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6 Natural Cures For Acid Reflux


Acid reflux is said to have occurred when the Hydrochloric acid in stomach starts pushing through oesophagus in to the food tract. This causes damage to the mucus membrane in these organs as well as heart burn which refers to burning sensation in the upper part of stomach.

This happens when the valve between the stomach and oesophagus is not able to withstand the pressure from the stomach and opens. Where this acid reflux happens because of the faulty valve  it is called GERD or Gastroesophagus Reflux disease.

The main reasons behind this condition are bad eating habits, food poisoning, obesity, hiatal hernia, high consumption of spicy and citrus food items, smoking and in some cases pregnancy. Unless it is extremely severe, you do not need to take drugs for this condition. Natural cures and home remedies can provide relief.

Different Cures For Acid Reflux

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider Vinegar is acidic in nature but its PH factor is much lower than the acid in our stomach. Therefore, in case of acid reflux, intake of vinegar balances the chemical balance in the stomach thereby relieving you from Acid reflux. Add a spoonful of vinegar in half a glass of water. Initially you will feel the pinch of vinegar but it will settle down in a few minutes. Avoid consuming undiluted vinegar as it is harmful for the teeth and may really be difficult for you to pass.

Adjustments In Meals

Make the portions of your meal small. You can eat frequently but small portions will ensure that your stomach is not stuffed and is able to digest the food properly.

Also, eliminate citrus food items like oranges and lemons from your diet until you have been completely alleviated of your acid reflux issue. Your meals should not be around the bed time. At least give 2 hours before you lie down after the meals.

Physical Activity

Indulging in a physical activity burns and breaks down the food much faster. It also burns the fats which can be a big factor behind the acid reflux. Yoga is also helpful for stomach problem. Mild walking, swimming must be included in your routine if you are vulnerable to this condition. Minimum of 20 minutes physical activity is required regularly ones in day. Losing weight will automatically relieve you from acid reflux.

Avoid Caffeine And smoking

Caffeine can worsen this condition. Chocolates and coffee have high level of caffeine which encourages the acid reflux. Alcohol and smoking is equally dangerous in this situation. In fact smoking is one of the factors behind acid reflux.

Smoking discourages digestion and aggravate this problem. Caffeine and alcohol loosen the movement of valve between oesophagus and stomach. This makes the valve open even with a mild pressure build up in the stomach and keeps causing the acid reflux.

Elevation While Sleeping

Do not sleep flat while you are suffering from acid reflux. Elevate yourself a little from waist up. Lying flat makes it easier for the acid to spill in to oesophagus. Elevation will also help you in passing the gas through burping out of your stomach.

Loose clothes

Tight clothes specifically around the waist can constrict the internal organs and worsen the acid reflux. Wear loose clothes. Avoid wearing belts altogether, if you can. Your stomach should ideally have no constraints around it until the acid reflux has been completely cured.

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