Home Remedies for Respiratory Diseases

Respiratory diseases consist of breathing disorders and diseases affecting the trachea, bronchial tube, nasal passages and the lungs. Other parts that are affected by the diseases include the muscles, nerves and pleural cavity all of which are closely connected with the process of breathing. Some of the most common diseases of the respiratory system are tuberculosis, bronchitis, asthma and sleep apnea. The diseases can be either severe or mild depending on the stage of the disease that one is suffering from.

There are several symptoms which indicate the presence of a respiratory disease. Some of these symptoms are drowsiness, coughing and wheezing at night, breath shortness, weight loss and loss of appetite. Others are chest pains, bloody cough and cyanosis. On discovering these symptoms, it is important to seek medical attention for the underlying problem before the situation becomes worse or even life-threatening, as breathing is an essential part of living.

Respiratory diseases are caused by a variety of issues, among them genetic predisposition, environmental factors, lifestyle, allergic attacks and viral infections as well as bacterial infections. These are the contributing factors, apart from the actual nature of the disease, which could worsen the situation.

Apart from getting help from medical establishments, it is possible to treat most of the respiratory diseases at home. There are several natural remedies for the conditions that have been tested and proven to be very effective in dealing with them. The home remedies for the respiratory diseases have made it possible for most people to treat the diseases without having to spend much on medication and consultation. They are safe since they are mainly made up of natural herbs and products. It is however necessary to get medical attention if the natural remedies for respiratory problems do not seem to work for a certain case.

  1. Home Remedies
  2. Other Remedies
  3. Diet

Home Remedies for Respiratory Diseases

Ginger as a Home Remedy for Respiratory Diseases

Ginger Properties: Ginger has a variety of minerals and vitamins which help in treating most of the diseases that attack the respiratory system. Some of them are thiamine, iron, calcium, carotene and Vitamin C among others, making ginger one of the most popular and effective natural remedies for respiratory conditions.

Using Ginger as Cure for Respiratory Diseases:
Extract juice from ginger by crushing or blending and mix well in water before consuming. A little honey can be added to the mixture to improve on the taste. The remedy is especially good in taking care of fever and colds as well as bronchitis and tuberculosis. The root can also be included in teas as diet for the various diseases.

Chicory as a Home Remedy for Respiratory Diseases

Chicory Properties: This herb has antibiotic, anti-inflammatory and antiviral properties, making it one of the finest home remedies for respiratory diseases. It is especially helpful when dealing with cases of hay fever and asthma as well as chronic bronchitis.

Using Chicory as Cure for Respiratory Diseases:
Extract juice from the herb by pounding or blending and then mix well with celery and carrot juice as a way of eliminating sugars and other starches that contribute to the development of respiratory diseases. The herb can also be dried and ground to powder and then well mixed with honey before taking on a daily basis.

Celery as a Home Remedy for Respiratory Diseases

Celery Properties: Celery contains minerals, vitamins and nutrients which are well balanced giving the best kind of treatment to the various diseases attacking the respiratory system. The antispasmodic property it has is effective in treating conditions such as tuberculosis, pleurisy, bronchitis and asthma.

Using Celery as Cure for Respiratory Diseases:
The fresh leaves of the vegetable should be cut into pieces and added in boiling water. The water should be left to cool and then strained and then taken as proper treatment for the various conditions. The roots of the plant have also proved to be beneficial and can be used in the same manner. As diet to prevent respiratory diseases, chicory can be added in meals or mixed with other vegetables.

Turmeric as a Home Remedy for Respiratory Diseases

Turmeric Properties: Turmeric is a natural antiseptic which works in treating coughs and throat infections among other diseases such as bronchial asthma. This rhizome has been in use for a long time as an effective way of treating the diseases as well as other diseases that affect the digestive system.

Using Turmeric as Cure for Respiratory Diseases:
Take the plant leaves and dry well before grinding into powder and using the powder as medication for the conditions. The powder should then be mixed with milk and taken on a daily basis as treatment. When the fumes of turmeric are inhaled, they help in clearing nasal congestion. It can be added in food as part of the regular diet as well.

Carom Seeds as Home Remedy for Respiratory Diseases

Carom Seeds Properties: Carom seeds have been in use for a long time as treatment for the many diseases affecting the respiratory system as they contain amazing healing properties. The remedy is especially good when trying to get rid of chest congestions among other symptoms that come as a result of existing respiratory diseases and are considered to be among the best natural remedies for respiratory disorders.

Using Carom Seeds as Cure for Respiratory Diseases:
Grind the seeds into powder and mix well with turmeric powder. This should then be added to a glass of warm water or milk and taken twice a day as treatment for the diseases. Honey can also be added to the mixture to improve the effectiveness and taste. Roasted seeds can also be added in meals as proper diet for the treatment of the diseases.

Marshmallow as Home Remedy for Respiratory Diseases

Marshmallow Properties: Marshmallow is a herb that has proved to be very beneficial when treating diseases of the respiratory system. It is among the best and most successful home remedies for managing and curing the diseases.

Using Marshmallow as Cure for Respiratory Diseases:
Add the herb to boiling water to make a decoction. The decoction should then be allowed to cool and strained before being consumed as treatment for the various conditions. A powder can also be made and used in hot water daily as another way of using the remedy.

Yarrow as Natural Remedy for Respiratory Diseases

Yarrow Properties: Yarrow contains anti-inflammatory and other healing properties, making it a very good remedy for respiratory diseases. It works naturally and within a short period of time giving the much needed relief from breathing problems and is quite popular because of how effective it is.

Using Yarrow as Cure for Respiratory Diseases:
Make a decoction using the leaves and flowers of yarrow. This is done by adding the leaves to boiling water and allowing to boil for ten minutes. The decoction should be cooled and strained before consumption as an easy way of taking care of the conditions.

Fennel Seeds as Natural Remedy for Respiratory Diseases

Fennel Seeds Properties: Fennel seeds have been in use for the longest time as treatment for various diseases attacking the human body as they contain essential minerals and nutrients found to be medicinally beneficial.

Using Fennel Seeds as Cure for Respiratory Diseases:
Add the seeds to boiling water, cool and take the water as treatment for the diseases. The seeds can also be soaked in water overnight and the water then strained in the morning and taken as an effective treatment for respiratory problems.

Coconut Oil as Natural Remedy for Respiratory Diseases

Basil Juice Properties: Coconut oil helps in improving breathing by getting rid of the congestion that comes with most respiratory diseases. It is a good remedy of dealing with cases of chest congestion as well as nasal congestion and soothes the organs affected by respiratory diseases by acting as a tonic.

Using Coconut Oil as Cure for Respiratory Diseases:
Warm coconut oil should be mixed with camphor and then applied onto the chest area as well as the forehead as a simple way of getting rid of the congestion experienced when diseases of the respiratory system strike.

Carrot Juice as a Natural Remedy for Respiratory Diseases

Carrot Juice Properties: Carrot juice contains very important minerals and nutrients which is why it is considered one of the most useful home remedies for the disease. It is useful in keeping the body well hydrated thereby aiding proper treatment and healing of the diseases.

Using Carrot Juice as Cure for Respiratory Diseases:
Extract juice from carrots by blending using a small amount of water. The juice can then be mixed with equal amounts of milk and taken at least three times a day as a way of taking care of these diseases. The remedy also gets rid of mucus and can be used with meals or after meals as diet for prevention of the diseases.

Onion as a Natural Remedy for Respiratory Diseases

Onion Properties: Onions have anti-inflammatory and healing properties which help in the management and treatment of the various diseases attacking the respiratory system. The remedy has been in use for a long time as treatment for coughs and colds as well as a way of relieving congestions which normally occur when suffering from diseases of the respiratory system.

Using Onion as Cure for Respiratory Diseases:
Extract onion juice and mix well with ginger juice and honey before taking as treatment. The juice can be taken twice a day till the desired results are got or simply added raw in food or meals as diet for the diseases.

Honey as Natural Remedy for Respiratory Diseases

Honey Properties: Honey is a natural antioxidant and has a variety of minerals which help in the proper treatment of respiratory diseases. The remedy promotes proper breathing by getting rid of congestion and is also good in boosting the immune system, thus helping in fighting off the diseases.

Using Honey as Treatment for Respiratory Diseases:
Mix honey with garlic juice and take as treatment. The remedy can also be added to meals, teas and milk and then taken daily as treatment for the respiratory diseases. It is very effective and very popular.

Other Home Remedies for Respiratory Diseases

Warm a glass of water and add lime juice and honey and then take as treatment for the disease. The remedy is especially good in dealing with coughs as it helps in getting rid of congestions promoting proper breathing.

Mix honey with ground powder of mustard to make a paste. The paste should then be eaten on a regular basis as treatment. It is a quick remedy that relieves chest congestion. Mustard oil can also be applied onto the chest areas and the forehead to offer fast relief from the congestions.

Extract juice from a bunch of basil leaves and then drink well mixed with a little honey several times a day as proper treatment of coughs and other symptoms of respiratory diseases. The leaves contain various medicinal properties making the remedy very popular even in taking care of other conditions attacking the human body.

Prepare and take lots of chicken soup to help in soothing the respiratory passages attacked by the diseases. The soup should be taken while still hot to achieve best results within a short period of time.

Add eucalyptus oil in bathing water that is hot and then take a long shower. The aroma and the steam help in clearing the air-passages and in improving breathing which eventually helps in treating most of the conditions.

Among the simplest natural remedies for treating respiratory diseases is gargling using salt water. This is an effective way of soothing the throat by getting rid of excessive mucus that leads to coughs and breathing problems.

Diet for Respiratory Diseases and other Precautions

Increase foods that are rich in proteins in meals as they are known to improve and prevent diseases of the respiratory system. Proteins can be found in foods such as sea food, chicken, sprouts and eggs among others.

Take lots of fresh fruits and green vegetables and ensure that you take enough water or fluids every single day as a way of keeping the body well hydrated and supplied with essential nutrients which help in the healing process.

Ensure that you eat foods that are hygienically prepared and are well balanced and healthy. Foods that are too fatty, salty and sugary should be avoided as they only aggravate the diseases.

Avoid smoking and places that are full of irritants such as dust and smoke as they are known to be major causes of the disease. Excessive alcohol intake and stress should also be avoided.

Ensure that you get enough rest and sleep every single day as it helps the body rejuvenate damaged cells.

Patients should engage in light exercises such as breathing and yoga and take the time to meditate as a way of keeping stress and negative thoughts at bay. Keep your environment or surroundings clean and freed from harmful germs to avoid bacterial and viral infections. It is also necessary to ensure that you get enough fresh air every day.

Avoid soaps and detergents which are too strong and always make a point of taking care of the body in relation to the current climatic conditions to keep attacks at a bay.

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