Top 8 Herbal Remedies For Sinus Congestion


Sinus congestion or rhinitis is undoubtedly, a troublesome condition. It takes place owing to factors that lead to inflammation and consequently, build up of more than the normal quantity of mucus within the membrane lined sinus cavities.

The inflamed sinus cavities along with failure of complete drainage of the thick mucus from the originally air filled spaces makes an individual feel pain and increased pressure. Possible causes include common cold, environmental irritants or certain abnormalities such as deviated nasal septum.

The next question that revolves around unanswered in the minds of many goes as follows – Which treatment option to go? Instead of reverting to the commonly prescribed medications, wouldn’t it be better to give natural herbs a try? You can definitely discuss this non-medicinal mode of treatment with your health provider to know more about the pros and cons of herbal remedies. Let us go through some of the efficacious herbal remedies that help treat sinus discomfort.

Herbal Remedies For Sinus Congestion

Trust Eucalyptus Oil

The oil obtained from Eucalyptus leaves has potent anti-bacterial properties and proves to be more than helpful in dealing with the symptoms seen in sinus congestion. The herbal oil is thus effective, especially in patients with nasal congestion linked to bacterial infection.

When used as a rub, for steam inhalation or as tea, Eucalyptus oil can not only defeat the infection but also facilitate faster expulsion of thick mucus by thinning it out. It has also been studied that those with consumption of 200 mg of eucalyptus oil thrice a day had lesser severe symptoms of sinus congestion.

A quick way to allow the chief ingredient, Cineole in eucalyptus oil to reach the inflamed sinus is to add one or two drops of it to the inhaler at night. Here are a few conditions that contradict the use of eucalyptus oil. These include patients diagnosed with asthma, patients who exhibit abnormal fluctuations in their blood pressure, liver disorder or during pregnancy.


Consider Goldenseal, an herb commonly found in Canada and some parts of United States as a gift that effectively treats the affected mucous membrane. The root of Goldenseal deals with harmful bacteria which form of the main reasons for initiation of nasal congestion.

Having two tablets of Goldenseal (50 mg) thrice in a day or consuming a homemade tincture prepared by mixing the herb and alcohol in a ratio of 1:10 will unblock the sinuses and facilitate proper drainage. Approach your doctor to decide on the optimal dosing for high doses can trigger seizures or in rare cases, paralysis.

Bayberry Root

Another remedy recommended for sinus congestion includes the Bayberry root bark with a pleasant aroma and is known by several names such as Candle berry, Myrica and Wax myrtle. If you have been extremely uncomfortable due to your stuffy nose, try this naturally occurring nasal.

The natural constituent in the root and bark portion of this plant known as myricitrin works like an antibiotic that helps fight the infections that trigger the over production of mucus.The dried form of this herb when used as an astringent has the ability to bring down the inflammation of the membrane and dries out the thick mucus secretion.

However, exert caution while using bayberry, especially if you have stomach ailments, for example, colitis. If taken in excess doses, the herb can lead to symptoms of nausea or vomiting. Also young ones below the age of two must not be treated with the bayberry root.

Bitter Orange

The dry peel or essential oil extract of Bitter orange, which is also called Seville orange or Zhi shi solves the problem of sinus congestion. Neroli, the oil extracted from the flowers of the herb when soaked in cotton can effectively clear the congestion.

To mask the sour taste of the herb while preparing Bitter orange tea, add a teaspoon of white tea. The remaining herb can be easily stored in airtight bags or containers where it is well protected from heat or moisture.

Black Elderberry Beats

European or Black elderberry is a rich herb that has been put to use for many health troubles, and sinus congestion is one of them. Being a strong anti-inflammatory agent with anti-oxidant properties, it is easy for the herb to curb the process of inflammation in the membranes and sinuses.

Before taking advantage of its healing power, you must always consult a doctor as Black Elderberry is believed to be involved in many drug interactions especially with medications used in chemotherapy and asthma.

Cooked form of the herb such as herb infused tea or tincture is preferred over the raw version for fear of experiencing nausea.

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This herb is available as a dietary supplement besides capsule, finely powdered or tea form. In order to maximize the health benefits of Echinacea in cases of nasal congestion that eases the sensation of fullness in the sinus area combine Echinacea with other herbs namely Black elderberry. Enjoy two to three steaming cups of tea made with the herbs on a daily basis to accelerate the production of infection fighting white blood cells.


One of the traditional herbal remedies to fight the congestion of any of the paired sinuses is a wild herb known as Euphrasia officinalis or Eyebright. Many herbalists strongly recommend the regular intake of dried Eyebright in the form of remedial tea. The reason is solely because of its natural ability to act as an effective expectorant, decongestant and astringent too.

Add approximately ten grams of the herb to two cups of water, which should be left to boil for a few minutes. After the solution cools, you can either have it as a warm cup of tea or use as an external compress.

Devil’s Claw

Do not let the symptoms of sinus congestion spoil your day at work or home. The relentless, throbbing headache and increased pressure in the cheek and eye area can be managed by using Devil’s Claw. Although the herb possesses an unpleasant taste, its ability to lower pain makes it worth going for. Some of the side effects to watch out for include reduced appetite and sometimes allergic reactions.

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