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Menstruation is a natural phase of life in women which starts as the body starts producing high levels of estrogen during puberty. The main hormones found in the body at this time are estrogen and progesterone which trigger development and growth of the girl into a young woman. However, menstruation can be very uncomfortable and painful for most women. It comes with lots of problems which differ from woman to woman as their bodies are different.
Some of the most common problems which women experience during menstrual flow include pre-menstrual tension or cramps, painful menstruation, excessive or heavy periods and stoppage of menstruation all of which come with different symptoms and effects.
Amenorrhea refers to the stopping of menstruation and normally comes as a result of pregnancy, anemia, breastfeeding and stress among other hormonal disorders. Dysmenorrhea on the other hand is the painful menstruation that most women go through which is normally caused by severe anemia and comes with lots of vomiting as well. The other common disorder is menorrhea characterized by very heavy flow occurring as a result of blood deficiency, when the body lacks essential minerals such as calcium.
A large number of women suffer in silence during menstruation as most think that it is not normal to seek for medical help for something as natural as menstruation. However, there is absolutely no reason why women should suffer from these disorders as there are various home remedies for menstrual problems that one can use to help in the treatment of the disorders and getting rid of the pain. These natural remedies for menstrual disorders do not require any medical assistance when used properly and are very effective in relieving the various symptoms resulting from these disorders.
Perhaps the most interesting thing about the natural remedies for menstrual problems is that they do not pose any harm to the body and they are inexpensive compared to other kinds of medication. Since this is something that will recur with every menstrual period, it is best to know the home remedy that best works for your body so that when the time comes, you will be in a position to ease the pain. The natural remedies for this condition are mainly from herbs and other items that can easily be found in the kitchen.
Properties: Parsley contains a variety of minerals and nutrients which are helpful in dealing with menstrual problems. It helps in regulating the periods and increasing menstruation to get rid of any kind of cramping that could be causing the pain and the discomfort during this time. This is one of the most effective home remedies for menstrual problems.
Properties: Ginger contains anti-inflammatory and antibiotic properties making it very effective in dealing with painful periods as well as cases of menstrual flow stoppage. It has been in use for the longest time now because of how effective and helpful it has been for most women who do not know what to do when faced with the problems during menstruation.
Properties: Sesame seeds contain valuable minerals and other nutrients which work by relieving any pain and vomiting bouts that a woman could be going through. The seeds remain to be among the very best natural remedies for menstrual problems and can also be used in the long run as part of the regular diet.
Properties: Papaya has been found to be very beneficial in helping the muscles contracted during menstruation keeping most symptoms at bay as the flow becomes well regulated. It is also a good home remedy for relieving the stress that comes with the periods especially in young girls and is therefore one of the most beneficial natural remedies for the treatment of menstrual problems.
Properties: Bengal gram contains a variety of minerals which work in getting rid of the many symptoms and problems of menstruation. Although not commonly mentioned, the gram is very effective in dealing with the problems and has indeed proved to be very beneficial to a large number of women.
Properties: Marigold contains anti-inflammatory and antibiotic properties making it a very helpful home remedy for treating most of the menstrual problems women go through. It is especially good in facilitating proper flow and getting rid of menstrual pain.
Properties: The minerals found in the banana flower increase the production of progesterone thereby reducing bleeding in cases of excessive menstruation. This is one of the best home remedies for the treatment of menorrhea.
Properties: The seeds contain anti-inflammatory properties and other soothing properties which are essential in the treatment of the various problems arising as a result of menstruation. This is among the most beneficial natural remedies for the problems and is largely used.
Properties: The bark has proved to be very effective in dealing with excessive menstruation because of the many minerals and compounds it has.
Properties: This remedy contains properties which help in reducing excessive bleeding in women. The herb is among the top best home remedies for the excessive bleeding and is widely used for this purpose.
Take rough chaff herb and make an infusion by steeping in water. After cooling or when still a little warm, drink the decoction and ensure that you take at least twice per day for best results.
Hermal is another herb that is quite helpful in dealing with the many problems that come as a result of menstruation. It works by regulating the periods and the seeds are the most useful. They should be boiled in water and then taken in 30ml doses till the symptoms or the problems are eased or have completely stopped.
Take several heads of hemp and boil in water till only a small amount of the water is left. The remaining water should then be strained and taken to give fast relief from pain. It can be taken in the morning and before retiring to bed to aid relaxation and take care of any pain that may come.
Take a glass of milk and add cinnamon as a way of relieving any cramps and pain that could be as a result of menstrual problems.
Take a bunch of bamboo leaves and add in boiling water to make a decoction. This should then be taken at least twice daily as an effective way of treating the various menstrual problems. The leaves help in regulating the flow hence getting rid of the various symptoms associated with menstrual irregularities.
Make a decoction using chicory, lemon grass, blood wort and then use as a great way of getting rid of the problems. The decoction can be used a few days before the onset of the flow and during the entire period for effective results.
Mix butter, honey and cooked asafetida to control excessive bleeding and get rid of menstrual cramps that can prove to be very disturbing. This remedy can be used as a preventive measure for the problems before the menstruation begin.
Take several seeds of radish and powder them before adding in cow’s milk and then drinking the mixture at least twice daily to give the desired results within a short period of time. The remedy is specifically very helpful in cases of irregular menstruation.
Extract the juice of wood apple then mix well with a reasonable amount of honey. This should then be taken on a daily basis as diet for menstrual problems to help in preventing the various symptoms and problems of menstruation.
Boil safflower seeds after grinding them and then drink the water every few hours to get the desired results from the various problems of menstruation. Chamomile can also be used for the treatment of the problems as so is squash and parsley.
Patients can also simply take warm hipbaths to relieve the pain of menstrual cramping or drink beet root juice during the day to get the same kind of relief.
Always ensure that you take a well balanced and healthy diet every single day. The diet for menstrual problems should include lots of fresh fruits and vegetables and other essential food groups especially those that contain vitamins and helpful minerals such as calcium and magnesium.
Drink enough water every day to keep the body well hydrated and also as a way of keeping menstruation well regulated.
Avoid taking caffeinated foods and beverages as they are known to only worsen the problems. Alcohol should also be avoided and instead fresh juices administered especially during the very first days of the onset of the monthly periods.
Avoid smoking as it aggravates the many menstrual problems. This should be stopped for good as it has a lot to do with bad health that most people experience besides worsening cases of menstrual problems.
Avoid taking white flour products and foods that are too sugary. Processed and canned foods as well as condiments should also be avoided to help in the easing of the various problems related with menstruation.
Engage in regular exercises. The exercises should be light and not too tiring. One can also take part in fun activities such as swimming or jogging to help in muscle relaxation and proper flow of blood.
The other simple way of dealing with the problems is boiling a cupful of black beans. This should then be strained and the water taken before meals as diet for dealing with the menstrual problems.
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