Bursitis is the inflammation of the bursa. The bursa is a small sac that is filled with fluid which helps to minimize the friction between body tissues. The human body has a total of 160 bursae with the major ones located in areas with large joints like the shoulders, hips, elbows and knees. Bursitis can be caused by injury, infection or a rheumatic condition. Lifting heavy objects can cause a bursitis of the shoulders. Gout crystals can cause bursitis of the elbows. Bursitis usually involves pain and swelling in a specific area. The area affected by bursitis is also tender and there is pain whenever the inflamed area is moved. Bursitis affects the parts of the body that are used frequently, thus causing the bursa to become irritated.
- Home Remedies
- Other Remedies
- Diet
Home Remedies For Bursitis
Mullein Tea As A Natural Remedy For Bursitis
Properties: Mullein tea is made from the mullein plant which is a single stalk plant that can grow as tall as 61/2 feet. It has yellow flowers that taste sweet and have a honey-like smell. Mullein tea is made from the dehydrated leaves and flowers of the mullein plant. It can be made by simply pouring some boiling hot water over the dried mullein leaves and flowers and letting it stand for 5 minutes. Mullein tea contains flavonoids, mucilage, iridoids, sugars and sterols.
Cure For Bursitis Using Mullein Tea
Make about a cup of hot mullein tea and soak a piece of cloth in it. Wring the excess liquid from the cloth and place it over the affected areas. Keep applying the warm mullein tea compress until the pain from the bursitis disappears. Repeat the warm compress as often as needed throughout the day.
LLobelia Oil As A Natural Remedy For Bursitis
Properties: Lobelia oil is made from the herb Lobelia which is also known as Indian tobacco. The lobelia plant grows as tall as 1 to 2 feet and is usually found in Northeast Asia and in North America. It has light yellow-green leaves with pale blue-violet flowers. Lobelia oil is made by drying the leaves, seeds and flowers of the Lobelia plant. It is rich in lobelacrin, lobelianin, resin, chelidonic acid, fats, gum and different types of alkaloids. The primary active ingredient of the lobelia oil is the alkaloid called Lobeline. Lobelia oil is known to be an effective relaxant and pain reliever which makes it one of the best home remedies for treating different parts of the body that are inflamed or irritated.
Treatment For Bursitis Using Lobelia Oil:
Apply a good amount of lobelia oil directly on the areas affected by bursitis. Regular application of lobelia oil will get rid of the inflammation and heal the bursitis completely.
Sesame Oil As Home Remedy For Bursitis
Properties:Sesame oil is a famous ingredient in Asian cuisine and also one of the home remedies for bursitis. The oil extracted from sesame seeds has a nutty and sweet fragrance and has a light yellow color. Sesame oil has high contents of vitamin B complex and Vitamin E which is also a powerful antioxidant. It also contains essential minerals such as magnesium, phosphorous and calcium. It is known for its tranquilizing and soothing properties. It is also a very effective sun-block from the harmful rays of the sun.
Treatment For Bursitis Using Sesame Oil:
Warm a small amount of sesame oil on the stove over low heat. Gently massage the warm sesame oil with bare hands all over the affected areas. Cover the areas applied with sesame oil with a piece of cloth or towel to maintain the warmth from the oil. The application of warm sesame oil will relieve the pain and lessen the swelling caused by bursitis.
Ginger As A Natural Remedy For Bursitis
Properties: Ginger has been known as one of the commonly used natural remedies for all kinds of diseases including bursitis. Ginger is an herb that is native to India and China. The ginger plant has green leaves that are delicate which can be used in cooking or as salad ingredients. However, it is the root that contains the many medicinal and therapeutic benefits of the ginger plant. The ginger root is also called rhizomes. Ginger contains phenol compounds called gingerols, shogaols and sesquiterpenoids. It also contains volatile ginger oils which give ginger its spicy taste and fragrance. Ginger is a strong antioxidant and has anti-inflammatory properties.
Cure For Bursitis Using Ginger
Make a poultice by peeling and grating the ginger root. Apply the ginger poultice over the parts of the body affected by bursitis. Ginger can also be consumed as tea or as a food supplement in capsule form.
Alfalfa As A Treatment For Bursitis
Properties: Alfalfa is a member of the pea plant family. It is a very nutritious food as well as one of the most effective home remedies for Bursitis. Alfalfa was considered by the Arabs as the “father of all plants”. It is rich in chlorophyll and has a high alkaline content. Alfalfa purifies the blood and helps digest proteins, fats and carbohydrates. It contains vitamins such as vitamin A, B complex, K, E, C, U, Inositol and Biotin. Alfalfa is also rich in minerals like calcium, iron, phosphorous, magnesium, sodium and potassium. The leaves of alfalfa are rich in phytoestrogen, saponins and have very powerful antioxidant properties.
Home Remedy For Bursitis Using Alfalfa:
The leaves and other parts of the alfalfa can be added to the daily diet in salads, soups and other dishes. Alfalfa can also be made into a tea and consumed regularly as a treatment for bursitis. Alfalfa capsules may also be taken daily to cure bursitis.
Castor Oil As A Natural Remedy For Bursitis
Properties: Castor oil was first used in Egypt as therapeutic oil. It was called Palma Christe which means “the palm of Christ” because of its effectiveness in healing all kinds of health conditions. Castor oil consists of triglycerides composed of fatty acids. Ricinoleic acid is the main fatty acid in castor oil which also gives the oil its medicinal properties. This fatty acid is derived from the toxic bean of the castor bean plant. Castor oil is made from the leaves of the castor plant. The poison is extracted and all that is left is clear, unscented oil with high viscosity.
Home Remedy For Bursitis Using Castor Oil:
Apply castor oil onto the areas affected by bursitis. The castor oil can also be heated before application for a more soothing effect.
Turmeric As A Natural Remedy For Bursitis
Properties: Turmeric is a plant that belongs to the ginger family. Its scientific name is Curcuma Longa. The turmeric plant is native to Asia. The roots of the plant are used to make turmeric powder. Turmeric is used as a cooking ingredient as well as for medicinal purposes. It is one of the main ingredients in making curry powder. It has a rich golden color which also makes it a natural food coloring. It is a powerful anti-inflammatory agent and a known cure for liver and digestive problems. Curcumin is the active component in turmeric.
Emu Oil As A Cure For Bursitis:
Properties: Emu oil is derived from the emu which is a bird that existed in Australia from the prehistoric times and still exists until this day. The emu has a thick layer of fat on its back and this is where the emu oil is derived from. Emu oil is used for making cosmetics and is also considered as one of the natural remedies for bursitis. It is an effective pain reliever and has been known to speed up the healing of wounds. Emu oil also has anti-inflammatory properties and is so effective that its results have even been compared to that of the drug Ibuprofen. Apart from that, emu oil also has antibacterial properties which prevent the growth of bacteria in wounds. It is also hypoallergenic and does not clog the skin’s pores. Emu oil is rich in vitamin E and vitamin A, both powerful antioxidants. It also contains linoleic acid which helps to relieve muscle and joint pain. Other components of emu oil are oleic acid, terpines and sapogens.
Natural Remedy For Bursitis With The Use Of Emu Oil:
Gently massage the part of the body suffering from bursitis with emu oil to relieve pain and reduce inflammation.
Lavender Oil As A Home Remedy For Bursitis
Properties: Lavender oil is derived from the flowers of the lavender plant through the process of steam distillation. It is commonly used for making fragrances, soaps, lotions and potpourris. Apart from its aroma, lavender oil is also one of the home remedies for bursitis. Lavender oil is an effective antiseptic and pain reliever. It soothes the nerves as well as the muscles and joints.
Treatment For Bursitis With The Use Of Lavender Oil
Fill a tub with warm water and add a few drops of lavender oil. Soak for a few minutes in the warm bath to relieve the pain from bursitis.
Other Home Remedies for Bursitis
Mix two teaspoons of honey, 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar and 1 cup of water. Drink the mixture once a day until the bursitis is cured.
Prepare a tea made out of chamomile, hops and skullcap. Soak a piece of cloth in the warm tea and place over the inflamed area.
Heat a small amount of olive oil over low heat. Use the warm oil to gently massage over the painful parts of the body.
Mix 1 teaspoon of powdered sandalwood with 1 teaspoon of water to create a paste. Apply the sandalwood paste to the painful joints to relieve the pain and promote healing of the bursitis.
Finely grate a few pieces of potatoes and then soak in one cup of water overnight. In the morning, drain the liquid and consume the grated potatoes on an empty stomach.
Combine cayenne pepper, apple cider vinegar and water. Boil the mixture for a few minutes. Use a small piece of cloth to apply the boiled liquid mixture to the painful parts of the body.
Apply vitamin E oil extract to the areas suffering from bursitis. Vitamin E will help relieve pain and provide the necessary lubrication for the painful joints.
Perform some stretches to exercise the joints and relieve the stiffness from the painful joints.
Daily yoga exercises will stretch the entire body, particularly the joints, thus relieving the pain from the joints caused by bursitis.
Place several ice cubes in a bag to create an ice pack. Place the ice pack on the areas that are painful. Apply the cold compress for about 20 minutes in each area. Repeat this as often as 2 to 3 times a day or whenever the pain from the bursitis becomes unbearable.
Make a poultice out of grated horseradish root and a small amount of water. Apply the horseradish poultice directly over the inflamed joints. The poultice can also be wrapped in a piece of cheese cloth and placed over the joints as a treatment for bursitis.
Apply a generous amount of flaxseed oil to the joints suffering from bursitis. Gently massage with the fingertips. Flaxseed oil may also be added to a bowl of salad greens for a very effective cure for bursitis.
Apply a warm compress over the joints to reduce swelling and relieve the pain caused by bursitis.
Diet and Precautions for Bursitis
Avoid eating foods that are acidic because they increase a person’s risk of acquiring bursitis. Refrain from eating tomatoes and red meat.
Eat a diet filled with foods rich in magnesium like green leafy vegetables, carrots, oatmeal, celery and avocadoes.
Drink a cup of burdock tea before eating lunch to reduce the inflammation of the joints.
Include carrots in the diet. Eat raw carrots or drink several glasses of carrot juice each day to promote the healing of bursitis.
Eat raw celery as part of the evening meal. Celery may also be eaten after dinner or as a quick snack during the day. Celery is one of the effective home remedies for bursitis and it also freshens the breath.