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Heat stroke is a condition where body temperatures rise above what is considered normal. Body heat is generated by the kind of metabolic activities the body goes through after which it is then lost through the skin to the surroundings to maintain a balance. Any imbalance in body heat levels leads to heat stroke which can turn out to be very dangerous. Most people find themselves faced with this condition and it is therefore important to know the various ways one can bring it under control before the results become severe.
There are various symptoms a person suffering from heat stoke will go through. Among the most common are headaches, fatigue, vomiting, nausea, dizziness and tiredness. However, there are people who will not experience these symptoms and therefore have to rely on other kinds of actions to know that they are suffering from heat stroke. Such actions include increased pulse rate, agitation, confusion, high body temperatures and breathing difficulties. Others may also suffer from seizures and sweat decrease.
There are some rare cases of the condition where patients undergo hallucinations. Although it is possible for the heat stroke to disappear, skin damages caused by the condition can be hard to treat or cure. However there are several home remedies for heat stroke known to work well in treating the condition and eventually curing it completely. These home remedies for heat stroke are natural and do not contain any elements harmful to the health of the patient, making them better compared to other modes of treatment.
To protect yourself from heat stroke, take an onion and shred it before squeezing it using a clean cloth to extract juice. The juice extracted should then be applied behind the ears and also over the chest area to treat inflammation that could be a result of excessive heat. This remedy works within a day and is among the best natural remedies for heat stroke.
The onions can also be roasted using a pan. As they roast, add cumin seeds powder and some sugar before eating the mixture. Although the taste may not be at all pleasant, this home remedy is among the best in keeping the effects of heavy heat at bay.
Eat an onion daily with your salad as diet for the prevention and treatment of heat strokes. This is a good remedy for those people who have sensitive skin making it a very useful home remedy for heat stroke.
Take a liter of water and boil tamarind in it to get a suspension. Add some sugar to improve on the taste and drink two times on a daily basis to keep your body well protected from heat stroke. The suspension can also be splashed onto the body every single day using a towel as a way of keeping the body free from excessive heat. Tamarind can also be mashed to make pulp in a reasonable amount of water after which it should be applied onto the feet and hands. This is among the best natural remedies for heat stroke. Those who have skin damage from the heat will also find the remedy very effective in healing the skin.
Take a handful of basil leaves and extract juice, then add some sugar into the juice. This can either be drunk or applied onto the skin to act as sunscreen protecting the skin from the harmful effects of heat. The remedy is very essential in both treating and preventing heat stroke and is highly recommended.
Take black peppercorns and grind before adding them in coconut milk coming up with a paste. The paste should then be applied onto the body when the weather proves to be too hot exposing you to heat strokes. This is a natural way of keeping the body well cooled.
As a way of keeping the body cooled and within the right temperatures, patients should take lots of fruits and fruit juices. Watermelons, grapefruits, cantaloupes and lemons among other fruits are very effective in keeping the body cool. The remedy is very natural and can also be treated as diet for the condition.
Keep the body well hydrated by drinking as much water as you can manage to within a day. Loss of water or lack of enough water in the body can deprive the body of its cooling effects leading to heat strokes which can be severe.
Squeeze juice from aloe vera and drink it as a simple and effective way of dealing with heat stroke. The juice is not pleasant to the tongue but it is among the best home remedies for heat stroke.
Smash amla fruits and add some water to come up with a drink. Add some sugar to improve the taste before drinking this. The fruit is rich in Vitamin C which is essential in keeping the body well energized and strong to fight infections and diseases. This is especially a good remedy for people suffering from dizziness.
Take coriander juice and add some sugar before drinking it twice daily as a way of keeping excessive heat at bay. This remedy is great in preventing the effects of heat stroke and is very simple to use, not to mention how effective it is.
The major diet for patients suffering from heat stroke should include lots of fruits and fresh vegetables. This is because the two contain high water content keeping the body well hydrated and less prone to heat strokes.
Salty foods should be avoided as salt only hinders proper sweat production. Sweat plays an essential role in keeping the body cool enough and keeping the body temperatures at normal levels, thereby keeping heat strokes at bay.
Fight dehydration by taking enough amount of water daily. A body that is well hydrated is less prone to getting heat stroke as the sweating process and other bodily functions are kept in check.
Increase your intake of foods rich in Vitamin C to help in the regulation of normal body temperatures protecting the body from heat strokes.
Increase your intake of foods rich in healthy fats as well as protein. Steady blood sugar levels are essential in keeping the body free from all kinds of infections including heat stroke which can be severe.
Avoid excessive intake of alcohol, especially during the hot spells since it increases body heat, thereby aggravating heat stroke or sunburns associated with excessive heat.
During the hot periods, it is important to avoid wearing clothes that are too tight since they hinder the skin from breathing and sweating as it should. Cotton loose fitting clothes are recommended during such periods since they absorb sweat giving the body that cooling effect it requires.
Take cold water showers during the hot months as a way of keeping the body well cooled. In all cases, it is important to avoid caffeinated beverages and foods as they dehydrate the body through frequent urination, leaving the body prone to heat strokes.
It is also important to avoid exercises which are too vigorous during the hot summer months as they only exhaust the body and dehydrate it leaving it more prone to heat strokes.
On realizing the onset of heat stroke, take all possible measures to keep it at bay to avoid more serious cases of the condition.
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