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Nephritis is a disease characterized by kidney inflammation and swelling. The condition can be acute or chronic mostly affecting children and adolescents. If left untreated, the disease can be very serious and sometimes even fatal causing death; hence there is a need to get proper treatment at the onset of this condition to help manage it before it reaches the serious stage.
Nephritis comes with a variety of symptoms among them kidney pain that normally extends to the urethra. Back pain that is dull in nature as well as fever are also experienced by those suffering from the condition. Bloody urine, albumin and scanty urine are other symptoms of the disease. There are patients who have reported to have swollen ankles and feet and puffy face. The symptoms indicate an extended stage of the disease and if left untreated can actually lead to high blood pressure.
Nephritis has various causes but among the known common causes are scarlet fever, throat infection also referred to as streptococcus and rheumatic fever. It is also a disease that has been associated with wrong eating habit causing the body’s defense mechanism to become weak. Most people take diet for granted yet it plays a huge role on how healthy the body remains and helps in maintaining a strong immune system.
Whereas nephritis is a serious condition, there are a few natural remedies for effectively treating it. When used at the right time, such remedies work well in managing the condition preventing further damage. The best thing about the natural remedies is that they are safe and inexpensive compared to other kinds of treatment. Some of the remedies have been in use for the longest time and have proved to be effective in dealing with the condition.
Properties: Carrot juice has essential minerals that help in the treatment of kidney conditions. It helps soothe pain and assists in the healing process. The juice is one of the very best home remedies for the treatment of nephritis and is widely used as it has proved to be effective.
Properties: Bananas are low in salt and protein but very rich in carbohydrates. This makes the fruits very effective in treating nephritis. The remedy works very well in a few days and is also a good home remedy for promoting proper metabolism.
Properties: The abundance of minerals and low protein content of the avocado fruit are the main things that make it a good home remedy for treating nephritis. The fruit is also in rich important fats for the body and helps in promoting proper digestion and absorption of food.
Properties: Apart from diuretic value, grapes have high concentration of potassium-salt and water helping in the treatment of nephritis. The low sodium chloride and albumin content helps in soothing the organs, thereby promoting proper healing. It is one of the most valuable home remedies for nephritis.
Properties: Coconut water contains diuretic properties making it very helpful in treating the kidney condition. The water has proved to be an excellent natural remedy for the condition as it helps to clear the symptoms within a short period of time.
Properties: Linseed has anti-inflammatory properties making it a good home remedy for treating irritation in the urinary tract as well as in dealing with the symptoms of nephritis. The herb is also widely used for the treatment of other conditions affecting the digestive system as well as the respiratory system as it is very beneficial. It is one of the best home remedies for nephritis.
Properties: Parsley contains various compounds and minerals which help in the treatment of nephritis. Apart from dealing with kidney pain, this remedy gets rid of other symptoms such as swelling of body joints.
Properties: Papaya has amazing healing properties found to work very well in dealing with nephritis. The remedy is actually one of the very best natural remedies for treating kidney conditions. The fruit can be included in meals as diet for the condition.
Properties:The anti-inflammatory property of garlic is what makes it a good home remedy for dealing with the disease. It works by healing the inflamed kidneys thereby relieving the pain and dealing with the condition from the base.
Take cucumber and cut into pieces and addi to your meals as treatment for nephritis. Besides cooling the kidneys, cucumber has amazing compounds which help in the treatment of the condition.
Take celery leaves and add into boiling water. After cooling, the water should be strained and taken at least twice daily. This is one of the most important home remedies for the treatment of the condition.
Another important vegetable that helps in the treatment of the condition is asparagus. It can be taken in meals or simply added to boiling water which should then be strained and taken once daily to get rid of the symptoms thereby dealing with the condition.
Prepare a warm bath and add Epsom salt. Patients should stay immersed in the water for at least 20 minutes daily as treatment for the condition. This is one of the simplest natural remedies for the treatment of nephritis.
Another effective way of dealing with the condition is drinking Triphala water or taking its powder in water on a daily basis as a way of treating the disease.
Take a few radish leaves and add to boiling water and consumed after cooling. Juice can also be extracted from the leaves and then mixed with a small amount of water. The remedy works by increasing urine production helping in cleansing of the kidneys which is essential in the healing process. It can be taken up to three times daily.
Prepare and mix vegetable juices to help in the removal of toxins from the kidneys and the body in general. The juices can be taken for ten days to get the desired results from the condition.
Take the root of wild yam and dry well before then grinding into powder. The powder can then be used on a daily basis in hot water or milk and a little honey added as a proper and effective way of dealing with the condition. The root is also available in the form of supplements.
Cleanse the bowels by drinking enough warm water on a daily basis. The remedy is best taken in the very initial stages of the condition as patients go through the juice-fast meant to also cleanse the bowels. This is one of the most important natural ways of treating the condition.
Always ensure that you take well balanced and healthy diet when suffering from nephritis. The best thing to do is first go on a juice-fast for a few days which should then be followed by proper intake of balanced diet.
Cut down on foods which are rich in proteins and instead take those rich in carbohydrates to help in the speedy healing of the disease.
It is also of great importance to take small but regular meals compared to a few large ones. This helps in allowing the food to get well digested and absorbed into the body, assisting in the healing process of inflamed kidneys.
Avoid taking foods made from white flour such as pastries and white bread.
Foods which are too salty and oily should also be kept at bay as they are known to aggravate the condition.
Avoid taking non-vegetarian foods and instead increase intakes of green leafy vegetables and fresh fruits which contain all the minerals and nutrients the body requires to maintain good health.
However, when taking vegetables, avoid taking large amounts of spinach as it contains salt known to aggravate the condition. Another vegetable that should be avoided is rhubarb as it has a tendency to make the problem worse.
Avoid taking cocoa, chocolate and caffeinated drinks as they increase kidney irritation.
Alcoholic drinks and smoking should also be kept at bay during the treatment of nephritis.
Get enough fresh air and engage in light outdoor activities or exercises. The exercises can include walking at least once or twice on a daily basis to help in the treatment of the condition.
Avoid activities which are too strenuous as well as doing things in a hurry. Too much excitement should also be avoided as it brings more problems. Take balanced foods at all times as diet plays a major role on how healthy the body remains.
Enough water should also be taken on a daily basis to help in proper metabolism and to also promote bowel cleansing keeping organs such as the kidneys in top shape. The one mistake most people make is not taking diet into consideration and eating foods on impulse causing serious conditions later.
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