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Top 5 Natural Cures For Sore Throat


A sore throat though a minor illness, can cause a lot of pain and discomfort. It makes drinking and swallowing difficult and the voice becomes hoarse and husky. The most common causes of sore throat are bacterial and viral infections. Viral infections can cause the common cold, flu, mumps and laryngitis. Bacterial infections cause strep throat, tonsillitis and inflammation of the uvula and epiglottis.

Allergies, smoking, air pollutants, screaming and shouting and nasal drainage down the back of the throat can also result in a sore and irritated throat. The common symptoms are red and inflamed throat, a scratchy feeling in the throat, constant pain, fever and a stuffy nose. The regular mode of treatment is antibiotics which not only cause a number of side effects but also destroy the beneficial bacteria and encourage the growth of dangerous antibiotic resistant bacteria.

Natural Cures For Sore Throat

Salt Water Gargle

Take a glass of very warm water and dissolve a teaspoon of salt into it. Gargle with this water three or four times daily. When you gargle tilt your backwards and let the warm water stay in your throat for a few seconds. The warmth will soothe the inflammation and pain and salt will reduce the infection and the phlegm. You should also rest as much as possible to reserve your energy to fight the infection and get you back on the road to recovery.

Black Tea

Brew two cups of black tea. Drink one cup of the tea and use the second cup for gargling. Drink the hot tea slowly three or four times a day.

Black tea is full of tannins that have powerful antiviral, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties which will make short work of the infection and heal the sore throat as fast as possible. The black tea gargle will soothe the irritated throat and reduce the swelling and pain.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar has many therapeutic uses because of its great healing abilities. It can combat all kinds of infection and reduce the inflammation and pain. Take one glass of hot water and mix one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and one tablespoon of honey into it. Sip the hot mixture two or three times daily. Honey will also soothe the inflamed throat and bring relief in the pain.


Turmeric is a potent remedy for all kinds of infections. It is very useful in curing coughs, sore throat and every other kind of disorder of the respiratory tract. Take a glass of hot milk and mix one teaspoon of turmeric powder into it.

Drink the hot mixture once in the morning and once at night before going to bed. Turmeric will reduce and thin down the phlegm and will help it to slide down the throat easily.


Break a couple of eucalyptus leaves into small pieces. Boil a glass of water and steep the eucalyptus leaves into it for five minutes. Strain the infusion and use it as a gargle. Gargle twice or thrice everyday until your throat has healed completely.

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