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How To Stay Healthy Using Neem In 7 Different Ways


Full and largely covered neem tree or Azadirachta Indica has got 500 years worth of tricks and is one of the much known ever green tree of herbs in India. Because of its ability to treat the body in and out, neem is an amazing plant, also called as the village pharmacy. All the parts of neem tree including its bark, leaves and seeds provide innumerable health benefits to the people at large. Neem is widely available in different forms of powders, extracts, pastes and twigs. The major use of neem twigs is still found to brush teeth by villagers in India.

Neem is a rich source of anti oxidants and extremely high in fatty acids, can destroy bacteria, enhances immune system in the body, is a good analgesic, improves blood circulation, has anti inflammatory and anti fungal characteristics. . Neem can remove toxins in the body, it is of great help to prevent diabetes, digestion disorders in the stomach and periodontal disease.

Fresh Neem Leaves Paste

Paste from neem leaves can be prepared by grinding them using a mortar and a pestle. This paste can be used as it is for many purposes. You can apply this paste on the skin affected and let it dry or leave it for 25 minutes. Rinse off with water.

Follow this process as and when you want your skin to look elegant.Another way of preparing neem paste is by soaking the neem leaves in hot water. After the leaves turn soft, you can get neem paste by crushing the leaves with adequate water.Many of the skin disorders like acne, psoriasis, dryness and eczema can  be treated with neem leaves paste too.

Dried Neem Leaves Paste

Yet another easiest way of making a neem leaf paste is by using dried leaves as these are good for storage and much more comfortable than fresh leaves. A paste of dried neem leaves is good for certain skin disorders such as pimples, skin infections, boils and acne.

Neem Paste From Its Skin

This paste can be obtained by rubbing the neem skin on a hard surface like that of a rock or tough wood by sprinkling water as the need may be.

Prevents The Contagious Chicken Pox

Since hundreds of decades Indians have realized the positive effects of neem tree on hair and skin care. For better effects on hair and skin, drop few neem leaves in hot water and bath with the same water for keeping your self away from germs and bacteria.Because of its many of the natural medicinal ingredients, neem leaves are also kept on the bed of those who have chicken pox, so that the virus will not be spread within the body and also not to reach to others in the same family.

Applications Of Neem Oil To Hair

Neem oil proves effective for treating hair by fortifying the keratin in hair to make it look healthy , shiny and also prevents hair from graying. For all these reasons, neem is used by Indians and many Asians in other countries to re grow their hair. In India, nearly 80% of the neem oil which is extracted from the neem tree is used in the manufacturing of neem soap.

Else, the paste may become very watery if it has more than the required quantity and may not serve the purpose.You can also prepare this paste from the neem leaf extract that can be mixed with either calamine powder or sandal wood powder the ingredients of which are quite cool in their sensation on the skin.

Treatment For Scabies

Scabies is a disease that is found across the world and among everybody irrespective of age and gender. This disease most commonly occurs by having direct contacts with the disease infected people and also by sharing clothing, bedding, towels etc.A conventional treatment for scabies can be irritable on a person’s skin. To overcome this problem, a natural cure with neem proves soothing on the skin by numbing the pain. When scabies are treated with neem, you will be relieved of itching, inflammation and redness on the skin.

Treatment with neem can also heal the probable secondary infections that may be caused due to scratching and lesions. Yet another note worthy point to treat scabies naturally with neem is that of the resistant nature of scabies to most of the conventional pesticides. Even in times where other medications are ineffective for scabies, neem has thousands of years of traditional applications and is irresistant to insects and pests.

Tonic From Neem Bark

Though the barks of neem tree taste bitter, many of the tonics used to treat fever, dehydration, skin diseases, nausea and the like have ingrdients of neem bark in them.

Neem Fruit- Though Small, Very Big For Vulnerable Diseases

The neem fruits are known to be emollient and quite useful for treating intestinal worms, ulcers and urinary diseases. It is also said that if neem fruit fresh is mixed with honey to cure jaundice and the same juice when taken with salt, worms in the intestine will be killed.

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