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10 Home Remedies For Chickenpox


Chickenpox is such a disease that occurs only once in lifetime, once it comes and goes, it will not appear again. Chickenpox is usually found in children. Actually, ayurvedic medicine works better for chickenpox rather than allopathy. Here are 10 home remedies to cure for chickenpox.

Effective Home Remedies For Chickenpox

Avoid Exposing Pimples

Exposing pimples during the time of chickenpox will increase the number of pimples. Thus, it is always advised not to leave your home when you are attacked by chickenpox.

Turmeric Powder And Coconut Oil

As turmeric powder has medicinal ingredient, it has the power to cure any type of infections. Thus, you can use turmeric powder and mix in coconut oil or groundnut oil, make a fine paste and apply it on your face and body to reduce pimples and the black pimple marks. You can also combine turmeric powder with sandalwood oil to increase your complexion.


During the time of Chickenpox, it is recommended to eat oily food like- potato chips, finger chips, fried papad, and so on; this will let more pimples to appear on your face, and further removes all pimples at a single time and avoid the pimples to appear in future.

It is also important to avoid eating vegetables like potatoes and eggplant (brinjal). So keep yourself away from these vegetables to cure chickenpox quickly.

Neem Leaves And Lemon

Boil Neem Leaves in a mug of water, add or squeeze 2 full sized lemons in the water, dip a cotton ball or a medium size cloth ball in the water, and apply this solution wherever chickenpox is found. This will kill the yeast, makes you cool and keeps you away from itching.

Rose Water And Tomato Juice

You can also try rose water or tomato juice to get rid of itching. As tomato is a cool substance, it has capacity to give you relief from itching. Apart from this, tomato works better to reduce or remove pimples. Using tomato peels or slices on the area where pimples are found, not only removes pimples, but also cures the pimple marks.

Tulsi Leaves And Sandalwood Oil

Pick a bunch of Tulsi leaves, make a paste, mix with sandalwood paste, apply on the face and whole body thoroughly to get good relief from pimples and itching.

Try Honey

Honey is another effective medicine for many skin diseases. Hence, it is a good idea to consume 2-3 teaspoons of honey regularly, apply on face as a face pack and even apply the same pack on the whole infected body to make the body cool.

Apply Curds

Mix Bengal gram flour with curds, apply on the affected area, wait till it gets dry and remove this pack by cleaning through a wet cotton cloth. Do this as many times till you feel better.

Brown Vinegar or Baking Powder

You can use 2 tablespoons or a small glass of baking powder or brown vinegar in a glass of water and squeeze or sponge over the whole body, allow it for sometime, later wash with the clean cloth. This method will reduce itching.

Ice Cubes

You can use ice cubes, if the pimples hurt you badly. Keep few ice cubes and rub them wherever itching bothers you.  Doing this will minimize the pain.

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