Fever is one of the inherent ways by which your body fights an infection. The body's intent in raising temperature is to create a more difficult and hostile environment for the invading bugs. Therefore, fever, up to a certain degree, is beneficial and could slow cold-virus proliferation. We recommend you do not treat a mild fever right away.
However, physiologically, fever represents a disturbance in normal thermo-regulation. The disturbance is demonstrated with an upward shift of the body's core temperature from its normal set point (37 degree Celsius or 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit or lower) to one or more degrees higher. Fever is considered a naturally occurring physiological event in which the body actively seeks to elevate its temperature.
The home remedies for fever mentioned below are ones that can be put to use only when fever is a result of viral infection, exhaustion or because of some other ailments like chicken pox, malaria etc.
Properties: Due to its multiple medicinal uses, holy basil occupies an important place in Ayurveda. It is highly useful in diseases of ears, rose throat, gastritis, flatulence, cough, fever, vomiting, heart diseases etc. if four holy basil leaves are ingested on empty stomach early in morning, it will benefit in diabetes, blood deformities, bile, phlegm etc. if juice of holy basil leaves and lemon are mixed and dropped three to four drops in the painful ear, it will subside aural pain. In fact, holy basil cures in almost all the diseases rather it is a panacea. It is an excellent home remedy for fever which was proved by imperial malaria conference in 1907.
Properties: Fenugreek is famous in the Mediterranean and Middle East not only as a human food and medical plant but also as a fodder crop. Fenugreek has been used to cure just about everything under the sun. Here and around the world, the plant is recommended as an expectorant, laxative, febrifuge and stomachic. The herb is employed as a folk cure for diabetes, anemia and rickets. Applied externally, fenugreek poultices have been said to soother boils, wounds and ulcers. The herb was primary ingredient of the popular Lydia Pinkham´s health tonic. Research suggests that at least some of these old time remedies have merit. The seeds contain up to 30 percent mucilage, which does indeed make them a good poultice.
Properties: In traditional medication saffron has several properties such as relaxant, expectorant, exhilarating agent, digestion stimulant, spasm calmative, menstruation and fetus abortion. Saffron was also used against bloody diarrhea, fever, measles, hepatitis, liver and spleen syrose, urine infections, cholera, diabetes, and dermal diseases. In English pharmaceutical codex saffron syrup, saffron glycerin and saffron tincture are discussed.
Properties: Raisins of the sun or dried grapes are in constant repute for fever, coughs and soreness of the lungs, and in consumptions or wasting. Raisin tea is found to be of the same protein value as milk and much more easily digested, therefore of superior use in many cases of gastric disease where milk or soup must be disallowed. For people who suffer from coldness of the feet and hands, it is very warming and cherishing. Raisins are normalizer for both diarrhea and constipation.
Properties: The seeds are used in cancer treatment. They contain a chemical, which is believed to be beneficial in controlling cancer. Apricots contain good amounts of potassium, iron and are good sources of vitamin A and are high in natural sugar content. Dried apricots are an excellent source of iron. Apricots also contain cobalt, which is necessary in the treatment of anemic conditions. Dried apricots have six times as much sugar content as the fresh fruit. Therefore persons with diabetes must be careful not to eat too much dried apricots. However, they are good when an energy boost is needed.
Properties: Herbalists report that grape leaves are anti-inflammatory and astringent and can be takes for fever, diarrhea, heavy menstrual bleeding and as a medicinal douche. Grapes when transformed into raisins, juice or wine, have also found some medicinal value. Other researchers have found grapes to contain antioxidants and be of value to the circulatory system.
Diet should be restricted until the fever drops. Since fever has depleted the body´s energy stores, caloric needs are high and intake should be adjusted accordingly. Additional protein is also needed to replace and rebuild the damaged and used up body tissue and to form new antibodies- substances manufactured by the body to fight infection.
A high fluid intake is necessary to compensate for the loss that occurs with fever. Sodium and potassium are lost when fluid is lost; therefore, their replacement is also necessary when fever occurs.
Lemon and honey in water is a good replacement.
Nutrients may be helpful. The increased energy expenditure that occurs during fever increases metabolism. Because vitamin A, the B complex and vitamin C are involved in the process of metabolism, deficiencies of these nutrients may arise also.
The vitamin B complex especially should be increased during an extended fever, since these vitamins may stimulate the appetite.
Additional calcium may also be required because of its decreased absorption during fever.
Herbs as a diet for fever that may be beneficial are dandelion tea, licorice root, bayberry root bark, black cohosh, lobelia extract, blackthorn, ginger, fenugreek seed, hyssop, blessed thistle, devil´s claw, to fi quinine, poke root, cat mint infusion, Echinacea root, yarrow tea, thyme and seaweed.
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