People always desire to present themselves fair and beautiful. They want to have fair skin, attractive face and pleasing physique. Normally people do not want to have dark skin. However, we do find people with dark skin which according to dermatologists is because of natural causes like excessive melanin, hyper pigmentation etc. Apart from this there are other reasons for dark skin like malnutrition, hereditary, sun burn or tan, disorder of the adrenal gland or liver or of intestine, deficiency of vitamin etc. Dermatologists are of the opinion that darkness of the skin can be substantially reduced or lightened.
Except for traditional herbal medicines, modern medical science is yet to come up with a medicine or formulation to lighten dark skin. Some de-pigmentation creams are available which converts the dopaquinone to pheomelanin (which is a yellow pigment). But, many dermatologists are skeptical about the long term benefits of this medicine. Some of them are of the opinion that these de-pigmentation medicines may have serious side effects. Apart from this, many bleaching creams are also available and these bleaching creams can be bought over the counter. Here again dermatologists are of the opinion that bleaching creams will have serious side effects.
However, many of the traditional herbal medicines like the Ayurveda (traditional Indian system of medicine) and traditional Chinese system of medicines have proved to be effective in lightening the dark skin and experts say that these medicines do not cause any side effects. Apart from this, there are many home remedies which are also quite effective in combating the dark skin. Let us understand some of these home remedies.
- Home Remedies
- Other Remedies
Home remedies for Dark Skin
Almond as a Home Remedy for Dark Skin
Properties: This deciduous tree has the botanical name Prunus dulcis and is one of the most popular edible products consumed throughout the world. Almond is believed to have originated in Middle East and is now grown throughout the world. Almond is also known for its medicinal value. It has carbohydrate, dietary fiber and sugar. It is also rich in Vitamin and monounsaturated fats. It lowers LDL, prevents cancer, improves complexion of the skin, improves immunity, it is anti-inflammatory and improves HDL.
How to treat dark complexion using Almond:
Take about 5 almonds and soak it overnight. In the morning, grind them into fine paste. Apply this paste and on the face and after about twenty minutes wash your face thoroughly with warm water.
Mint leaves as a Home Remedy for Dark Skin
Properties: This aromatic flowering plant is perennial in nature. There are many species of Mint plants. The plant is widely used for culinary and for medicinal purposes. Mint has many medicinal values. It is used for whitening teeth, for treating chest pain and abdominal pain, Eczema, Dermatitis, Scabies etc. It is also used as a contraceptive medicine. Mint leaves cures kidney, liver and skin diseases..
Natural Remedies for dark skin using Mint leaves:
Take some mint leaves and wash them well. Grind them and make a paste of it. Apply this paste on the affected part and after about 15 minutes thoroughly wash with warm water.
Radish as a Home Remedy for Dark Skin
Properties: Radish belongs to the Brassicaceae family and is believed to have originated in Europe. Now, it is grown world over. There are many varieties of radish. Radish referred to here is white radish, largely grown in Asian countries. This is one of the most popular vegetables consumed world over. Radish is also popular for its medicinal value. According to experts Radish is rich in Folic acid, potassium, ascorbic acid, vitamin B6, Magnesium, Riboflavin, calcium, copper and carbohydrates. Many of these components are very helpful for healthy skin.
How to treat dark skin using Radish:
Grate white radish and apply it on the face. Alternatively, apply the juice of white radish on the face and after about half an hour wash the face thoroughly. Some naturopaths even suggest adding few drops of fresh lime juice to the grated radish and then applying this on the face.
Malai as a Home Remedy for Dark Skin
Properties: This is actually a South African term for the cream of milk which is collected by heating homogenized milk. Malai is largely used for making butter and in many culinary preparations. Nutrition experts say Malai is most preferred for those who want to gain weight. It is rich in vitamins and minerals which are beneficial for the skin.
Treatment for dark skin using Malai:
Take about three teaspoons Malai and add about four to five drops of fresh lime juice. Apply this mixture on the face. After about one hour wash the face thoroughly.
Another home remedy using Malai is to make a paste of one teaspoon Malai with little turmeric and about five to six drops of Olive oil. Apply this paste and allow it to dry in shade. Once it is dry, wash the face thoroughly with water. This is considered to be one of the most effective home remedy to combat dark skin. This is because Malai is the best moisturizer and the turmeric and Olive oil makes the skin healthy and removes excessive pigmentation.
Lemon grass as a Home Remedy for Dark Skin
Properties: Largely grown in India, Lemon grass has the botanical term Cymbopogon citratus. It is grown in other countries too having tropical climate. Researchers have found Lemon grass has many medicinal values including properties of preventing cancer. Normally Lemon grass has citrus taste and that is the reason why it has gained the name ‘Lemongrass’. It is a popular sea food. It is used as a poultry food, as a repellant, as an antiseptic in case of insect bite etc. It is also used in the preparation of tea and many culinary preparations. It is rich in many minerals.
Cure for dark skin using Lemongrass:
Take some lemongrass and put them in water and boil the water. Allow the water to cool. Then put this water in ice cubes and freeze it. Now, take these ice cubes and gently rub your face with this Lemongrass ice cubes. This, apart from cleaning the face also removes the dirt from the pores of the skin. It makes the skin to glow and gradually removes the excessive pigmentation.
Saariva and Manjishtha as a Natural Remedy for Dark Skin
Properties: Saariva (Botanical name Hemidesmus Indicus) is a slender shrub which grows in many Asian countries like India, Sri Lanka etc. It grows in fields and in forest region. The shrub grows wild and is dark brown in appearance. Researchers say that Saariva has many curative qualities of diseases like urinary tract infection, abdominal infection, and cough and also promotes the health of the skin.
Manjishta (Botanical name Rubia Cordifolia) is largely grown in hilly regions of Himalaya. The plant is lean in appearance with triangle shaped leaves. Manjishta has many curative qualities. It is recognized as the best medicine to treat problems related to Uric Acid, gynecological problems, leucoderma, arthritis, skin infections, irregular menstruation etc.
How to treat dark skin using Saariva and Manjishta:
Combination of this medicine is available in many medical stores. The medicine can be taken internally. It is available in the form of tablet or powder and even in the form of paste. Facial cream of these herbs is also available which is known to give most positive results. It is suggested that you buy the product manufactured by a reputed company.
Other Home Remedies for Dark Skin
Take a cup of water and add some turmeric powder and few drops of fresh lime juice and mix it well. Apply this mixture on the face and after about one hour and wash the face with warm water.
Grate cucumber (with skin) and apply it on the face. It makes the skin glowing and improves complexion.
Make thin slices of potato and keep them on the face. After about half an hour wash the face. Potato and lime are natural bleaching agents.
Take one tea spoon of gram flour and two tea spoon of milk and about three drops of fresh lime juice. Mix them well and apply this paste on the affected part. After about half an hour wash it well with warm water.
Some of the cosmetic experts produce their own face cream. Before using such cream, ensure that it does not contain any bleach or chemical based medicine.
Another effective method to combat dark skin is to make a mixture of 1 tablespoon milk powder, 1 table spoon honey, half table spoon of almond oil and one table spoon of fresh lemon juice. Apply this on the face and after about half an hour, wash it well. This removes the dark tan and also makes the skin shining.
Mix grated tomato and add about three to four drops of fresh lime juice. Mix them thoroughly and apply the mixture on the face. After about 15 minutes wash the face with warm water.
To make the skin glowing, toxins in the body must be drained out. For this purpose, drink at least eight to nine cups of water every day.
Mix oatmeal with curd and tomato juice and apply this paste on the face. After about twenty minutes wash the face thoroughly.
Dermatologists suggest that healthy food should be taken along with enough water. They also suggest that deep fried food should be reduced as much as possible. They suggest green vegetables should be taken regularly.