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Digestive problems are faced by many people at some point or other irrespective of age. Digestive tract with its organs from mouth to anus completes the process of digestion, absorption and assimilation. People are more prone to digestive disorders as this system involves the intake of food from outside which may not be clean or healthy.Whatever may be the reason the discomfort caused by digestive problems will not let us enjoy a hearty meal. But most of the disorders and their symptoms can be treated with simple home remedies and proper balanced diet.
Difficulty in passing stools due to the hardening of stools which is caused by the delayed bowel movement is called constipation. Medically constipation is defined as less than three bowel movements in a week. Constipation becomes worrisome when associated with rectal bleeding and pain.
It is oldest home remedy despite its bad taste; it works very fast due to its laxative property. Overdose of castor oil or taking at bed time should be avoided especially in children due to its quick effects.
Fibre is found in fruits, vegetables and gains. Fibre when taken with excess of water passes through the digestive track quickly curing constipation.
Fenugreek, flaxseed, barley and senna either induce the bowel movement or loosen the stool by the production of mucus in the rectum and anus.
The bacteria present in yogurts called probiotics such as Lactobacillus and Streptococcus promote digestion and treats the symptoms of constipation.
Heartburn is a burning sensation just behind the breastbone in the chest. Heartburn can be caused by spicy or fatty foods or due to the gastro-oesophageal reflux disease where stomach acid and bile push upwards damaging the oesophageal wall causing a bitter taste in the mouth and heartburn.
Inner part of Aloe Vera is anti-inflammatory, helps in reducing the inflammation of the oesophageal wall caused by acid reflux there by reducing heartburn.
It soothes the inflamed esophagus and thickens the mucus membrane of the stomach. One or two table spoons after meal work miracles.
One spoon of baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) in a glass of water provides immediate relief by neutralising the excess stomach acid.
Frequent passage of watery stools is called diarrhoea. It can be caused due to bacterial or viral infections and can also be caused by indigestion. If the reabsorption of extra water which takes place in the large intestine fails, excess water gets eliminated along with stools leading to diarrhoea causing dehydration. Acute diarrhoea requires immediate medical attention.
Sugar free yogurts with active cultures of lactobacillus, acidibacillus and bifidobacterium destroy harmful bacteria and restore the beneficial bacteria curing indigestion.
Ginger tea, Ginger ale and few drops of ginger juice with teaspoon of honey is a good remedy for cramps and gas caused by diarrhoea.
Bothe the fruits contain tannins and anthocyanocides which are antioxidant and anti-bacterial in nature which help in treating diarrhoea.
chamomile flowers contain anti-spasmodic properties. It also contains tannins which are anti-diarrhoeal.
Gas in the stomach indicates that the digestion is not happening properly. If the gas which is formed during the process of digestion does not leave the body through burping and flatulence causes bloating.
This is an age old remedy, a fist full of seeds relieves from flatulence almost immediately.
Ginger acts as a carminative which relieves flatulence and also stops the formation of gas.
It is anti-spasmodic and also carminative which helps in expelling the built up gas in the stomach. A teaspoon full of seeds boiled in a cup of water reduces gas and bloating.Home remedies are always better and cures the disease naturally. If the problem persists and is not resolved in a couple of weeks consulting a doctor is important.
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