Categories: Health Care

What is Causing This Throbbing Headache?


Cerebral aneurysms are a common condition that can become serious if not treated. They are caused by a balloon-like bulge on the wall of a weakened blood vessel. The bulge will fill with blood and cause the blood vessel to become even weaker. The bulge, or aneurysm, may become so filled with blood that it ruptures. The rupture will cause bleeding in the brain and can even lead to stroke or death. Knowing the different cerebral aneurysm symptoms will help you prevent this from happening.

Unruptured cerebral aneurysm symptoms are very limited. In fact, in many cases, and unruptured aneurysm will show no signs or symptoms at all. Knowing what the possible cerebral aneurysm symptoms is still important though. Fatigue is a common symptom among all aneurysms. The body will not be getting enough blood or oxygen due to the aneurysm. This will cause the body to be overworked and may even shut down. One common cerebral aneurysm symptoms is double vision or poor peripheral vision. The aneurysm will be effecting all of the senses in some way, but vision is normally the first detected. Loss of concentration and short-term memory loss are also cerebral aneurysm symptoms. This is due to the lack of blood and oxygen to the brain. Dilated pupils and change in behavior could also be cerebral aneurysm symptoms.

Unlike the unruptured ones, there are many different cerebral aneurysm symptoms for ones that have ruptured. The most common is a sudden, severe headache. In fact, almost everyone will experience this. It is similar to a migraine, but much more painful. It will most likely be the worst pain you have ever experienced. Other cerebral aneurysm symptoms come along with the headache. Sensitivity to light is very common among ruptured aneurysms. Also, nausea and vomiting are cerebral aneurysm symptoms. The combination of these symptoms can sometimes lead people to the wrong diagnosis. All of these symptoms are common among migraines as well. So a lot of people mistake the aneurysm for a migraine. This can lead to some major health problems. There is one common cerebral aneurysm symptom that could distinguish it from a migraine. Stiff neck or neck pain is a very common symptom. The aneurysm will be putting lots of pressure on the neck and also effecting the amount of blood flow to the neck. This will cause the pain and stiffness.

Cerebral aneurysms can become a very serious problem if not diagnosed early on. Knowing what the different cerebral aneurysm symptoms are can help you stop the problem before it becomes too severe. If you notice any of the symptoms speak with your doctor about the possibility of it being and aneurysm.


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