic factors or most likely to the consumption of a diet rich in fish oil. Eric L. Matteson, the MD of rheumatology at the Mayo Clinic has recommended a daily intake of 2,000 to 3,000 milligrams of fish oil to beat the symptoms of psoriatic arthritis. Since, it is difficult to obtain adequate amounts of fish oil through the diet, a daily intake of 2.6 grams of fish oil supplements like omega-3-capsules or liquids, twice a day have been recommended for symptomatically reducing the pain, swelling, stiffness and inflammation of arthritic joints.

Vitamin D

Well, the easiest way out for reducing joint pains is to increase your daily intake of vitamin D  by exposing yourself to the sun, rather than spending maximum time indoors. Studies have shown that a deficiency of vitamin D is very common among patients suffering from psoriatic arthritis. In fact, patients who were given vitamin D supplements experienced a significant decrease in joint pains. Besides, aiding in the absorption of calcium and potassium by the bones, vitamin D also plays an important role in reducing the inflammation of arthiritic joints.

A study published in 2009 in the journal “Rheumatology International”, established a very strong correlation between the incidence of inflammatory joint aches and vitamin D deficiency in Jews and Arabs inhibiting the land of Israel. Surprisingly, this area receives a considerably high amount of sunshine every year. On dwelling further into the possible genetic factors that could predispose an individual to vitamin D deficiency, a study published in 2007 in the “Archives of Dermatology Research” reported that a genetic defect in vitamin D receptors leads to a decrease in the absorption of vitamin D from its external sources like diet and sunshine.

Vitamin D-3 therapy involving the intake of 0.25 mcg of vitamin D-3, twice per day continued for six months was found to significantly decrease the levels of inflammatory markers in the joints, thereby alleviating the symptoms of psoriatic arthritis. However, this therapy did not show good results in patients who had a genetic mutation and lacked the mechanism to respond to the intake of vitamin D.


Acupuncturist target certain trigger points on the body by inserting fine needles through them to correct the disturbances in the flow of energy through specific channels in the body. Arthritis is considered as a chronic disorder that is caused due to “energy imbalances” in the body, which leads to inflammation and joints pains. Even though, the results obtained through acupuncture are quick and permanent, medical disorders like psoriatic arthritis may require 6-8 repeated sessions to constantly keep the pain in the affected areas under control. Furthermore, make sure that you consult a certified and an experienced acupuncturist for effectivelly treating your condition.

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Turmeric is one of the most ancient remedies used for fighting inflammatory disorders, one among them being psoriatic arthritis. Curcumin, its active ingredient is a potent anti-oxidant and an anti-inflammatory agent that prevents the immune system from releasing inflammatory substances in the joints, thus reducing joint pains and swelling associated with psoriatic arthritis.Even though, studies conducted on the efficacy on turmeric showed slight reduction in joint pains, the National Psoriasis Foundation has acknowledged turmeric for its ability to reduce sudden flare-ups in joint pains in patients suffering from psoriatic arthritis


Even though, most of us consider yoga to be a set of exercises that requires maximum flexibility in the body, yoga basically focuses on establishing a connection between the mind, body and spirit by controlling all of them at the same time. Ranging from simple deep breathing exercises like Pranayam and meditation to highly flexible poses called asanas for increasing the range of motion, yoga is one of the best ways of increasing the flexibility and strength of your joints without having to place a lot of stress on your joints.

Besides strengthening your joints, it also helps to maintain a healthy weight that does not put too much pressure on joints, thereby improving the functionality and motility of your joints. Most importantly, it aids in elevating your mood and beats the symptoms of stress, which can aggravate the symptoms of psoriatic arthritis. However, it is important to inform your yoga trainer about your condition and stay extremely cautions while performing postures that require extreme bending of your body.

Even though, a cure for treating psoriatic arthritis has not yet been found, most doctors recommend focusing on controlling the symptoms through a healthy life style involving a well-balanced diet and regular exercise. Hence, adapting the aforementioned natural alternatives can effectively treat joint disabilities and prevent further damage to your joints. However, make sure that you seek advice from a medical health practitioner before making these natural alternatives a part of your treatment regimen to avoid the interference of these remedies with the medications prescribed to treat your condition.

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