The gallbladder is a small pear shaped sac hanging between the lobes of the liver. The function of the gallbladder is to store bile made in the liver. Bile is composed of cholesterol, bile salts, lecithin, and other substances and is necessary for the digestion of fats. As fat containing foods enter the small intestine the gallbladder empties its bile and simultaneously the liver begins to produce more. A normal gallbladder generally holds about two fluid ounces of bile. The bile in the gallbladder, however, is not in the same form as it was when it left the liver. In the gallbladder there is such a great active reabsorption of salt and water that the volume of bile is reduced to only one tenth of its original quantity. Bile salts are not absorbed, which means their concentration is increased by about ten times. The following are home remedies used to treat gallbladder disorders.
- Home Remedies
- Other Remedies
- Diet
Natural remedies for Gallbladder Disorders
Beets as a Home Remedy for Gallbladder Disorders
Properties: Beets are of great therapeutic value. They have properties to clean the kidneys and gallbladder. Beets are rich in iron, magnesium, calcium, potassium and alkaline elements. They are beneficial in fighting acidosis and help the normal procedure of deletion. Red beet juice is associated with human blood and blood forming qualities. Due to its higher content of iron, it regenerates and reactivates the red blood cells, supplies fresh oxygen to the body and helps the normal function of vesicular berating (i.e. normal breath sound). It is thus extremely useful in the treatment of anemia. Beet juice is also beneficial in the treatment of jaundice, hepatitis, nausea and vomiting due to biliousness, diarrhea and dysentery. The beet juice, in combination with the juice of carrot and cucumber, is one of the finest cleansing materials for kidneys and gallbladder. It is highly beneficial in treating all disorder relating to these two organs.
Home remedies for gallbladder disorder using beet juice:
Raw beet juice should be mixed with cucumber and carrot and taking one glass of this mixed juice twice daily is the best home remedy for gallbladder disorder. The combined mixture has shown advantageous in the cure of all disorders linked to this organ.
Pears as a Home Remedy for Gallbladder Disorders
Properties: With respect to medicinal properties, pears are similar to apples. Cyanogen glucosides are found in the seeds, which, as with apple seeds are poisonous. The bark and roots contain phloretin, an antibiotic like substance that acts on gram positive and gram negative bacteria. Pear juice, similar to apple juice, has been implicated in the cause of chronic, nonspecific diarrhea in infants and children. The stem from the Pear has abnormally high levels of fructose and sorbitol relative to glucose, compared to other foods. Pear peel is listed as an ingredient in a Chinese tea for winter colds without sore throat by some traditional doctors. The decoction is prepared with ginger, cinnamon, green onion, and black pepper; tangerine peel is added if there is cough, and pear peel is added if there is severe cough..
Natural remedy for gallbladder disorder using pear:
Core and peel a pear then puree it in the blender. Place the pear mixture in a sauce pan and add two cups of boiled water. Stir in ΒΌ cup of honey. Drink often during the day for two days.
Chicory as a Home Remedy for Gallbladder Disorders
Properties: In natural medicine, chicory root is valued primarily as a mild nonirritating tonic with associated diuretic and particularly, laxative effects. It is said to protect the liver from, and act as a counter stimulant to, the effects of excessive coffee drinking. Chicory root is valued in Egypt as a folk remedy for tachycardia. The bruised leaves are considered a good poultice and are applied locally for the relief of swelling and inflammation. In addition, they are valued as a leafy green vegetable. The root has been used as folk medicine for liver disease. Recently, researchers isolated a phenolic compound, esculetin, from the roots and confirmed hepatoprotectant activity in mice against paracetamol and carbon tetrachloride-induced hepatic damage. Hepatoprotective activity has been linked to the ability of an aqueous extract of the root to inhibit oxidative degradation of DNA in tissue debris.
Cure for gallbladder disorder using chicory:
Three to five grams of powered chicory root or three grams of fresh roots should be taken daily.
Dandelion as a Home Remedy for Gallbladder Disorders
Properties: In official medical practice, the herb is used to treat liver and gallbladder diseases. It promotes the formation of bile and removes excess water from the body. It is an excellent tonic and depurative remedy. Dandelion promotes the dissolution of gallstones and exerts a calmative action in cases of kidney and bladder problems. A perfect bitter remedy, dandelion increases the appetite, and the juice is a restorative remedy useful for both stomach inflammation and low acid secretion. It is also prescribed as a gentle purgative for people suffering from constipation. In Russian folk medicine, dandelion use is also widespread. It is commonly used externally to treat skin rash, furuncles, blackheads, and other skin problems. Dandelion is rich in potassium, iron, and vitamins A, B1, B2, B6 and C. Fresh, young dandelion greens eaten in salads help prevent and treat anemia, dyspepsia with constipation, stiff joints, chronic rheumatism and gout.
Treatment for gallbladder disorder using dandelion:
To make an infusion, add 1 cup of boiling water to two teaspoons of fresh roots or fresh herb. Allow to steep for ten to fifteen minutes. Take half to one cup of the infusion daily at room temperature.
Gold Coin Grass and Cranberry Juice as a Home Remedy for Gallbladder Disorders
Properties: If you suffer from gallbladder disease or your gallbladder has already been removed, you may need to take cranberry juice or gold coin grass for two to three weeks prior to liver cleansing. As a general recommendation, you may also need to consider taking a bile supplement. Without a gallbladder you may never again obtain the right amount of bile needed for the proper digestion of food.
Cure for gallbladder disorder using cranberry juice:
Take cranberry juice or gold coin grass for two to three weeks approximately one bottle supply prior to liver cleansing.
Carrot as a Home Remedy for Gallbladder Disorders
Properties: Carrot contains carotene in red crystals; also pectin, albumen, and a particular volatile oil, on which the medicinal properties of the root depend. The seeds are warm and aromatic to the taste, whilst they are slightly diuretic. A tea made from the whole plant, and taken each night and morning is excellent when the lithie acid or gouty disposition prevails, with the deposit of brick dust sediment in the urine on its becoming cool. The principal integrity of carrots lie in the heavy antiseptic power they have, which stop all putrescent changes within the body. Wild carrots are superior medicinally to those of the cultivated kind. Carrot sugar from the inspissated juice of the roots may be used at table and is good for the coughs. The seeds of the wild carrot were formerly esteemed as a specific remedy for jaundice and in Savoy the peasants now give an infusion of the roots for the same purpose; this infusion has served to prevent stones in the bladder throughout several years when the patient had been previously subject to frequent attacks.
Treatment for gallbladder disorder using carrot juice:
One of the excellent natural remedies for gallbladder disorders is to take fresh juices extracted from the carrot.
Other Treatments for Gallbladder Disorder
The major objectives of medical therapy are to reduce the incidence of acute episodes of gallbladder pain and cholecystitis by supportive and dietary management and if possible to remove the cause of cholecystitis.
Most of the non-surgical approaches, including lithotripsy and dissolution of gallstones, provide only temporary solution to gallstone problems.
Approximately eighty percent of the patients with acute gallbladder disorder achieve remission with rest, IV fluids, nasogastric suction, analgesia, and antibiotic agents.
The diet required immediately after an episode is usually limited to low fat liquids. These can include powdered supplements high in protein and carbohydrate stirred into skim milk. These may include cooked fruits, rice or tapioca, lean meats, mashed potatoes, non-gas forming vegetables and so forth.
Diet for Gallbladder Disorders
Diet is important for this condition. Too little protein or too much refined carbohydrate in the diet prevents adequate bile production.
The cholesterol in the bile can sometimes crystalize and form gallstones, which vary in size from a grain of sand to one inch diameter. Fatty foods may trigger this painful condition.
Overeating and gallbladder disease go hand in hand. Losing weight too rapidly can also be a cause of gallbladder problems
An inflamed gallbladder also can be caused by drugs, chemicals or bacteria.
Although a low fat diet may be temporarily adhered to, such a diet should generally be avoided by people with gallbladder diseases, because it does not supply sufficient amounts of the necessary nutrients.
Nutrients may help gallbladder function. A diet supplying sufficient B vitamins aids the emptying of the gallbladder.
Herbs found to be most helpful include ginger root, parsley, cramp bark, catnip, dandelion, barbeddy root bark, horsetail and wild yam.