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11 Home Remedies For ADD In Children



ADD or Attention Deficit Disorder has become a common problem among the children in this world. The main reason behind the increased occurrence of this condition is the modern day fast paced life and nuclear families, where child is not able to get the required support.ADD is characterized by uncontrolled behavior and inattentiveness in children. The child is not able to pay attention, is easily distracted and has problem following instructions.This condition can severely impact the life of child, as well as his/her parents and therefore, should be diagnosed and cured at the earliest.Although there is no full proof medical cure available for this condition, but there are some home remedies that have shown promising results. You can use these simple remedies, easily available at your home, for curing Attention Deficit Disorder problem of your child.

Best Home Remedies For ADD In Children


Proteins are required to build up the body muscles and also to keep the brain in good health. They should be given in increased quantities to the child suffering from ADD, as they help in the production of norepinephrine and dopamine, within the brain. These chemicals help in improving the mental alertness and focus in your child, which are reduced due to ADD.

Green Tea

A cup of green tea can be given to your child regularly, to increase his/her focus and reduce his mood swings. The caffeine and other elements present in green tea are very effective in ADD.To get best results, you need to give a cup of this tea, at least twice every day, to your child. You should preferably remove or replace the normal sugar, as it may interfere with the effects of this tea.

Passion Flowers

The aroma of passion flower is extremely soothing and helps in providing a restful sleep to your child. You can place these flowers on the head side of the bed of your child, before going to sleep. This will improve his sleeping patterns and provide the much needed rest to his mind, which is the basic requirement while treating ADD.

Gourd Juice

Bottle gourd or Long melon has the properties that can help children suffering from ADD. You can give one glass or 250 gm of bottle gourd juice to your child daily.This will help in improving the behavioral pattern of your child and improve his brain related functions. This juice may not be liked by your child, but then, you can add flavors to it and motivate him to drink it.

Aromatic Oils

The essential aromatic oils, like lavender and peppermint oil have a great effect on the brain of every person, including your child suffering from ADD. These oils are very effective in calming down the aggression of your kid and making the atmosphere soothing. You can burn some aromatic oils in the room of your child or spray it on his study table, to calm down his mind and increase focus.

Flax Seeds

You should give flax seeds daily to your child fighting ADD. Generally half a teaspoon of flax seeds are enough to fulfill the requirement of an entire day.You can simply give these flax seeds with water, or can crush them and add to the food of your child. These are very helpful in improving your child’s mental health and helping him in controlling his thoughts.

Black Tea

Black tea contains the most appropriate amount of caffeine, which can be very helpful in the condition of Attention Deficit Disorder. You can give one or two cups daily to your child for best results.

Almond Paste

Almond is considered good for your brains, but it can also be an effective home remedy for ADD in children. Take 6 to 8 almonds and soak them in water overnight. Peel off the skins and grind these almonds into a paste. Now, heat some clarified butter in a pan, and add this almond paste to it.Fry for some time and then add one glass of milk to it. Remove from heat and serve this milk every morning to your child. This milk not only contains various nutrients but also minerals like zinc, which can help your child, control his thoughts and reduce the aggression.

Fish Oil

Fish oil is very good for the overall health of the human brain, so it should be given to the children having ADD. The Omega 3 present in this fish oil is very effective in curing ADD by increasing the focus and perceptive powers of your child. Fishes are the best source of this fish oil, but if your child does not like fish, then you can also give fish oil supplements instead.

Gingko Biloba

Ginkgo biloba can be given to your child to cure ADD. It improves memory, cognition, focus, and perception and retention powers of the children and adults alike.It also prevents damage to brain and nerve fibers and improves the health of your brains. On regular consumption, it can improve the condition of ADD.

Reduce The Amount Sugar Intake

Sugar is said to have negative impact on the condition of ADD, as it may further deteriorate this condition. It is very important that you reduce the sugar intake of your child, to make the remedies more effective.Attention deficit disorder in children calls for your care and support. Instead of getting irritated or being harsh on your kid, you have to learn to show patience and try to understand his problems.The above mentioned home remedies can be of great help in this condition, but in addition to these home remedies, don’t forget to give your child the required attention and care. Your personal support along with above mentioned home remedies may work wonders for your family.

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