Home Remedies for Premature Graying of Hair

Gray hairs are common in elderly people and occur in both men and women. However, times have changed and it is now very common to find young adults sporting gray hair. More people are complaining about having gray hair, a condition that is also affecting small children. Young adults normally find the situation very embarrassing as it makes them look much older than they truly are since this is a condition associated with ageing.

Gray hair occurs when the body stops producing melanin, hair pigment, thereby causing the hair to lose color. The hair first begins by turning colorless before turning white hence leaving the person affected by the condition of having a mixture of white and black hair. Premature graying of hair is caused by several aspects, which include sinusitis, mental worries, and chronic cold as well as faulty diets. Other causes are bad scalp hygiene, hereditary factors, anemia, chemotherapy, kidney weakness, hormonal imbalance and thyroid disease among several other factors.

Premature hair graying comes with a variety of symptoms among them hair thinning, brittle hair, headaches and hair color loss. Graying is considered premature when it occurs before one attains 35 years of age. The good part of all this is that it is possible to treat premature cases of graying hair. There are several home remedies for the condition that can be used to get the natural color of hair back without having to spend too much bringing back the former confidence. The natural remedies for the condition have proved to be very effective in taking the problem and offering a long term solution.

  1. Home Remedies
  2. Other Remedies
  3. Diet

Home Remedies for Premature Graying of Hair

Amaranth as a Home Remedy for Premature Graying of Hair

Amaranth Properties: Amaranth has valuable minerals, which help in restoring the natural color of hair. It is considered to be among the best natural remedies for the condition and is therefore widely used to take care of the condition most people find embarrassing.

Using Amaranth as a Treatment for Premature Graying of Hair:
Crush the leaves of amaranth to make a paste and then apply thoroughly onto the hair ensuring that it goes all the way to the scalp. This should then be well massaged and left for half an hour before washing off. For best results, the treatment should be continued for three months.

Indian Gooseberry as a Natural Remedy for Premature Graying of Hair

Indian Gooseberry Properties: The Indian Gooseberry is essential as it takes care of most of the conditions that lead to hair color loss. The herb is widely used and is very popular as it treats a variety of diseases and conditions. It is one of the most beneficial natural remedies for most diseases attacking the human body.

Using Indian Gooseberry as a Cure for Premature Graying of Hair:
Make juice by blending the leaves of the herb and then apply this onto the hair before retiring to bed. The juice can be mixed with almond oil and limejuice and secured overnight for best results.

Another way of using the remedy is cutting it into pieces and soaking it in water. The water should then be used to wash the hair on a daily basis as treatment for the gray hair.

Rosemary as a Home Remedy for Premature Graying of Hair

Rosemary Properties: Rosemary has essential minerals, which nourish the scalp and the hair promoting the production of melanin thereby keeping the color of the hair as natural as it should be. This is among the most useful natural remedies for the condition.

Using Rosemary as a Cure for Premature Graying of Hair:
The leaves of rosemary should be soaked in oil, most preferably jojoba oil, and left for a month. This should then be heated and the oil used to massage the hair on a daily basis. This remedy naturally takes care of the gray hair restoring the natural color within a short period of time. Sage and nettle can also be added in the water to make the remedy more effective.

Coconut Oil as a Natural Remedy for Premature Graying of Hair

Coconut Oil Properties: Coconut acts as food for the hair thereby providing the proper nourishment needed to restore the natural color of the hair. The remedy is also very good in taking care of a dry scalp and promoting healthy hair growth.

Using Coconut Oil as a Cure for Premature Graying of Hair:
The oil should be applied and massaged into the hair and scalp on a daily basis as a simple way of getting rid of the gray hair occurring prematurely. It cans be mixed with curry leaves juice to make it more effective.

Basil Leaves as a Natural Remedy for Premature Graying of Hair

Basil Leaves Properties: Basil contains important minerals and nutrients, which help in preventing and stopping the graying of hair restoring the right, natural color to those affected by the condition. The remedy also works on underlying problems, which lead to hair color loss taking care of the problem effectively.

Using Basil Leaves as a Cure for Premature Graying of Hair:
Soak the leaves of basil in jojoba oil and leave it for a month. The oil should then be heated and used on a daily basis on the hair as a way of treating the gray hair condition. This is one of the most useful natural remedies for taking care of the gray hair and getting rid of the embarrassment.

Curry Leaves as a Home Remedy for Premature Graying of Hair

Curry Leaves Properties: Curry leaves have essential minerals that help in promoting hair health. The remedy is also perfect in taking care of other conditions that lead to the premature hair graying, thereby handling the disease from the base.

Using Curry Leaves as a Treatment for Premature Graying of Hair:
The leaves should be added into a bowl of coconut oil and then boiled before straining and massaging into the hair when cool. The oil should be applied in such a way that it reaches the scalp to offer the right kind of treatment. The leaves can also be included in meals as a diet for the hair condition.

Ribbed Gourd as a Natural Remedy for Premature Graying of Hair

Ribbed Gourd Properties: Ribbed gourd stimulates the production of melanin thereby helping in the restoration of the normal hair color. This is one of the best home remedies for restoring hair color and is very popular.

Using Ribbed Gourd as a Cure for Premature Graying of Hair:
The best way of using this remedy to treat gray hair condition is to dry it in the sun then soak it in oil of coconut. This should be done when the gourd is cut into small pieces. The mixture should then be brought to boil until it turns black. The oil should then be massaged into the hair and scalp as a treatment for the condition.

Castor Oil as a Home Remedy for Premature Graying of Hair

Castor Oil Properties: castor oil contains essential minerals and nutrients that have proven to be very effective in dealing with cases of premature graying of hair. The oil nourishes the hair follicles promoting proper hair growth and stimulating the production of hair pigment also known as melanin.

Using Castor Oil as a Treatment for Premature Graying of Hair:
Mix the oil with a good amount of lemon juice before applying it onto the scalp and hair. This should be left for at least one hour before washing it off, using a good herbal shampoo. The oil can also be used when preparing meals as a diet for the condition as it is very effective.

Almond Oil as a Natural Remedy for Premature Graying of Hair

Almond Oil Properties: Almond oil contains all the essential minerals that the hair needs to stay and look healthy. This is one of the most beneficial oils when it comes to hair matters although it is also widely used in the treatment of other conditions because of the various minerals it has.

Using Almond Oil as a Cure for Premature Graying of Hair:
The oils should be applied directly onto the hair and massaged all the way to the scalp on a daily basis. It should be left on the hair for at least 30 minutes before washing it off using warm water and a good shampoo.

Henna as a Home Remedy for Premature Graying of Hair

Henna Properties: Henna happens to be a natural dye that can be used effectively to achieve the desired hair color. The plant occurs naturally and grows in most regions and is therefore not too hard to get. It should be noted however that the remedy turns the color either brown or black.

Using Henna as a Treatment for Premature Graying of Hair:
Take several leaves of henna and boil them in coconut oil. On turning brown or reddish, the paste can then be applied onto the hair and left until it dries completely. This should then be washed off using plenty of water and shampoo and then rinsed using clean water.

Other Home Remedies for Premature Graying of Hair

Squeeze juice from several lemons and then mix well with coconut oil before applying onto the hair and scalp as an effective way of dealing with cases of premature graying of hair. The oil should be left on the hair for 20 minutes before then rinsing off using warm water and a good hair shampoo. Lemon juice can also be taken regularly as a diet for the hair condition as it contains very good minerals that promote hair health.

Another very effective remedy for premature hair graying is using butter from cow’s milk on the hair. The butter should be massaged into the scalp and hair twice every week as a way of getting rid of the white hairs. The butter nourishes the hair and scalp promoting proper growth.

Prepare a highly concentrated tea decoction and then wash the hair using the solution twice every week as a way of treating the hair condition.

Another way of treating cases of premature hair graying is mixing black tea extracts with salt. This should then be strained and applied onto the hair massaging all the way to the scalp as a simple way of getting rid of the gray hair. The remedy triggers the production of melanin and is one of the simplest home remedies for the condition. It also improves the natural color of the hair.

Take a small amount of yoghurt and mix well with mint juice, basil juice and henna powder before applying it to the hair as a treatment for the gray hair. The paste should be left on the hair for a couple of hours before washing it off.

Mix coffee powder and ground fenugreek seeds and make a paste by mixing in a little amount of water. The paste can then be used on a daily basis as a simple way of taking care of gray hair that occur prematurely. The paste should be left on the hair for at least two hours before washing it off.

Prepare vegetable juice and apply thoroughly onto the hair and scalp as a treatment for premature graying of hair. The juices promote hormonal balance and restore the original color and structures of the hair. The juices can actually be taken on a daily basis as a diet for the condition and also as a way of promoting good health.

Diet for Premature Graying of the Hair and other Precautions

Take a balanced and healthy diet always as a simple way of keeping the body healthy thereby keeping infections, diseases and other conditions at bay.

Increase your intakes of fresh green vegetables and fresh fruits in your daily diet to keep the body well supplied with all essential nutrients and minerals it requires to promote good hair growth.

Drink lots of water and healthy fluid such as fresh fruit juices to keep the body well hydrated and free from infections and conditions that come as a result of poor digestion, constipation and other disorders.

Avoid taking foods that are too sugary or refined such as soft drinks and pastries. Foods that are too spicy or too salty should also be avoided or limited as they could end up hindering proper hair growth.

Avoid using chemicals that are too harsh to the hair as well as other cosmetics that only cause damage to the hair. Oils, creams and hair products made using natural herbs are the best to buy when seeking to keep the hair looking and feeling healthy.

Observe proper scalp and hair hygiene, as this is the major cause of hindering proper growth of the hair, because the hair follicles happen to be accumulated with foreign matters. It is important to ensure that when washing the hair, the scalp is also well cleaned to avoid such occurrences.

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