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At times the cancer cells from malignant tumors break out and pass through the bloodstream to other organs. This type of spreading is termed as metastasis. The following are the few cancers which occur often in humans.
Every type of cancer has its own symptoms, causes and remedies.
Properties: The level of Vitamin C in Broccoli is twice that of spinach and lemon. It is packed with calcium, potassium, iron, folic acid etc. It is one of the wonderful home remedies for combating stress and boosting the immune system. The Indoles and Sulfurous compounds, the main ingredients of broccoli, play a key role in lessening the risk of colon cancer. It is also highly fibrous in nature, and further enhanced by the presence of glucidic compound, which gives it a laxative effect. Antioxidants are rich in sprouted broccoli.
Properties: Grapes are the best among home remedies which act as a detoxifier. It is depurative and anti-rheumatic in nature. It stabilizes the circulatory system and serves as a cure for hypertension. Tannins and caffeic acid, the compounds of grapes, play a major role in combating cancerous cells. It also effectively controls the blood cholesterol and thus reduces the risk of getting a heart attack.
Properties: Ginseng is one of the finest home remedies for curing diseases, as it has tremendous curative powers. Saponins and Ginsenosides are the complex carbohydrate components present in ginseng. The latter has astonishing effects on the nervous systems and in cell rejuvenation. Ginsenosides are phytoestrogens and thus aid the proper maintenance of hormone levels. It is an excellent stimulant.
Properties: Aloe Vera is accepted world-wide as the best among the home remedies for various health ailments. It can be used orally and can be applied topically on skin. It is an ideal aid for cell proliferation, that is, it improves the cell health through the body. It is astringent and anti-fungal by nature and so it cures skin rashes, skin sore, burns etc. Aloe Vera juice is the best toner of skin and the digestive system. It enables the body to absorb necessary nutrients.
Properties: Wheatgrass is one of the natural remedies for many health ailments, which when consumed will provide all necessary nutrients required for a healthy body. The amino acids and essential enzymes in it will give excellent nourishment when taken as a cure for disorders. By neutralizing toxins and carcinogens it will detoxify the entire body. Thus it reduces the risk of getting cancer. Being enriched in chlorophyll, wheatgrass will increase the red blood cells as the hemoglobin does. Its slight laxative nature makes it a cure for constipation.
Properties: Myrrh is a widely used natural remedy for all kinds of health ailments right from cough till cancer. It is an excellent blood cleanser. It also enhances the white blood cell production. It is antiseptic and anti-microbial by nature. It soothes the digestive system and serves as a cure for ulcers. It also dissolves tissue masses and fibroids.
Properties: Green Tea is a nature’s gift to live a healthier life. It is an ideal home remedy for controlling blood sugar levels. It aids the control of diabetes. The main compound of green tea, Catechin Polyphenol, is a powerful antioxidant. Thus green tea not only reduces the spreading of cancerous cells but also enhances the growth of healthy cells in the human body. By lowering the LDL cholesterol in blood, it inhibits blood clots which formation.
Properties: Maitake Mushroom is an age-old home remedy for many health disorders. It makes the body adapt to stress, combats infections, enhances the immune system and thus serves as a cure for tumors. It not only lowers the blood pressure but also blood cholesterol. When this mushroom is taken, it predominantly increases the activities of three main immune cells namely macrophages, T-cells, and natural killer cells. It does wonders for bladder cancer patients and also inhibits the cancer from spreading to the liver.
Properties: As apricot is rich in vitamins and minerals, it is widely used for curing ailments and for making cosmetics. Apricot is enriched with Vitamin B17, which as per medical experts, is essential for curing tumors and preventing the cancerous cells from spreading across to the organs of human body.
Properties: Soybean not only reduces the blood cholesterol, it is one of the finest natural remedies for tackling menopause related problems. Isoflavone, the plant estrogen, is one of the major ingredients of soy. It is packed with phytoestrogen which in turn stabilizes the hormone levels and thus stops cancers caused by hormone imbalance.
Properties: Flax and flax seed oil are a powerhouse of natural remedies for heart disorders and cancer. The major ingredients of flax are Lignans, Fiber and Omega 3 fatty acids. Being rich in fiber, it controls the blood cholesterol level and triglycerides, soothes the digestive system. It is useful in cases of diabetes. Lignans are phytoestrogens and hence, cures cancers caused by hormonal imbalances, like breast cancer. It also has antioxidant and antimicrobial properties which safeguard the human body from free radical attacks.
Properties: Plant and berries are both excellent natural remedies for various diseases. This herb is a cardiac stimulant, and diuretic and vasodilator by characteristic. It stimulates glandular activity and the circulatory system very well. The berries and leaves are used to make extract which are used for medicinal purposes. The major ingredients like Alkaline, Viscotoxins, and lectin play a major role in combating cancerous cells. When mistletoe is taken, it gives mild fever which enhances its defensive action.
Properties: Birch is rich in Tannins, Saponins, Flavanoids and Caffeic acids. It is one of the best natural remedies for combating kidney and urinary tract related disorders. It controls hypertension and cholesterol and good for healing flu and fever. Betulinic acid in its bark combats cancerous cells effectively. However, heart patients, pregnant and nursing ladies should not use this herb.
Properties: It aids weight loss by serving as an appetite depressant. It reduces menopausal symptoms. It is Carminative, Diuretic, Stomachic, Relaxant and tonic by nature.
A plaster prepared with Tara potato, ginger and flour can be applied directly on the tumor area.
Buck wheat plaster prepared using buckwheat and ginger paste can also be applied on the tumor affected area.
Diet for cancer includes the Green Vegetables.
Intake of whole grains is the best diet for preventing cancer.
Consumption of fruits will be the ideal diet for minimizing the effects of cancer.
Foods which are less processed and which have nutrients preserved well should be included in the diet for cancer.
Substitute white rice with brown rice in the diet for cancer.
Cut out red meat and processed meat from the diet for healthy living.
Olive oil can be used for cooking for minimizing the risks of cancer.
Food enriched with Omega 3 fatty acids must be included in the diet for preventing cancer.
Exercise regularly so that body cells will get enough oxygen supply.
Breathing exercises will also help to prevent cancer cells formation.
Don’t drink water or cool drink frozen in plastic bottles as they may produce Dioxin, the chemical which aids cancer.
Always be enthusiastic and pro-active.
Keep away from alcohol and smoking.
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