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Tinnitus refers to the buzzing and ringing sounds inside the ears. This condition could affect one or both ears and can either be continuous or short lived only to come back later. The condition may however take the form of varying sounds to the ears and differ from one individual to another. Tinnitus comes in two types, subjective tinnitus whereby only the affected person hears the sounds inside the ears and the objective tinnitus where even the people near the person suffering can hear the sounds inside the ears. This is a condition that can be quite disturbing and may even lead to sleepless nights besides making it hard to concentrate on anything.
The main causes of tinnitus include the intake of certain foods, drugs, head injuries, Lyme disease and tumors. Others include active thyroid glands, hypertension of intracranial, pregnancy, anemia and infections of the ear. The disease has also proved to be as a result of age since the hearing nerves tend to get impaired. Stress, poor diet, caffeine, loud noise and high fat intakes are also believed to trigger the condition.
Although the symptoms of tinnitus may differ from person to person, the most common symptoms of the condition are rushing water sounds in the ear, squeals that are high pitched, buzzing, sounds of hissing steam, and breaking glass. It is also very common for patients to hear the sounds of chirping crickets inside the ears while others will even hear heartbeats and pulses.
Tinnitus is a condition that can be very disturbing that a person could end up feeling as though he was losing his mind. The inability to hear anything else but the sounds, especially in conditions that won’t stop, calls for treatment. There are home remedies for the condition that are known to work well in eliminating the sounds offering relief to people suffering from this disease. The natural remedies for tinnitus are not that hard to find and neither are they hard to use.
Properties: Holy basil leaves contain essential minerals which help in getting rid of the sounds by enhancing proper functioning of the hearing nerves. This remedy is one of the most popular natural remedies for treating diseases in the medical world as it is used as home remedy for a variety of other conditions that affect the human body.
Properties: Onions have a variety of properties which help in resolving the hearing problem. The natural antioxidant agents found in this remedy takes care of any infections that the ear or ears could be suffering from besides promoting the circulation of blood to the nerves.
Properties: Goldenseal has minerals and compounds which work on tinnitus by purifying blood thereby countering any ear infections that could be causing the problem. The remedy is very therapeutic and gives the desired results within a short period of time making it very popular.
Properties: Myrrh gum has minerals which help in the purification of blood hence countering the different ear infections that lead to tinnitus. The gum is widely used as treatment for this condition as it has proved to be among the most useful natural remedies for it.
Properties: Bayberry bark works by eliminating infections present inside the ears through the purification of blood hence getting rid of the problem with ease. The remedy is also used as treatment for a variety of other conditions that the human body is exposed to. It is among the finest home remedies for the condition.
Properties: Burdock root contains healing properties and is also a natural blood purifier. Purifying the blood helps in countering infections that could lead to the condition. This is among the most popular remedies for a variety of diseases as it has proved to be very beneficial and effective.
Properties: Garlic has a variety of healing properties as it has essential minerals and nutrients which work on most of the conditions especially infections that the body faces. It is especially a good remedy for tinnitus caused by cold or high altitudes although it is also used widely for the treatment of infections that could affect the ear nerves keeping this condition at bay.
Properties: This herb is one of the most beneficial home remedies for tinnitus among other diseases and infections attacking the body. It helps in reducing loss of hearing, dizziness thereby promoting proper blood flow to the ears.
Properties: Maidenhair tree has minerals and nutrients found to be very effective when dealing with the irritating buzzing sounds in the ears. It works by reducing dizziness and loss of hearing as a result of the disease. It also helps in regulating blood flow to the hearing nerve thereby restoring the hearing of the patient suffering from the condition.
Properties: the essential minerals and nutrients found in pineapples are what make the fruits among the simplest but most effective natural remedies for the ear condition. The mineral help in increasing blood circulation to the ears and also reduces any irritations that the patient could be going through.
Properties: Sunflower seeds have proved to be effective in dealing with the ear condition. They are highly concentrated with fiber which is helpful when it comes to tinnitus as it improves the function of the hearing nerve and also purifies the blood dealing with any infections that could be present.
Properties: Almonds have nutrients and oils which generally promote the good health of the ear. The remedy gets rid of any irritations and soothes the infections of the ear away thereby getting rid of the problem within a short period of time. This is among the most useful home remedies for the condition and is also used widely as treatment for a variety of other conditions.
Prepare juice from raspberries and then drink several times in a day and on a regular basis as proper treatment.
Grind black beans into powder then add in water. This can be taken in form of a decoction or put inside the ears to help resolve the hearing condition.
Add raw broccoli in meals or salads as diet and treatment of the condition. The vegetable is rich in fiber which helps in promoting good ear health and is therefore recommended for those suffering from the condition. It is among the simplest natural remedies for keeping the ear condition at bay.
Add ghee in a glass of milk and blend well before taking as medication for the hearing condition. This should be done on a regular basis if not daily as it helps in curing the condition. Although it might take a longer period to achieve the desired results, the remedy has proved to be very effective.
Add some salt in water and then add in ears. This should then be drained after a few minutes and repeated at least twice daily to relieve the symptoms easily.
Add glycerin in warm water and add a small amount of salt. This should then be added into the ears and nostrils as a way of treating the condition. It is among the simplest ways of taking care of the condition that can prove to be very irritating.
Take fresh fruits and vegetables to keep infections and ear inflammations at bay
Increase intakes of foods rich in protein, Vitamin A, B, C, zinc and chloride to help in the prevention of the disease.
Avoid taking medications such as aspirins since they are known to only make the condition worse. Patients should instead have the blood pressure checked as it could be the main cause of the condition.
Foods that are too sugary, too salty or too oily should be avoided since they lead to the condition and can make an already existing problem worse.
Avoid smoking and excessive intakes of alcohol as this reduce blood flow leading to the condition among other diseases. Loud noises should also be avoided to help keep the occurrence of the disease at bay.
Add eggs and meat in your diet as they help in protecting the ear nerves from infections and aspects that easily lead to tinnitus.
Weight should be managed since it is believed that obesity is a major cause of tinnitus.
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