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Morning sickness is a phenomenon during pregnancy that is characterized by vomiting and nausea during pregnancy. A large percent of women suffer from this condition, with some cases being more severe compared to others. It is also called morning sickness, because it mostly occurs during the morning hours, however, it can occur at any other time during the day, including late in the evening. This occurrence is common during the first trimester, although there are women who suffer from it even during the last trimester.
The main causes for morning sickness are pregnancy, hormone level changes, and Vitamin B deficiency, chemical changes in the body and strong odors. Those who have gastrointestinal tract sensitivity will also find that they suffer from the condition. Other causes are stomach upset, low levels of blood sugar, increased bowel movements, progesterone increase, smell sensitivity and the body’s effort to keep the body free from toxins. Most of these causes are as a result of pregnancy, which is the major period during which women suffer from the condition.
The symptoms that many women suffer with the onset of morning sickness include vomiting, nausea, abdominal pain, and fever, as well as general body weakness. Urine that is dark colored, fainting, unstoppable vomiting and sometimes vomiting blood are some other symptoms women report to have experienced. Most of those suffering from the vomiting find it hard to keep anything in the stomach, which can then lead to the nausea and fatigue, which a large number of them go through.
The symptoms of morning sickness can be disturbing and draining, at the same time, as life tends to lose taste when one is suffering from this. However, the good news is that there are simple natural remedies for the treatment of the symptoms to make life a bit bearable for women going through all this changes. The natural remedies for morning sickness come in the form of herbs and things that are easily found within the household, making them very convenient every time the bouts begin.
Properties: Curry leaves contain soothing and healing properties, which help a great deal in dealing with morning sickness. The leaves help women hold food and fluids longer, thereby keeping vomiting bouts at bay. The leaves are some of the best natural remedies for the sickness.
Properties: Oranges are rich in Vitamin C, found to be very effective in treating morning sickness. The Vitamin C is also essential during pregnancy, as it keeps the mother and baby well protected from illnesses and infections such as common cold.
Properties: Lime juice contains essential minerals and vitamins, which have been found to work in the treatment of morning sickness. The juice is also widely used to treat a variety of other conditions especially those affecting the respiratory and the digestive system.
Properties: Bael juice contains a variety of minerals and compounds which work by eliminating the various symptoms of morning sickness. It also offers a quick relief to those suffering from nausea.
Properties: Ginger has antibiotic properties, making it one of the best natural remedies for treating morning sickness. The remedy is also widely used to treat other condition because the properties work as natural medicine for most of those conditions.
Properties: Lavender has soothing properties because of the pleasant smell it has. The aroma helps those suffering from morning sickness to relax, thereby getting rid of most of the symptoms such as nausea and even the feeling of throwing up.
Properties: The flavor and fragrance of the mint help get rid of the symptoms of morning sickness by stimulating channels of the body. The remedy is especially very good for vomiting and nausea cases, to the relief of most women. It is among the simplest home remedies for the condition and is widely used because if its effectiveness.
Properties: the fragrance and flavor of the peppermint oil is what works in getting rid of the major symptoms of morning sickness. The oil also contains essential minerals which help in boosting the immune system keeping the body healthy and strong.
Properties: Wheat germ contains essential minerals and vitamins which have been proven to be very effective in the treatment of morning sickness. It also helps in proper bowel movements by keeping the functions smooth.
Properties: Raw almonds contain proteins, Vitamin B and fats as well as Calcium, all of which are very essential in getting rid of morning sickness. The almonds are a favorite of many pregnant women, not just because of the benefits they have, but also because they have a very nice taste.
Take oranges, peaches, pineapple pieces, kiwi and grapes and blend well in vanilla ice cream. Apart from relieving stomach upsets, the fruit remedy works well in keeping morning sickness at bay, by providing the body with all essential minerals and nutrients. This is among the best natural home remedies for the treatment of morning sickness.
Take the extracts of apple cider vinegar and mix with honey. This should be in equal amounts and is best taken before going to bed, in a cup of water. Warm water can be used for this remedy to also help the body relax and assist in proper bowel movement.
Eat bland foods such as chicken broth, pretzels and popsicles, as a way of effectively taking care of the many symptoms of morning sickness.
In the morning, when the stomach is still empty or late at night, soda crackers can be taken as snack to help in getting rid of morning sickness throughout the day. This is also a great way to increase blood sugar levels, as low levels are known to cause some of the symptoms coming with morning sickness.
Make an infusion using German chamomile, then preserve in a container. This tea should be taken several times during the day as an effective way of keeping the symptoms of morning sickness away. However, 5 cups should not be exceeded in the daily dosages.
Peel fresh lemons and squeeze juice before then consuming the juice, as a simple way of treating morning sickness. The lemons can also be added in hot water and the fumes inhaled, as a way of getting relief from nausea and fatigue.
Take wild yam that is dried and then grind into powder. The powder can then be used on a daily basis in hot water as treatment for morning sickness. Half a tablespoon of the powder is enough for a glass of water, and the remedy should be taken until there is an improvement in the symptoms.
Take a glass of milk, and then add a little amount of wheat germ. Only a few of the tablespoons should be taken every hour throughout the day until positive results are realized. This remedy is one of the best home remedies for the treatment of the condition.
The most important diet tip for morning sickness is ensuring that every meal you take is well balanced and contains only foods that you have the interest of taking.
Avoid foods which you find unpleasant, as this will only lead to vomiting after forced eating. Avoid fatty and fried foods as they are known to cause vomiting.
Increase intakes of foods rich in Vitamin B and those rich in Calcium as diet for morning sickness, as they help in keeping most of the symptoms at bay. Ensure that you get enough rest and sleep everyday as a way of keeping the body relaxed and strong to face the next day. Whenever possible, take walks as fresh air has proven to be very helpful in relieving most of the symptoms associated with morning sickness.
Increase intakes of foods rich in carbohydrates and protein as diet for morning sickness as they are essential in keeping the body well protected from illnesses and infections and also keep the body strong helping in dealing with the symptoms of morning sickness.
Take a sweet thing first thing in the morning, such as a biscuit or dry cracker, to help manage morning sickness. During the day ensure that you have a few naps whenever you feel sickly to get rid of nausea.
Avoid weather conditions which are uncomfortable such as the scorching sun as it could lead to fainting cases.
Avoid waking up too fast or moving too fast, suddenly, as this comes with lots of consequences among them abdominal pain and the feeling to throw up.
Instead of taking the regular three large meals, it is advisable to take small but regular meals as a way of ensuring proper digestion and absorption keeping most of the symptoms at bay.
Avoid brushing teeth on an empty stomach, as it leads to vomiting and stomach upsets.
Ensure that take enough fluids throughout the day, but avoid those that are caffeinated, such as coffee.
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