Home Remedies for Women Health Issues

Women health issues are a wide range of ailments and illnesses that affect women specifically. The ailments come in different forms and may differ from woman to woman. Some of the most common issues women go through are vaginal infections, breast cancer, heart diseases, pregnancy related conditions and fibroids. Menstrual problems among other are also issues that women go through every now and then.

The health issues come about as a result of emotional, physical and mental factors. Hormonal changes, nutritional deficiencies, infections and development problems are the common causes of the ailments. The issues are also related to health conditions such as diabetes, heart diseases, high cholesterol and blood pressure, as well as obesity among others. They may also be hereditary or come as a result of age.

Since the health issues are wide, there are a wide variety of symptoms that women go through when suffering from any of the ailments. Some symptoms include fatigue, nausea, chest pains, sweating and vaginal discharge. Bleeding, irregular menstruation, cramps, nipple tenderness and discharge as well as hot flashes are also common symptoms. There are women who will experience dizziness, vomiting, fever, pelvic pain and irritations as signs of underlying ailments.

The health issues can be problematic and can actually make life unbearable. There is, therefore, a need to know what one is suffering from and even get the right kind of treatment to deal with the condition that is in place. There are various ways of dealing with the many symptoms coming from the ailments and the most popular method is the use of natural remedies for getting rid of the symptoms. The home remedies for the symptoms have proven to be very safe and effective to use and since they are easy to find they have become very popular.

  1. Home Remedies
  2. Other Remedies
  3. Diet

Home Remedies for Women Health Issues

Tea Tree Oil as a Home Remedy for Women Health Issues

Tea Tree Oil Properties: Tea tree oil has soothing and healing properties that have made it among the very best natural remedies for infections. It is especially very good in dealing with cases of recurring yeast infection. Besides dealing with the health issues of women, it is also a good remedy for respiratory conditions.

Using Tea Tree Oil as a Treatment for Women Health Issues:
The remedy can be added to warm water and then taken as a way of treating the conditions at hand. It can also be applied onto areas that are painful to give fast pain relief. It can also be applied onto the skin for those suffering from skin conditions.

Lavender as a Natural Remedy for Women Health Issues

Lavender Properties: Lavender has a variety of properties that help in dealing with more than one ailment. It is especially helpful to women who suffer from menstrual migraines and cramps, as well as body aches. It works by reducing the severity of the cases offering the desired kind of results within a short period of time.

Using Lavender as a Cure for Women Health Issues:
The remedy can be used in the form of oil. The oil should be applied directly onto the parts of the body that are painful. It should be massaged and left for at least an hour before washing it off. The application should be done three times a day and should bear fruit within a short time. The fresh leaves of lavender can also be used to make a decoction and taken to eliminate the different ailments.

Rosemary Oil as a Home Remedy for Women's Health Issues

Rosemary Oil Properties: Rosemary Oil is famed for its soothing and healing properties, thereby coming in handy for the treatment of the different ailments women go through. It is especially very good for those suffering from menstrual related problems as it helps in eliminating the pain and cramping among other symptoms associated with the issue.

Using Rosemary Oil as a Treatment for Women's Health Issues:
The oil of rosemary should be applied onto the areas that are painful to offer fast pain relief. It can also be added in warm drinking water and taken as a treatment for the different conditions affecting women. It can be taken several times in a day until there is an improvement of the condition at hand.

Yoghurt as a Natural Remedy for Women's Health Issues

Yoghurt Properties: Yoghurt contains good bacteria, which eliminates the bad bacteria responsible for most bacterial infections in women. It is a good remedy for women suffering from yeast infection among other condition especially those affecting the reproductive system.

Using Yoghurt as a Cure for Women's Health Issues:
A bowl of yoghurt should be eaten several times a day as a diet for the conditions. The natural flavor-free yoghurt can also be applied onto the vagina and left to ensure that the bacteria work to its full potential. It should then be washed off using cool water and the procedure repeated several times until there is an improvement. This is one of the simplest natural remedies for women's health issues.

Feverfew as a Home Remedy for Women's Health Issues

Feverfew Properties: Feverfew herb has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antiviral properties making it very useful in dealing with most health issues that women face in life. It is effective in getting rid of conditions and ailments that come as a result of bacterial infections, as well as viral and works by reducing inflammation and pain.

Using Feverfew as a Treatment for Women's Health Issues:
The herb should be added to boiling water to make a decoction. This should then be strained after cooling and taken at least three times daily to get desired results. The herb can also be ground into powder when well dried and then mixed in water to make a paste applicable onto the areas of infection or pain.

Chamomile as a Natural Remedy for Women's Health Issues

Chamomile Properties: Chamomile has various properties that make it effective in dealing with women's health issues. It is one of the very popular natural remedies for the issues as it takes care of the various symptoms at once. It also works on respiratory and digestive conditions hence the popularity.

Using Chamomile as Cure for Women Health Issues:
Chamomile flowers can be added in boiling water and then strained before taking as remedy. The leaves and stems of the plant are also useful and can also be used in the same manner. Another simple way of using the remedy is grinding when dry to make a powder and the powder then added in water and taken. It can also be taken in meals as diet for the health issues.

Cinnamon as a Home Remedy for Women's Health Issues

Cinnamon Properties: Cinnamon has essential minerals and nutrients, which help in eliminating the various symptoms associated with health issues in women. It has soothing and healing properties and is therefore considered to be among the very useful home remedies for women's health issues as well as other conditions that affect the respiratory and digestive systems.

Using Cinnamon as a Treatment for Women's Health Issues:
The remedy can be taken in tea as a decoction by adding it to boiling water and taken several times in a day to offer the desired results from the conditions. The powder of cinnamon can also be added in meals as diet for the various ailments and also as a way of boosting immunity.

Raspberry as Natural Remedy for Women Health Issues

Raspberry Properties: The raspberry is very nutritious and helps in strengthening the immune system helping it in fighting infections. It also provides the body with the essential nutrients and minerals, which help in dealing with most health issues. It is especially very good for menstrual bleeding that is too heavy.

Using Raspberry as a Cure for Women’s Health Issues:
Extract juice from the berries and then drink this several times during the day. The fresh berries can also be taken as a diet for the ailments and should be taken with the onset of menstruation or when the ailment's symptoms begin to show or during pregnancy.

Bayberry Bark as a Home Remedy for Women's Health Issues

Bayberry Bark Properties: Bayberry bark has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties among others, which help in eliminating the various symptoms that are associated with the various health issues in women. It is among the most popular natural remedies for the issues among other diseases that attack the human body in general.

Using Bayberry Bark as a Treatment for Women's Health Issues:
The bark of bayberry should be added to boiling water to make a decoction. The decoction should then be taken three times daily to provide relief from the symptoms especially those related to menstruation. It can also be dried and ground into powder and the powder then taken in water to help in treating the various conditions.

Peppermint as a Natural Remedy for Women's Health Issues

Peppermint Properties: Peppermint has proven to be very beneficial when it comes to dealing with health issues in women. This is because it has a variety of properties, nutrients and minerals, which eliminate symptoms such as vomiting, nausea and fatigue, among other. It is also very helpful for those dealing with respiratory conditions.

Using Peppermint as a Cure for Women's Health Issues:
The fresh leaves of peppermint should be added to boiling water to make a decoction. This should then be mixed with honey and taken several times during the day to help get rid of the symptoms within a short period of time. The fumes of the boiling leaves can also be inhaled for those suffering from congestions.

Alfalfa as a Home Remedy for Women's Health Issues

Alfalfa Properties: Alfalfa has healing, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties making it among the very useful home remedies for women's health issues. It is very popular as it helps take care of a variety of symptoms that women go through in the different stages of their lives.

Using Alfalfa as a Treatment for Women's Health Issues:
Add the herb to water and bring the water to a boil. It should then be cooled and strained before drinking it as remedy for the conditions. It can also be dried and ground into powder before the powder is used in water or milk as a simple way of getting rid of the various symptoms.

Cloves as a Natural Remedy for Women's Health Issues

Cloves Properties: The anti-inflammatory and antiseptic as well as antibacterial properties of cloves are what make it a very good remedy for the different ailments associated with women. It is especially good for those dealing with conditions that come as a result of pregnancy and menstruation.

Using Cloves as a Cure for Women's Health Issues:
The cloves should be crushed into paste and the paste added to water together with honey before consuming it as a treatment. Raw cloves can also be added in food as a diet for the elimination of the symptoms of the health issues.

Other Home Remedies for Women's Health Issues

Add peach leaves to boiling water to make a decoction. The decoction should then be strained and taken three times to help in improving health as well as to get rid of the various symptoms.

Take yarrow and grind it into powder then use the powder on a daily basis in water as a simple way of taking care of the various ailments, especially those that have to do with the reproductive system. The powder can also be mixed with water to make a paste and the paste then applied to the vagina.

Other herbs that can be used for the treatment of women health issues are white oat bark, motherwort and witch hazel as they have been found to be effective in dealing with the different conditions. They can be taken either in decoction form or in powder form.

Make decoctions using parsley, black cohosh, blue cohosh and valerian herbs to help in treating the different ailments. They are especially very good for problems that are related with menstruation.

Herbal teas made using huckleberry leaves, baneberry leaves and comfrey can also be taken on a regular basis as a means of taking care of the ailments. Comfrey can actually be used in food as a diet for the ailments as it has essential mineral and compounds.

Diet for Women Health Issues and other Precautions

A balanced and healthy diet is a major key to keep infections and other forms of ailment at bay, and it should, therefore, never be taken for granted.

Ensure that daily meals consist of fresh fruits and vegetables and other foods that have essential minerals and nutrients to help in keeping the body well protected from diseases.

Increase the intakes of foods that have omega 3 fatty acids as they have proven to be helpful especially when dealing with premenstrual syndrome.

Avoid fatty foods and foods that are sugary, too salty, and too processed as they deprive the body of the necessary minerals and nutrients to maintain good health.

Adopt an exercise regime to help in keeping the body fit by getting rid of excessive fats that lead to diseases. The exercises are also very good in enhancing blood circulation in the body and should therefore be done on a regular basis.

It is important to ensure that you wear comfortable clothing especially undergarments as they keep infections such as yeast at bay.

Drink lots of water to keep the body hydrated and also assist the flushing out of toxins and wastes from the body leaving it healthy and free from diseases.

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