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Nasal congestion is commonly referred to as a stuffy nose and is a very common condition. The condition arises when there is excessive fluid gathered in the nasal region thereby causing the blood vessels and the nasal tissues to swell. The worst thing about the congestion is that it not only affect the nose, but it can also interfere with hearing and speech as it spreads to the other regions related to the nose. This is one condition that can render one sleepless as it makes it very hard to breathe especially when lying down.
Nasal congestion can be caused by a variety of aspects which include whooping cough, medications, sinusitis, chickenpox and deviated septum. It may also arise as a result of pregnancy, cold temperatures, especially during the colder months of the year, bright lights and spicy foods. Cold, flu, irritants found in the air and allergic reactions toward pet dander, food and dust are other known causes of nasal congestion.
Patients suffering from nasal congestion normally go through various symptoms. The most common symptoms experienced are tenderness, pain and pressure above the eyebrows as well as on the upper side of the teeth. Bad breath, dry cough that can be very irritating, nasal stuffiness and green or yellowish discharge are some of the other symptoms accompanying nasal congestion. The symptoms can be very uncomfortable and proper treatment should therefore be taken to get life back to normal.
Seeing that this is a common condition, there is a need to know all helpful methods of getting rid of it immediately after the signs start showing. Among the best ways of treating nasal congestion is the use of natural remedies. There are several natural remedies for the condition that work effectively and are cost effective compared to most of the drugs that people get when faced with the congestion. Besides being effective, the natural remedies for the condition are safe as they pose no harmful risk to the users.
Properties: Mustard is known to give instant relief from nasal congestion as it contains essential minerals that help in clearing the gathered nasal fluid. It helps in making the mucus smooth then clears to give instant relief to patients. This is one of the best natural remedies for the congestion.
Properties: Cayenne pepper is a good remedy that helps in decongesting the nose and other parts of the respiratory system that could be congested. It has medicinal agents which work by clearing the fluid gathered in the nasal cavity thereby promoting the proper flow. Patients should be prepared for a flow of mucus when using this as a remedy and later should experience free breathing.
Properties: Carom seeds contain essential minerals and compounds which help in getting rid of nasal congestion. The remedy is very simple and is effective and actually considered to be among the simplest home remedies for treating nasal congestion as it is easy to use.
Properties: The aroma of the seeds and the various compounds they contain is what makes them effective in dealing with nasal congestion. The remedy is also used to treat other conditions of the respiratory system as it has proven to be very beneficial.
Properties: Black pepper has healing powers and also helps in draining the blocked nasal channels. It is also a great natural remedy for dealing with the swelling normally experienced by the blood vessels in the nasal region. This is one of the most beneficial home remedies for nasal congestion.
Properties: Horseradish contains essential compounds which work by loosening the congestion thereby getting rid of the condition. It is considered to be among the best natural remedies for the treatment of the congestion.
Properties: The apple vinegar contains anti-inflammatory properties which work together with other compounds found in the vinegar to treat nasal congestion within a short period of time. This is one of the widely used remedies for the treatment of the condition.
Properties: The essential minerals and compounds found in this oil boosts immunity helping to fight the congestion. It is one good natural remedy for lung and sinus congestion and is also used in treating other conditions affecting the human body.
Properties:The oil of tea trees contain important properties such as antibacterial and antiviral components which help in the treatment of nasal congestion and other conditions associated with the respiratory and digestive systems.
Properties: The oil has essential compounds which help fight symptoms of nasal congestion. The remedy is also very helpful in reducing the swelling of the blood vessels promoting proper blood flow. It is among the very best natural remedies for the congestion.
Take Echinecea herb and add into boiling water then slowly inhale the fumes. The water can then be taken twice a day to help in relieving the symptoms of nasal congestion. The herb works by stimulating white blood cell production helping greatly in the fighting the condition and other illnesses. Three cups of tea made using the herb should be very helpful in treating it.
Chew raw onion to help get rid of the congestion. Raw onion can also be added in meals or salads as a diet for the condition. The onion works by stimulating a runny nose which then helps in clearing the gathered fluids in the nose.
Take lots of fluids most preferably hot teas or soups throughout the day as a way of treating the congestion. Chicken soup is believed to be a great cure in this form and is highly recommended.
Add spices into your food to encourage a running nose. This helps in treating the condition as the excessive fluids gathered in the nose region are cleared giving way to proper breathing. Hot peppers can be used for this kind of treatment.
Take zinc supplements to help in improving the sinuses and getting rid of the congestion. The remedy is also very good for patients who find that their smelling abilities are hindered by the condition.
Add menthol in boiling water and then inhale the fumes as a great treatment for the congestion. Steam baths can also be used where the patients simply stand in hot showers and inhale the steam which in turn helps clear the congestion.
Take saline drops and moisten the eyes to get rid of any dryness, pain and itching that could be as a result of the nasal congestion. Another remedy known to be effective in dealing with the condition is the use of grapefruit seeds. The seeds can be used in boiling water and the fumes inhaled to get the desired results. Grapefruits can also be taken be taken regularly as a diet for nasal congestion.
Make chamomile, mint or green tea on a daily basis and take it as an effective way of treating the congestion. The teas can be taken several times in a day to give effective results. These are some of the best home remedies for nasal congestion.
Add salt to boiling water then pour the solution into the nostrils after cooling down. This is a great home remedy for treating swelling and also in clearing the blocked airways.
Mix tomato juice with hot sauce, lemon juice and freshly chopped garlic. Celery can also be added into the mixture and then this heated and taken at least twice a day. Celery can be taken as a diet for the condition as well.
Mix baking soda and salt then add in warm water. The solution can then be dropped into the nostrils to offer the desired results.
Increase your intakes of food rich in Vitamin C as this is known to keep stuffiness at bay. One should also ensure that he takes enough fluids, most especially hot fluids, to help in the clearing of the congestion. This works by opening all blocked airways.
When sleeping, it is important to ensure that the head remains elevated to aid proper breathing. Lying down flat will only make the situation worse which is why it is important to keep the head elevated.
Promote proper breathing by taking a walk or taking simple exercises. The exercises will also help in improving the circulation of blood which is important in dealing with the condition.
Reduce intakes of wheat products and dairy products and instead take lots of fresh fruits and vegetables to supply the body with all important nutrients. Keep your body well hydrated and always remember to carry a tissue or handkerchief to blow the nose whenever the need arises.
Avoid foods which are too sugary and avoid taking too much carbohydrate as well. These are known to make the congestion worse and should therefore be avoided whenever possible.
Take vegetables, whole grains and fish and avoid caffeinated beverages and foods as they tend to make the condition worse.
Patients can also take hot showers or baths every time they experience nose blocking as a way of getting rid of the congestion before it even settles.
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