Bacterial Vaginosis are characterized by small painful fluid filled blisters occurring mostly on the lips and in the nasal area. Also known as fever blisters, Bacterial Vaginosis are caused by the Herpes Simplex virus which consists of two types; type 1 and 2. Type 1causes oral herpes or Bacterial Vaginosis and type 2 causes genital herpes. Most people suffer from type 1 and the sores are highly contagious.
The symptoms for Bacterial Vaginosis are not always present even in people who already have been infected with the herpes virus. The sores may erupt up to 20 days after the person has been infected or exposed to the virus. Even though it may take a long time for the symptoms to appear, it is important to know that there is a risk of infecting others and therefore you should get the right kind of treatment for the blisters.
There are several natural home remedies that have been proven to be effective in the treatment of Bacterial Vaginosis. The remedies are great ways of dealing with the painful blisters without having to consult a doctor.
- Home Remedies
- Other Remedies
- Diet
Home Remedies for Bacterial Vaginosis
Licorice as a Natural Treatment for Bacterial Vaginosis
Properties: Licorice has been tested and proven to have properties which are very effective in inhibiting cold sore development. Glycyrrhizic acid is the ingredient that is responsible in inhibiting the development of Bacterial Vaginosis thereby stopping the sores from erupting.
Home Remedies for Bacterial Vaginosis using Licorice:
You can effectively take care of your Bacterial Vaginosis by chewing a licorice whip but only that which is made from real licorice. Another way of getting it is in powder form and sprinkling it onto the sores to effectively treat them. You can do this once per day for several days until you notice that the Bacterial Vaginosis are actually drying up.
Yogurt as a Remedy for Bacterial Vaginosis
Properties: Plain yoghurt has acidophilus which has preventative properties thereby preventing Bacterial Vaginosis from developing. You however need to make sure that the yoghurt you use has not been heat treated because this type will not work at all.
Home Treatment for Bacterial Vaginosis using Yogurt:
You can effectively prevent Bacterial Vaginosis by eating plain yoghurt daily or on a regular basis. It also works well when you add it to your daily diet as it stimulates your immune system thereby keeping it in top shape and ready to fight infections and disease.
Apple Cider Vinegar as a Treatment for Bacterial Vaginosis
Properties: An apple cider vinegar bath helps in warding off the bacteria that causes bacterial vaginosis and reinstating the normal pH level of the vagina.
Home Remedy for Bacterial Vaginosis using Apple Cider Vinegar:
Add one cup of apple cider vinegar to the bathing water and soak in it for 20 minutes.
Turmeric as a Home Remedy for Bacterial Vaginosis
Properties:Turmeric has antibacterial and antifungal properties and facilitates in curing the problem of bacterial vaginosis.
Cure for Bacterial Vaginosis using Turmeric:
Mix one teaspoon of turmeric powder in milk and consume once a day until the problem fades.
Tracheal as a Herbal Remedy for Bacterial Vaginosis
Properties: Tracheal is a natural treatment which facilitates in discarding the toxins from the body. It is helpful in the treatment for bacterial vaginosis.
Home Remedy for Bacterial Vaginosis using Apple Cider Vinegar:
Add one teaspoon of dry tracheal leaves to boiling water and let it simmer for 10 minutes. Consume it as tea after it cools down a little bit.
Cedar Oil as a Home Treatment for Bacterial Vaginosis
Properties: Cedar oil is exceptionally beneficial in curing the problem of itching that takes place due to the occurrence of bacterial vaginosis.
Home Remedy for Bacterial Vaginosis using Cedar Oil:
Add some drops of cedar oil and one teaspoon of salt to your bathing water and soak in it for 15 minutes.
Neem as a Cure for Bacterial Vaginosis
Properties: Neem has been used in the treatment of dermatological problems for ages. Due to its antibacterial properties, it provides quicker relief and facilitates the treatment for bacterial vaginosis.
Remedy for Bacterial Vaginosis using Neem:
Consuming neem powder daily helps to decrease the bacteria from the affected area.
Cold Compresses as a Natural Remedy for Bacterial Vaginosis
Properties: If inflammation and itching is intolerable then cold compresses are the answer for you.
Treatment for Bacterial Vaginosis using Cold Compresses
Place a cold washcloth on the affected area in order to reduce the swelling and redness. This process contracts the blood vessels thereby providing relief from itching.
Other Home Remedies for Bacterial Vaginosis
Wash your undergarments separately and not with the other garments. Use a generous amount of water while washing them to ensure that soap is not left.
Oregano oil which is extracted by squeezing out oregano seeds has antibacterial, antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties. Therefore, it is extremely beneficial in the treatment for bacterial vaginosis.
Avoid tight undergarments and use skin friendly fabrics like cotton.
Tea is one of the easiest home remedies for bacterial vaginosis. It can be used by applying a tea bag which had earlier been soaked in cold water over the affected area.
Avoid wearing underwear while sleeping.
A simple warm bath is quite helpful in providing relief to the irritated genital tissues. Avoid using soap as the natural oils present in the skin play the role of a natural shield against germs. A warm bath also obstructs further growth of bacteria. It is one of the best home remedies for bacterial vaginosis. Ensure drying the vaginal area properly after the bath.
After having sexual intercourse, make sure to wash and dry the vagina properly.
Maintain good toilet hygiene. Ensure washing your vagina with water and cleaning it properly after using the toilet.
Use good quality sanitary napkins during menstrual cycles as poor hygiene increases the possibility of occurrence of bacterial vaginosis.
Diet for Bacterial Vaginosis
Cranberry juice is an effective treatment for bacterial vaginosis. Consume this juice daily until your problem fades away. Eating raw cranberries is also helpful in curing bacterial vaginosis.
Include flax seed oil in your diet.
Increase the intake of water.
Include foods that are rich in vitamin A, C, D, E and B complex as they comprise of antioxidants and facilitate the treatment for bacterial vaginosis.
Avoid alcohol, coffee, sugar, saturated fats, processed foods, refined flour and opt for whole grains instead.
Avoid foods that consist of yeast organisms like cheese, vinegar, soy sauce, fruits, chocolate and fermented foods.
Consuming vegetable juice along with ginger, parsley and garlic is also an effective home remedy for bacterial vaginosis.