Gastro-Esophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) is defined as the exposure of the esophagus to excessive qualities of refluxing gastric content beyond the physiological range, regardless of the presence or absence of esophageal mucosal damage. It can be diagnosed in several ways.
The most common symptoms of GERD are: heart burn, acid regurgitation and dysphagia. In some patients, the symptomatology is so typical that a confident diagnosis of reflux disease can be made on symptoms alone. For other patients, ambulatory pH registration in the esophagus may be necessary to establish abnormal esophageal acid exposure. Finally, a confident diagnosis of GERD can be made when characteristic reflux-associated lesions are observed in the esophagus endoscopically. Whether targeted biopsy of such lesions is useful in clinical practice remains controversial.
Heartburn is the most common symptom of GERD and is usually described as sub-sternal burning pain or discomfort with a moving quality from epigastrium towards or into the throat, sometimes radiating to the interscapular region of the back, neck, jaws, ears and even both arms. The burning sensation may occasionally be experienced solely in the throat or in the epigastrium.
Dysphagia occurs in more than a third of the patients with GERD and is experienced as fullness in the throat, difficulty in initiating swallowing and excessive mucus secretion. The pathogenesis of dysphagia is multifactorial.
Other less common symptoms of GERD include non-cardiac chest pain, water brash, Globus sensation, and bronchopulmonary symptoms.
- Home Remedies
- Other Remedies
- Diet
Home remedies for GERD
Home remedies for genital warts should be used consistently for desired results.
Cider vinegar as a Treatment for GERD:
Properties: Cider vinegar is an ancient and respected folk remedy for many conditions and is also an amazing aid to health. It is also reputed to have magical healing properties. As a daily tonic and cleanser, drink a glass of water with a teaspoon of honey and three spoons to a quarter-cup of apple cider vinegar. Vinegar is also good rinse for your hair. It helps you eliminate residue that may build up and cause burning.
Treatment for Genital Warts using garlic:
The recommended dose is between two drams and two ounces, according to the required purpose. In GERD it must be administered in small doses and mixed with cinnamon water or some other agreeable aromatic liquor to prevent the nausea it might otherwise cause.
Apple as a Home Remedy for GERD:
Properties: The apple has long been known for its therapeutic effects. Though most of us do not consider it to be so, the apple is both a healing herb and a valuable food, besides being rich in vitamins, minerals, complex carbohydrates. It also contains protein, fiber, organic salts and acids. Therapeutically it is a purifier, vitalizer, cleanser, antiseptic, disinfectant, germicide, respiratory stimulant, cardiac stimulant, brain and nerve stimulant. Fresh apples whether raw, cooked or juiced are all beneficial. Much of the nutritive value is contained in the skin, so it is advisable to eat the whole fruit. Organically grown apples are recommended to avoid consuming pesticide residues and the paraffin wax coating that are found on the surface of ordinary produce..
Treatment for GERD using apples:
Eating an apple after dinner has also been found to reduce acid reflux. Try to select organic apples and chew well.
Aloe Vera as a Home Remedy for GERD
Properties: Used both as fresh gel from the leaf or as raw gel that is properly stabilized and processed to retain its freshness and efficacy, aloe vera has potent healing, immune-boosting, anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory, nutritional, general health giving and rejuvenating properties for a wide range of ailments and disorders in both humans and animals. Though folklore would have us believe that aloe vera has magical healing properties, it is not a cure all. It does however seem to have significant and highly positive benefits when either taken internally or topically on the skin, or both simultaneously, on a wide range of seemingly unconnected ailments and disorders, ranging from skin conditions such as acne, athlete's foot, cold sores, eczema, dermatitis and psoriasis to arthritis, GERD, candida, colitis, conjunctivitis, Cronh's disease, diabetes, hiatus hernia and many more.
Cure for GERD using Aloe Vera:
Despite its consistency (which takes some getting used to) aloe juice is in some cases, a good home remedy for GERD.
Milk as a Home Remedy for GERD
Properties: Traditionally, milk and milk products have been appreciated for their medicinal properties particularly in infectious diseases like tuberculosis. Both fresh milk and fermented milk have now been analyzed by more precise methods and the fine protein composition of milk is now documented, especially those proteins with antibacterial effects such as immunoglobulin, lysozymes and overall lactoferrin. The stimulating medical activity of milk is associated with vitamin C which is linked to the immune system. The factors of variability of this important vitamin are well-known in milk. Some authors note that the health effects of camel milk are to be seen occurring in the treatment of nutritional and metabolic diseases as diabetes. Milk has hypoglycemic effect and on glycaemia regulation in insulin-dependent patients. Further studies are required in the future to confirm the true benfits of drinking milk regularly.
Natural Remedies for GERD using Milk:
Drink a glass of milk when the symptoms begin to occur. Though discussions are going on whether to drink whole or skim milk, milk is recommended and accepted as a commonly available measure for fast relief for acid reflux and heart burn.
Mustard as a Home Remedy for GERD
Properties: Originally grown and found in the Mediterranean, mustard has been cultivated for centuries. It has many of the same culinary and medicinal uses as black mustard, but is less pungent. Seedling leaves can be used in salads and other preparations. Seeds are more bitter and have strong disinfectant and preservative properties and they are used in pickles. Seeds are also to be infused in boiling water, cooled and then used as a gargle for sore throat.
Treatment for GERD using mustard:
Mustard is excellent in a foot bath to draw the blood down from the head to the lower part of the body in conditions of congestion of the lungs affecting the head. It is excellent as a poultice in GERD, pneumonia, bronchitis and other diseases of the respiratory tract.
Betaine hydrochloride as a Home Remedy for GERD
Properties: Betaine hydrochloride, also known as betaine or betaine HCL, is an ammonia compound found in sugar beets and has two very different uses.
1) It is used as a source of for hydrochloric acid to replace the stomach acid and it aids in the digestion of proteins.
2) A source of betaine, it provides trimethylglycine, which works with folic acid to lower the levels of homocysteine which is involved in coronary artery disease.
Treatment for GERD using Betaine hydorchloride:
A typical dosage of betaine hydrochloride is 500 to 600 milligrams, taken after a meal, usually in the form of a combination product containing pepsin. A warm feeling in the stomach after taking betaine hydrochloride is a warning signal of overdose.
Papaya as a Natural Remedy for GERD
Properties: The unique quality of papain, unlike other enzymes which digest protein only in acid or an alkaline mediums, is that it acts in all three mediums: neural, alkaline and acid. The papaya apparently has digestive qualities that also include the other food groups - fats and carbohydrates. It can be reasoned that all stomach problems stem from the lost ability of the stomach to digest food, therefore, digestive enzymes in papayas, including those in green papayas and leaves, are extremely beneficial in improving the digestive process. Another important quality is that it is helps to prevents ulcers and heal them after they have developed. It increases blood-coagulation properties and reduces acid secretion, which could account for the beneficial action it has on stomach ulcers.
Treatment for GERD using papaya:
Papaya consumed as a fruit or in the form of papaya enzyme pills are used to prevent acid reflux symptoms in some cases.
Other treatments for GERD
Over-the-counter treatments like pills or antacids that inhibit acid production or help the muscles that empty your stomach are commonly prescribed for GERD. These medications only relieve symptoms. They do not address the source of the issues and are not a cure.
Tums, Rolaids, Pepto bismol, Mylanta, Maalox, Alka, etc. are the primary antacids usually suggested to relieve GERD symptoms and heartburn. have their own drawbacks. The magnesium salt in them can lead to diarrhea, while the aluminum salts they contain can cause constipation.Gaviscon is a foaming agent which works by wrapping your stomach contents with special foam to stop GERD.
H2 blockers are a class of drugs used to block the action of histamine on parietal cells in the stomach, leading to a decrease in the production of acid by these cells. These are effective in about fifty per cent of those with GERD symptoms. Taking H2 blockers at bedtime in combination with a proton pump inhibitor has had benefits in many cases.
Diet for GERD
Some diet changes that you can make in this condition can include the following:
For ongoing relief, drink juices for stomach acid balance at least once daily. Choose either carrot juice, or juiced green vegetables.
Eat plenty of cultured foods like yogurt, kefir and miso soup, fresh, lightly steamed vegetables, fruits and enzyme-rich foods like papaya and pineapple.
Eliminate fried and spicy foods. They slow the rate at which your stomach empties, allowing food to travel back to the esophagus.
Omit red meats, fatty dairy foods, dried fruits, sodas and caffeine.