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Foods that we eat are digested completely to produce energy so that your body carry on with its functions. The energy production takes place at a cellular level where the required amount of food broken down by the digestive system is completely absorbed by the body.This entire process is known as metabolism. Increasing the rate of metabolism will not only help in avoiding accumulation of unwanted fats, but will also help in reducing your body weight.Though the rate of metabolism in a human body is genetically determined, but there are few factors like proper diets and physical exercises that help in speeding up the metabolic rate. To be more precise, it is the vitamins that regulates the basal metabolic rate, improves health and helps in boosting the energy levels.
Top Vitamins for Energy Boost
B Vitamins
In order to maintain proper metabolism to extract energy for healthy body functions, you need to include B vitamins in your diet. These vitamins help in metabolism of fats, proteins and carbohydrates and boost the central nervous system. Production of most of your body energy takes place solely due to B vitamins and a deficiency in them can cause weakness and fatigue.Decrease in the level of certain B vitamins like B6, thiamine, B12, folic acid and niacin may lead to low mood, lack of concentration, lethargy and increase in risk of developing some serious diseases. The food items that contain B vitamins include asparagus, whole grains, melon, spinach, eggs, beans, fish and lentils.
Magnesium plays an essential role in improving your energy level through increased metabolic rate. In a recent study, it was revealed that the food habits of the Americans do not fulfil the optimal levels of magnesium in their body. In order to let your body continue with its biochemical reactions like regulating energy metabolism, protein synthesis, etc. and maintain muscle, nerve and heart functions, you need to consume this vitamin on a daily basis.If a body performs these functions efficiently, it will not only increase the metabolic rate, but can also maintain the required level of energy to carry on with such activities. The food items rich in magnesium include peas, nuts, lentils and edamame.
Vitamin C
The free radicals damage your muscles and tissues and it is this antioxidant that protects your body against such radicals. Vitamin C increases the energy level and the metabolic rate in your body, by suppressing the oxidative stress. When the proper functioning of your central nervous system degrades, your body starts conserving the already produced energy for survival.Hence, an oxidative stress can cause a huge drop in metabolic rate. In such a situation, vitamin C can help extract iron from foods. If you combine food items that are rich in iron like red meat, spinach, etc. with the foods that are rich in vitamin C like orange juice or strawberries, it will boost your energy level. Mineral irons that are present in the foods get completely absorbed by your body with the help of vitamin C, increasing your body’s metabolic rate and energy level.
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