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Top 6 Natural Remedies For Cancer


Cancer is just another disease of the immune system. If immune system does not get wrong, one will not get cancer. Healthy immune system destroys cancer cells in the body on daily basis and that is how, one remains healthy. With weakened immune system, these cancer cells get build up in the body creating a tumor.

Most of the cancer therapies that are commonly used for cancer treatment destroy the immune system further, in process of killing the cancerous cells. The cancer therapies need to work on building the immune system too as that is the best mode of recovery. All treatment approaches, whether chemotherapy, surgery or radiation therapy works on destruction of rapidly growing cells, including cancer cells and cells of the immune system.

Sadly, our cancer specialist do not emphasize on increasing the health of the immune system, hence, cancer becomes more troublesome disease for the sufferer. Those who work on improving their immune system by following natural solutions, recover quite faster than the rest.

Top 6 Natural Cures For Cancer

Indulge on Fresh Juicing

It is the most effective solution for cancer prevention to have juice of fresh fruits and vegetables every day. Green leafy vegetables like spinach, broccoli, kale are rich sources of essential vitamins, minerals and enzymes.Fresh fruits like oranges, apple, water melons, pears, berries are rich source of antioxidants that help to repair the damaged caused to cells of the body. Making juicing a habit strengthens the immune system, even for non cancer patients and is the best remedial in reviving back of the immune system.


Curcumin, the most beneficial spice of India does wonder in treating cancer too. Many patients have reported of not undergoing chemotherapy, but followed a diet containing adequate amounts of curcumin. The results have been destruction of cancer cells without loss to healthy cells of the immune system.Within two months, tremendous improvements have been reported. This wonder drug has proved that there is natural cure for every disease on this earth, only we have to believe on them and use them appropriately.


To clear off the cancer tumors, one can make use of fresh flaxseeds, mixed with chopped garlic and skimmed milk. Drinking it regularly kicks of cancer tumors within a few months time.

Maple Syrup

Take 5 teaspoon of maple syrup and heat it over medium flame, then sprinkle 1 teaspoon of baking soda and stir till it thickens. Then allow it to cool and have it three times in a day for continuous two weeks.Then one can reduce its consumption to two times a day for next four weeks. After two months, one can observe that tumors and cancer have taken a back seat and the patients conditions have improved tremendously.

Keeping Active

With cancer, people who involve in power walks for minimum of three hours, every week have observed a rapid recovery. The tendency of cancer to grow and spread has reduced to 50 % with brisk walks and keeping one active all throughout. Following an active routine helps immune system to get strengthen and ward off foreign invaders more effectively.


Exercise is another way of keeping yourself physically and internally fit. Exercises boosts the immune system functioning and keep the weight under check.It oxygenates the blood and aids in destruction of anaerobic cancer cells, which do not find oxygenated environment conducive, for their growth and spread.

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