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Top 5 Natural Cures For Piles


Piles are inflamed masses and clusters of tissue in the anal canal. These clumps also known as hemorrhoids are full of blood vessels, elastic fiber, muscle and support tissue. When these clumps become inflamed and swollen they cause excessive pain. Piles can be of varying of sizes and they can form within the anal canal or outside the anus. A hard lump occurs around the anus which can cause itching around the anus area and pain while defecating.

There can also be blood during a bowel movement, mucus discharge when emptying the bowels and incomplete bowel evacuation. A person with piles also has to strain excessively when passing stool. This makes the anus area red and sore. Piles generally occur in middle aged people and they can be caused by anal intercourse, chronic diarrhea and constipation, obesity, lifting heavy weights regularly and straining when passing a stool.

Natural Cures For Piles


One of the most common causes of piles is a low fiber diet. Insufficient fiber in the diet hardens the stool. The hardened stool is difficult to eliminate from the bowel and out of the anus. One has to strain and exert a lot of pressure.

Soak four or five dried figs in half a cup of water overnight. In the morning drink the water and eat the figs chewing them well. Figs will provide ample fiber that will soften the stool. It will also prevent constipation and promote a regular bowel movement.


When the blood vessels around the anus and rectum are stretched abnormally by exerting a lot of pressure while defecating, they swell and bulge into painful hemorrhoids. They also get bruised and start bleeding at times. Bananas have laxative properties.

They also provide vital nutrients and sufficient dietary fiber which provides bulk to the waste matter and helps it move out of the rectum easily. Mash two bananas and mix them with a cup of homemade curd. Eat this mixture twice daily.

Radish Juice

Radish juice is very good for piles. It reduces the inflammation and swelling in the swollen blood vessels and restores their health.

It also promotes regular bowel movement and keeps the entire digestive system in good health. Grate one big radish and extract its juice. Drink half a cup of it, twice daily till you get relief in the piles.


Grind some ajwain and store it in a jar. Take a cup of homemade curd and add half a teaspoon of ajwain powder to it. Eat this curd, twice daily with your meals. The healing properties of ajwain will not only cure the piles but will also keep the bowel movement well regulated.

Shah Jeera

Shah jeera or black cumin seeds have exceptional powerful healing and curative properties. They have been used since centuries for cooking as well as medicinal purposes. Their valuable antioxidant activities improve and support the immune system and cure all sorts of digestive aliments and disorders.

Grind together, equal quantities of shah jeera and cumin seeds and store the powder in an air tight jar. Swallow a teaspoon with some water every morning and evening.

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