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Menstruation is a natural process in women that happens every month. However, this natural occurrence comes with a lot of behavioral and physical changes just before the cycle starts. The changes come in form of severe or mild pains which most women find unbearable depending on the intensity. Some of these pains actually last throughout the menses making it hard for women to undertake normal duties. There is therefore a great importance to get treatment to make life more bearable.
Some of the many symptoms that women go through before the menses include headaches, mood swings, anger, worries, sweating, bloating and stomachaches. Other symptoms are joint pains, depression, tender or swollen breasts, nausea, vomiting and weight gain. There are women who will notice that their ankles face and hands get swollen during this time while others will have palpitations, greasy hair and oily skin as well as appetite changes.
The main cause of this syndrome is the hormonal changes that the body goes through just before the onset of the menstrual cycle. In normal circumstances, the female body possesses both female and male hormones that are balanced. When there is a change in the balance either an increase or a decrease of the hormones, the premenstrual syndrome comes about. It is also believed that calcium and magnesium imbalances cause the problem.
Among the simplest way of taking care of the symptoms that come with this natural phase of life is using natural remedies for they are very effective in treating the symptoms. The natural remedies for this condition are easy, safe and inexpensive making them very popular among women who want to lead their lives normally even during the hard times of the month. The remedies are mostly herbal which is why they are safe and are quite easy to find.
Properties: Chaste berry has essential minerals and compounds which help in getting rid of symptoms such as depression, irritability and headaches among others making it one of the most beneficial natural remedies for PMS. The remedy has also proven to take care of the symptoms even in the future and is therefore considered to be a long-term solution to the condition.
Properties: This essential oil has fatty acids and gamma-lanoline acid which helps in prostaglandins break down thereby regulating inflammation and the pain the body goes through during the onset of menstruation. It is effective in clearing moodiness, tenderness of the breasts and cramps therefore topping the list of the best home remedies for PMS.
Properties: This herbal remedy contains natural estrogen compounds, which help in getting rid of breast pain, tenderness, and water retention that comes just before the menses starts. The herb is popular, as it has proven to be very beneficial to those suffering from such symptoms.
Properties: Chamomile is one of the very best natural remedies for PMS as it has anti-inflammatory, anti-anxiety and antioxidant properties among others, which work well in dealing with the many symptoms of PMS. The herb is also widely used as treatment for other conditions that face the human body as it is very effective.
Properties: Peppermint has anti-inflammatory properties and is also a natural antioxidant making it very effective in dealing with stomach cramps among other symptoms that come about as a result of the menses. The remedy can also be used over time as a diet for the condition as it is able to give more permanent results even in future monthly periods.
Properties: Red wine has proven to have essential minerals, which help in treating PMS. The minerals have soothing properties, which soothe the cramps that come with the syndrome within a short period of time giving fast relief to women suffering from the condition.
Properties: Soybean is found to contain a natural compound that imitates estrogen helping in the hormonal balance during the menstruation period. It is therefore a great remedy of getting rid of the many symptoms that come as a result of the imbalance experienced during this period.
Properties: These seeds contain natural estrogen striking a balance in the hormonal levels. This in turn brings relief from the many symptoms that come before the start of menstruation. The seeds are considered to be among the best home remedies for the condition and are also widely used to treat other conditions affecting the human system.
Properties: Dong Quai is an herb that has phytoestrogens known to play a major role in balancing body hormones. The remedy also has anti-inflammatory properties which relieve the pains that come with menses.
Properties: The many minerals and compounds found in oatmeal work by releasing sugar at a rate that is good, thereby taking care of most body needs compared to things such as chocolates. The remedy is also very good as it has soothing properties and soothes the cramps and other body pains within a short period of time.
Properties: Jasmine has soothing and anti-inflammatory properties which help in getting rid of the cramps and pains that come as a result of PMS. It is actually one of the most beneficial natural remedies for the condition and is very simple to find and use.
Properties: The aroma of lavender oil is what makes it a useful remedy for women suffering from premenstrual syndrome. The aroma works by reducing the many emotional fluctuations experienced during this period making women less irritable. It is also a great way of soothing the pain away.
Take flaxseed oil and add in a warm glass of milk and then take it as a treatment for premenstrual syndrome. The oil can also be used to soothe the pain away by massaging onto the forehead and the stomach. Another simple way of using the remedy effectively is adding as dressing for your salad and taken as a diet for the condition. It is among the best home remedies for PMS.
Prepare tea using yarrow root and then drink the tea several times during the day as a simple way of treating premenstrual syndrome. This remedy works by getting rid of the cramps that come with the condition making life more bearable for women suffering from this.
Make fresh fruit juice and add pickles in the juice before taking it as a treatment for the condition. The pickles have been found to contain essential minerals which help in soothing the pain of PMS away. This is a simple and effective way of treating the condition.
Take hot baths as a simple way of soothing your body muscles hence reducing cramping and abdominal pains. This is considered to be the simplest of all home remedies for PMS.
Add cinnamon in a glass of warm milk and then take it on a daily basis as a treatment for the pains that come with the onset of menses.
Ensure that you drink enough water on a daily basis as it helps in the flow of blood and thereby reduces pains and cramping that come with the syndrome. One should ensure that she takes at least 8 glasses of water and other fluids such as fresh fruit juices to achieve this.
Dip a towel in hot water, wring and then tie or place on the stomach area as a way of soothing the pain by relaxing the muscles. This is a very fast way of getting rid of the pain and is among the most effective natural remedies for the syndrome. Heating pads can also be used for the same purpose.
Make tea and add lemon juice and a little amount of whiskey then drink it as a treatment for the symptoms of PMS. The tea is best taken hot as it helps relieve pain and is also a great way of keeping body muscles relaxed.
Take pumpkin seed oil and use it in salads as a diet for the condition. The oil contains fatty acids that are essential in regulating hormonal balance in the body.
Take foods that are rich in potassium such as fish, beans and broccoli. The foods should be included in daily meals to supply the body with enough potassium fighting the symptoms in the process.
Reduce excessive body fluid by eating a diet that is low in sodium. This also means that foods that are too salty should be avoided or limited as they only aggravate the condition.
Avoid taking large meals and instead take small frequent meals to ensure that your blood sugar levels are stabilized.
Take your time and meditate or do yoga exercises. This is a simple way of taking care of stress and depression which are some of the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome.
Avoid caffeinated foods and beverages as they only increase irritability and depression. It is best to take herbal teas and fresh fruit vegetables as well as enough water every single day.
Avoid oily, starchy, spicy and canned foods as well as foods which have artificial flavors and additives as they can be harmful.
Take foods that are rich in magnesium and foods that have Vitamin E as a way of treating this irritating condition.
Alcohol should be avoided as it leads to depression.
Have a massage using herbal scented oils to help relax your body muscles eventually getting rid of the pain that comes with premenstrual syndrome. Oils such as those of lavender, chamomile, sage and geranium can be used as effective remedies for the pain.
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